Ban or restrict sales of the kinds that kill a lot of people really quickly or can be easily modified to do so.

What is really quickly?

Like, a person can buy an automatic but it's expensive and has regulatory burdens imposed upon the transaction.

They have those now. Also, these big bad scary sporting rifles they keep calling assault rifles dont have full auto capabilities.

I waited 18 months for my silencer. That's ridiculous .
I am a Canadian so exuse the question but do you not see the correlation between a massive proliferation of guns and ammo and people getting shot ?

That's an excellent point, except you can't uninvent guns.

So any laws which create gun restrictions on people won't deter criminals bent on assault and murder, since those things are ALREADY illegal, yet criminals assault and murder people anyway.

Also, if you are a peaceful person, and a government wants to disarm you, their act of disarming whether it be by legislation (a threat of offensive force) or actual use of offensive force if you disobey their silly law, means they will then be using guns
to harm a peaceful person, which IS AN ASSAULT AND POSSIBLY A MURDER, legalizing assault and murder if government does it is Orwellian

.Since it is the act itself and not the person doing the act which makes a thing bad, gun laws have the potential to INCREASE assault and murder...against peaceful people.
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Suppressor is the correct term for silencers. Guns are toys for adults. They are going to tinker with them and add accessories because they are FUN !!! Hollywood glorifies guns. What they need to do is make an example of that big ears having bastard and fry him in the electric chair. That fucking kid is a weirdo son of satan looking bastard :twisted: and he needs to fry expediently.
to be clear, you are arguing against any and all laws here

To be clear...

Murder and assault are wrong whether they are illegal or not so I don't need a manual from your beloved government which is the biggest murdering assaulting gang that ever existed to tell me it's wrong for me to do, while they create legal cover for themselves to do it.

So would you disarm black people just like the KKK did ? Do you prance around your living room with your Klan garb on stroking your tiny dull ax?
And i love guns. When i started hunting 30 years ago i had a custom made 35 whelan on a remington 700 frame. Wildcat handload only and I loved every bit of it.

Robroy said it well enough i can explain it. Because I understood it but could not put it so simply

That's an excellent point, except you can't uninvent guns.

Any gun control now will make the south side of Chicago et al infitum the only people with guns. It is pretty screwed up. Glad I live up here eh. And next time I am in texas (next month) i am going out with a friend to shoot it up.

Peace out my friends. We have dumber politicians up here. Or perhaps equal with different laws :D
To be clear...

Murder and assault are wrong whether they are illegal or not so I don't need a manual from your beloved government which is the biggest murdering assaulting gang that ever existed to tell me it's wrong for me to do, while they create legal cover for themselves to do it.

So would you disarm black people just like the KKK did ? Do you prance around your living room with your Klan garb on stroking your tiny dull ax?
it's your beloved government too, slave
it's your beloved government too, slave

I do know you can't have gone to a mental institution with in 7 years of trying to get a foid card, which is how you acquire a weapon. How he got one legally.. Wow
not that it would make the front page or anything sooooo..

Florida House Passes Gun Control Package; Measure Awaits Governor's Signature


like you did anything pam 'cunt' bondi..reminds me of rand paul who had to be in everything pic when the dem side congress did something positive because of his shitty attempt at running for president..


Florida lawmakers have approved a package of gun control measures designed to prevent another mass shooting like the one at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., last month.

What We Know About The Florida School Shooting Suspect

The state House voted 67-50 to approve changes such as raising the legal age for buying rifles and imposing a three-day waiting period for all gun sales. The measure also allows for the arming of some school personnel.

The vote reflected a mix of support and opposition from both Republicans and Democrats, and GOP Gov. Rick Scott has not indicated whether he will sign it, the Associated Press reports.

this is what happens when you get out from behind what you're doing and take a stand with positive disrupt.

Rick Scott..check..your move:



agree, pam bondi is a cunt !!!! her death and fucking losers like her will please me.