Nothing like guns and racism to bring out the IGNORED MEMBER. Considering how small it is, no wonder it's ignored.
Nothing like guns and racism to bring out the IGNORED MEMBER. Considering how small it is, no wonder it's ignored.

You ignore me, because you can't make a good argument and most of your arguments you ever did try to make usually involved you talking out of both sides of your mouth at once.

So would you use guns to force people who aren't harming others to comply with your gun control wishes in order to reduce people forcibly using guns ?

ou argued against having any laws at all

I've argued against having a central coercion based authority, Poopy O' Klanman.

That's not the same as "having no laws at all" . I'm not opposed to groups of people making voluntary agreements or "laws" on how they will interact amongst themselves. That's their business, not mine.
Is it your claim that gun control laws don't work?

Countries with gun control laws have nowhere near the rate of gun homicides and mass shootings seen in the US. They don't have undiagnosed unstable people opening fire every month somewhere in their country. Are you saying that the US has many times more undiagnosed unstable people than those countries? Can you point us to any evidence that this is true?

I never said any of that garbage. This is you once again trying to start a fight with something that isn't there.

I did say that you will never get the semi autos in this country, ever. Try an angle that is plausible like how to screen mental health risks without violating anyone's rights or suggesting ridiculous things that will never happen.
I never said any of that garbage. This is you once again trying to start a fight with something that isn't there.

I did say that you will never get the semi autos in this country, ever. Try an angle that is plausible like how to screen mental health risks without violating anyone's rights or suggesting ridiculous things that will never happen, like banning semi autos.
Why do you obsess over people taking away your guns? The discussion is to stop sales or restrict sales of certain guns among other rational measures with the objective of bringing our gun-caused carnage to that of other similar nations.

Not "banning semi-autos", the conversation is about restricting or banning sales of.
Why do you obsess over people taking away your guns? The discussion is to stop sales or restrict sales of certain guns among other rational measures with the objective of bringing our gun-caused carnage to that of other similar nations.

Not "banning semi-autos", the conversation is about restricting or banning sales of.

Lets start here. What firearms do you wish to "stop" altogether? Which do you wish to restrict? And of this particular type of firearm(s), what happens to those that are already legally owned?
Why do you obsess over people taking away your guns? The discussion is to stop sales or restrict sales of certain guns among other rational measures with the objective of bringing our gun-caused carnage to that of other similar nations.

Not "banning semi-autos", the conversation is about restricting or banning sales of.

"You see we aren't trying to ban ALL food, just the food that might make you fat or that we don't personally like...for your own good"
Lets start here. What firearms do you wish to "stop" altogether? Which do you wish to restrict? And of this particular type of firearm(s), what happens to those that are already legally owned?
Ban or restrict sales of the kinds that kill a lot of people really quickly or can be easily modified to do so. Note that restrict includes extra burden on the part of the seller and buyer but if a person is willing to jump through the hoops, then OK. Like, a person can buy an automatic but it's expensive and has regulatory burdens imposed upon the transaction.

I keep telling you that you won't like the laws that non-gun owners impose. We don't really care. The problem is that too many gun owners won't take ownership for the problem of carnage created by their toy-worship.

There is no reason why a peaceful person can't keep his guns.
stefan molyneux is an alt-right neo-nazi

He's a smart guy, with a very large ego, and can rub people the wrong way that's for sure.
However our opinions of him do not make him wrong when he says things which are right.

How about looking at the quote and giving it your very bestest super smart rebuttal ? Scared?
I am a Canadian so exuse the question but do you not see the correlation between a massive proliferation of guns and ammo and people getting shot ?

Up here you can have hunting arms (Shotguns rifles etc) and very restrictive handguns.

To protect your home there is no better than a small shotgun but for real a bat is the weapon of choice. Break and enters are such a small percentage i do not believe you can relate it to anything.

But when everyone already has a gun the story is probably different.

WTF do i know I just really do not understand. And I have a very good friend/collegaue that I Was talking to. 4 foot 10 100 pound lady and we were talking and she has a glock 40. Blew my miind in a way and I want to shoot it too. :)

I think Canadians will never get what you see in it. But have at it with your genius president. Shit is getting real soon D: