

Too many brownies
Lets get this thread goin again...Ive got a bench with a few hundred pounds worht of wieght (not benching it all hahaha) and a bunch of free wieghts, and a nice curling bar, My bench also has a thing for doing leg flexion and extension. I also do plenty of push ups and crunches.

I take no-xplode, creatine, daily vitamins, hgh, and a few other supps.

im 5'10" and 170lbs

No-xplode has been workign awesome! I feel pumped all day long after a good workout. I love it!


Well-Known Member
HGH you say? Isn't that... cheating? :D Sounds like you have a good system going. I have to admit, I have fallen off my fitness schedule. It's been a hell of a summer and I've lost a bit of muscle and gained a bit of fat. I need to get this back going. Thanks for the jump start NSW!!


Too many brownies
HGH you say? Isn't that... cheating? :D Sounds like you have a good system going. I have to admit, I have fallen off my fitness schedule. It's been a hell of a summer and I've lost a bit of muscle and gained a bit of fat. I need to get this back going. Thanks for the jump start NSW!!
Hoenstly I think I needed the hgh a little bit. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've been going to the gym A LOT lately, much more then I smoke too. I love working out, I used to make myself go to the gym but now I look forward to it. I lift for an hour, spend an hour on the bike reading a book and lift for another hour. then I come home and run.

I use black powder, which has been great so far I'm ready to work out for hours after I drink that. and I need to pick up whey protein because I've been out for a while and I don't eat beef or pork..just fish and chicken, so my protein intake is pretty low.

I love watching my body progress, I don't want to be bulky though. I want an athletic, muscular and toned body. so far I think I'm on the right track. I do full body work outs, you know, so I don't get bulky. I just started a new work out plan where I go every other day. I used to do two days in a row, off a day, on a day, off a day, then two days. that sucked. especially when you literally can't stop working out once your in the gym..shit I just took black powder and went to the gym and got home maybe an hour ago and I'm still wired, I could go for a run right now...

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
i dont go to the gym but i work out i have to if i didnt work out i would blow away im only 5ft 5 175 pounds i stopped working out a few yrs ago and was 145pounds

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I haven't worked out really in a couple years. I got shot and couldn't for a while and just let myself go after I healed up. i used to hike with an 88 pound bag of oats on my shoulder. Did a lot of power lifting/whole body type lifts. Deadlifts, cleans, overhead presses, kettle bell work.i also did pushups, hindu pushups, walked on my hands etc. etc. and walked 5 or 6 miles daily. Ate only whole foods, nothing processed. Oats, fish, veggies/salads etc. I was in excellent shape and at 220 pounds could do a one arm pullup and outrun all my nephews who were active high school sports so bad it was funny.

I really need to get back in shape. I miss being the "strongman" everywhere I went. it was a hoot. Maybe this thread is the kick in the butt i need to get started again.


Well-Known Member
I work out 4 days a week and eat chicken instead of protein shakes. Cottage cheese and pineapple is really good too. Did you know pineapple has an enzyme that helps break down protein? That means your body will be able to absorb all the protein from the cottage cheese much easier helping you build strong muscles :)


I keep in shape all year round. I do alot of weights, cross training, and mma workouts. keeps me feeling good and girls seem to like it:)


I run 3-5 times a week + a bit of strength training, situps n shit..

I do it for the way you feel. There's such a dramatic difference from being in shape and being out of shape! You sleep 10 times better and feel great during the day, I've also noticed that when you get winded, which takes a lot longer, you recover much faster! Like 5 times as fast as you would normally. I like to see the changes my body goes through too, I find that really interesting, kind of like a personal little science experiment, you get to see exactly how the things you eat and the workouts you do affect the way your physic looks and the way you feel.

It also does a fantastic job at boosting confidence and obviously improves your physical appearance.

People say you can't be a pothead and be in good shape, specifically I've heard a lot of cops say stuff like that... Just goes to show you can't group all people together based on one aspect of their life... I can run a mile, I'd be winded at the end, but I can do it if I need to. That's one other hidden benefit about being in decent shape, the knowledge and peace of mind that you get from knowing if something happens, you have a better chance at surviving it because you can run longer, breath slower, lift more weight, etc.. Or incase you ever need to defend yourself, same shit...


Well-Known Member
ohh ive actually stopd training for about a half a year now... lost about 7kg...

Few weeks ago i applyd for a new membership, so yeah... will b doing some more :)