First Timer Lighting Question

Started a couple bag beans for the fuck of it and am wondering if 2 40 watt flourecent bulbs would work?

I know the lumens dont at all come to close to what you need (Around 2,000 a bulb) But i thought it was worth a shot. Small indoor closet grow.

Would appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
sure, those lights will work for growing a small plant or 2 in a fuck it why not grow. as youve indicated you realize that is not enough for growing plants with yeilds of more than a bowl or 2 a plant. Look at it this way though, 1 anything that you spend on growing is an initial investment that will continue to provide for you. for under 50-$75 you could make yourself a decent cfl or flouro tube setup that you should easily be able to yeild you nice quality bud worth far more than you invested. even if you fail bad you should still break even value wise and will have all the equipment still to grow long into the future so its not like its a one time thing either. you will keep getting returns on the investment for a while. 2.You are taking a risk growing. why not make it more worth the risk?
sure, those lights will work for growing a small plant or 2 in a fuck it why not grow. as youve indicated you realize that is not enough for growing plants with yeilds of more than a bowl or 2 a plant. Look at it this way though, 1 anything that you spend on growing is an initial investment that will continue to provide for you. for under 50-$75 you could make yourself a decent cfl or flouro tube setup that you should easily be able to yeild you nice quality bud worth far more than you invested. even if you fail bad you should still break even value wise and will have all the equipment still to grow long into the future so its not like its a one time thing either. you will keep getting returns on the investment for a while. 2.You are taking a risk growing. why not make it more worth the risk?
Preciate' that alot man. Care to elaborate on the homemade cfl? :D


Well-Known Member
ok. Get 2 of something similar to these. 7 outlet version if possible. est cost= $8-$12.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=518&wrapid=tljp1326816986442050&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=18338766357132175733&sa=X&ei=C58VT_HkKIWq2gX8_6CYCg&sqi=2&ved=0CMcBEPICMAQ#

get 8 of these. we'll say around $12 total for them and overall total of $20-$24.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=518&wrapid=tlif132681773414610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=12838075963688851321&sa=X&ei=yqEVT-nxMomKgweP9KCDBA&ved=0CJ0BEPMCMAU#

get 8 of these. we'll again say around $12. so total of $32-$36 overall.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1280&bih=518&wrapid=tlif132681773414610&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16557806718848743966&sa=X&ei=yqEVT-nxMomKgweP9KCDBA&ved=0CKMBEPMCMAY#

then purchase 1 8 pack of 26w 2700k cfls and 1 8 pack of 6500k 26w cfls. about $10 each. so that is $20 total. putting the total up to $52-$56.
simply screw the y splitters into the outlet to socket converters and then plug the converers in one every other outlet on the power strip. Now take the cfls and screw them in to the y splitters so no 2 bulbs of the same color are next to each other. mount those 2 fixtures on the top of the grow area or attach them to like a piece of wood or something so you can lower and raise the lights at will.