i vote that we use the weapons available at the time of 2a conception.

Something to ponder...

Would you also vote that privacy in your "papers" should only exist if your personal info. is written on aged hemp paper and any modern means of communication ISN'T protected?

That "free speech" only includes speech which sounds like 1783 speak and if you use words or concepts that came into being 200 years later, those utterances AREN'T protected?
Something to ponder...

Would you also vote that privacy in your "papers" should only exist if your personal info. is written on aged hemp paper and any modern means of communication ISN'T protected?

That "free speech" only includes speech which sounds like 1783 speak and if you use words or concepts that came into being 200 years later, those utterances AREN'T protected?

Nah just full semi auto ghost guns with 30 caliber 30 round clips that can be dispersed in half a second
Ghost Gun prototype. This is only 29 calipers but is fully semi automatically

I'm sorry, I don't understand your point.

Are you supporting forcible confiscation of SOME guns ?

I assumed you had seen the video. Some senator a while back was trying to make a sporting rifle look like a weapon of war/mass destruction. It was comical in the least.

As to your question, my answer is no.

We have enough gun laws. We need better enforcement of those laws. And something need be done about mental health and firearms so long as a persons rights are not violated in process of.
I assumed you had seen the video. Some senator a while back was trying to make a sporting rifle look like a weapon of war/mass destruction. It was comical in the least.

As to your question, my answer is no.

We have enough gun laws. We need better enforcement of those laws. And something need be done about mental health and firearms so long as a persons rights are not violated in process of.

Thanks for clarifying your position.
OK, so I can't help myself, even if I know better.

I am in favor of gun control to a point. Stupid extensive background checks... ridiculous wait times, ok perfect. How about a extensive mental health screening perfect! And That's It!!!
Ever had a gun stuck in your face?? I have and it sucks! Armed up the same day!! and have carried ever since. Ever been shot at? I have, but that's a different topic as it was war.

So we outlaw high capacity magazines... ok whatever, So we out law anything that looks military... ok whatever. But now wait mass stabbings are happening because nobody can get a gun well obviously we have to outlaw whatever kind of knife was used. Your kidding somebody was shot with a bow and arrow and it was a crossbow.... well those have to go.

Ridiculous analogies? I don't think so, once you start down that slippery slope it slowly becomes an avalanche. Our problem in this country is not guns... it is people with mental health issues that are slipping through the cracks because nobody gives a fuck about anybody else anymore. Think about it if we outlaw guns only criminals and the government will have them. Now that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside!

I can hardly wait for Uncle Bucks reponse.
Think about it if we outlaw guns only criminals and the government will have them. Now that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside!

I appreciate your mentioning some of the things in your post. Thank you.

If guns or some guns are outlawed, it certainly would be a move to consolidating guns in the hands of criminals and government, but I am repeating myself there.

Also, if some guns are outlawed, some good people, who are NOT criminals, will keep them anyway, they will not be criminals though, they will simply be "outlaws" , or good people with the sense to disobey criminal laws.

Sorry to be the word Police, but precise language is something that I'd like to see proliferate.
Also, if some guns are outlawed, some good people, who are NOT criminals, will keep them anyway, they will not be criminals though, they will simply be "outlaws" , or good people with the sense to disobey criminal laws.

Id imagine there are many firearms out there that people have all ready claimed to have been stolen/lost at sea etc only so they can keep it hidden themselves if a situation arises that the government attempted a forced confiscation.
A forced confiscation by the government would lead to civil unrest/war. Our government wants no part of that. So for our life time it may not happen but sooner or later.... the millenials will be in charge and who knows, could get better or worse, history will show.
Id imagine there are many firearms out there that people have all ready claimed to have been stolen/lost at sea etc only so they can keep it hidden themselves if a situation arises that the government attempted a forced confiscation.

I'm not a rabid "gun guy" in particular, but I have a few guns that any country boy from the 1960s who's Dad taught him how to hunt might have.

Some friends are really into guns, and a few are machinists who like most machinists know how to make guns, other friends are really good at making marijuana. Neither of them obeyed or intend to obey prohibition laws, which ironically are enforced by Police guns.

Prohibition of guns will be as ineffective as marijuana prohibition was / is. They never learn.
meanwhile sheriff isreal is still in charge, the guy that failed to impliment existing law to stop that shooting.
nikolas cruz didn;t break any laws before he went and shot up his high school.

he wasn;t even breaking any laws when he etched swastikas onto the high capacity magazines of his high-powered assault rifle, or attending training at a white supremacist paramilitary militia group.