Thanks man I genuinely appreciate that. I've tried to keep my self from getting over confident with this because the last time I started to feel all high and mighty and thinking to myself " shit I got this....its so much easier than I thought".....than i flipped the lights to 12/12 . 2 weeks later russet mites tool half the girls in my tent ( which im still pretty upset about and beat myself up over it daily) . One was a Gorilla Glue #4 cut. The other, a Grape Ape cut ;(. I was able to clone the gorilla glue and keep one aroumd to make clones for future grows. But missed out on getting a Grape ape clone to root unfortunately . Luckily theres effing unlimited number of strains to try. Some are being invented almost on a daily basis I bet. Somewhere I'm the world at least. I've learned to have much more respect for the more experienced growers than I had before I started this . They truly do become your baby's. Lol. They'll always complain and tell you if somethings wrong lol