First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Couple more, with and without the sun filter, finally seeing the calyces start to swell :) Included a shot of some of her lower branches this time
Frosty, Frosty Looks good my friend. :bigjoint: Did you manage to get a clone of her? After a few runs you'll just be able to know what she wants by the look. Thats when it gets real easy. I find it helps to take notes too. Darn short term memory loss we as stoners experience. lol I just drink lots of coffee, helps to counteract that and keeps me on my toes. :-P Cheers my friend....Jointed

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Frosty, Frosty Looks good my friend. :bigjoint: Did you manage to get a clone of her? After a few runs you'll just be able to know what she wants by the look. Thats when it gets real easy. I find it helps to take notes too. Darn short term memory loss we as stoners experience. lol I just drink lots of coffee, helps to counteract that and keeps me on my toes. :-P Cheers my friend....Jointed
Sadly no, didn't have the space/equipment to take/keep clones, but I got her as a clone from one of my co-ops and I can get clones cut from the mother pretty much whenever I want hehehe, but definitely been keeping notes as the ol' memory ain't quite what it used to be. I too am a coffee freak, so much so that I actually add some of this to it (And it's part of my Supercharged Hot Cocoa)
I read that drinking 6+ cups of coffee a day improved your odds of surviving a heart attack by 50% when compared to people who drank 2 or less cups a day, and I was stoked. Then I realized that it never mentioned how much, and in which direction, it changes your chances of HAVING the heart attack that you're now more likely to survive, and I was less stoked hehehe

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
You might want to go to this web-site
You will need to copy and paste the address. This site is full of pictures of plants with deficiencies of several nutrients. It is not great but you may get clue as to what is wrong with other deficiencies.
Keep it green.
Thanks, I've been checking lots of diagnosis aids throughout the grow, but at this point I'm not too worried about deficiencies as I'm only about a week from harvest hehehe


Well-Known Member
Whats up Ace? I see ya got into quite a dogfight with a very thick troll. lol Glad to see ya set him straight even though he refutes what your telling him. He'll eventually find himself an outsider by calling out Potroast like that. Hopefully sooner than later. lol Take care my friend....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Haha yeah, late night shenanigans :-P I've always been a sucker for a good argument, I'll snatch up the bait like a crocodile. I would consider it a weakness of character if I didn't enjoy it so damn much :bigjoint: Glad you enjoyed the show, anyhow! Take it easy friend, I'll be waitin' on that next update!


So i just finished reading the past 9 pages and following her progress. I'm pretty excited to see some final pictures of her. :leaf:

A few days from starting my own first grow as well - this thread has added to an already high level of motivation :)

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Haha that's awesome man, I'm glad you feel that way! Good luck with your grow, let me know when you start!


Well-Known Member
Instead of mixing FFOF with their seedling stuff, give Happy Frog a's not as hot, has a decent amount of perlite, and it's much cheaper than buying the two bags. Just about everything I've grown has been in Happy Frog and I have zero complaints.

Nice looking grow!

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
The thing is I already have a 1.5 cu ft bag of FFOF, and I want to use it up so it doesn't go to waste. Happy frog looks awesome, but I wasn't sure how it would do mixed with the FFOF I already have, but if you think it would work better I'd certainly give it a shot. I'm gonna be growing 4-12 plants in 10-30 gal containers (Bigger pots if fewer plants, smaller pots if lots of them), so I'll need more of whatever mix I decide on anyhow. Recently I've been thinking of going the super soil route this time, as I have all the amendments I would need and it would be much easier knowing all I have to do is water them. If I do that I was thinking of using a bunch of different soils in the mix, Vermifire looks especially nice, thinking a mix of FFOF, Vermifire, Roots Organic, and Light Warrior (and now adding Happy Frog to the list perhaps :bigjoint:) at different ratios for each level.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I don't have much interest in making my own soil....just isn't in my DNA and much to do with my KISS attitude.

I've mixed Happy Frog with Ocean Forest when I only had a half a container of each.....worked out well.

I'm sure whatever soil you put together it'll do fine.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Ahh see I'm the opposite, half the fun of growing for me is mixing up my own batches of soil, usually I use my own worm bin compost but I just re-did the front garden with it before I started this little side project. But yeah, something about doing things the standard way just rubs me wrong, if I can't find some way to put my own spin on something I generally have no interest in doing it hahaha, I don't want to do anything that someone else could replicate through the careful following of instructions :bigjoint: I'm a lifelong baker and I haven't used measuring cups or kitchen scales in almost fifteen years because I find that everything from cookies to cakes to muffins turn out better when I go with my gut, and I have won several blue ribbons using my eyeball-it method, which positively infuriates my brother in law who firmly believes that you cannot bake without the precision granted by weighing each ingredient, and who sadly lacks the ribbons to back up his position hehehe :-P I'm a firm believer in Malcom Gladwell's assessment of the subconscious' superiority to the conscious mind, and prefer to let my superior side do most of my thinking

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Just some pics from today. In the next few days I'm gonna clip a small bud and quick dry it, get an early taste, see how long I wanna keep her going.


Well-Known Member
I may have more girls in my coop, but I don't have a frosty girl like you Ace. Yeah I'm a bit jealous because I have to wait until fair weather, but I couldn't be happier for you. Enjoy those frosty buds my friend....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Thank you kindly my friend, you are a gentleman and a scholar! :bigjoint: Just wait, I'm sure one day you'll wake up and see it was like snow fell overnight! I don't have a side by side for comparison but from my research I am a firm believer that uv-b = more crystals, and as such I kept a good deal of 6500K (and one 10.0 uv-b reptiglo) during flower in addition to the 2700K. Also might be that I went a little overboard on lighting, only one plant and 388 actual watts of cfl (349 when using the 26w uv-b light instead of the 65w 5500K). When I was buying lights I was planning on raising four plants but I decided to start with one and figured, why not use em all anyways (or most of them, still have 2 bulbs left over). But yeah, in addition to awesome TGA genetics, that's what I ascribe the frostyness to :)

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Oh also just realized, I haven't mentioned anything about the plant's smell yet! I squeezed a bud gently today to see if they were firm or airy (very firm, it turns out) and even from the gentle squeeze my fingers got pretty covered, so I figured why not give it a whiff and it was like I just squeezed an orange peel into my face, it is astounding how closely it smells to oranges. It never ceases to amaze me how the cannabis plant can produce such a wide array of very specific smells, it is truly awesome. But yeah, just thought I should say, as far as living up to the name, the plant does indeed smell exactly like oranges, which after a few seconds has a subtle undertone, like the alcoholic kick of a screwdriver or a sloe gin fizz. Definitely a candidate to be a "Volcano only" bud, as I can see the smell coming through better in a vape than in smoke