First Little Leaves on Sprout are Yellow


Well-Known Member
Here's the little girl that had a growth spurt. She doesn't look happy :(.


And here's the other 1....... Does she not look weird to anyone else? It could possibly be the purple haze seed i planted, i thought it was the 1 that died. But again i had no idea which seed was which when planting them lol.



Well-Known Member
Lol relax deep breath in out breath>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Done :)! lol, I really do gotta chill and just let them do their thing..... I'm just really curious on why she's drooping, and why the other one looks so fuckin weird lol.


Active Member
Haha, you sound like me on my first grow, I was asking all tons of questions cause I wanted my babies to be perfect. What calmed me down was thinking about how things go about in nature. There isn't anybody out there fiddling with the plants and they grow perfectly fine. so on this grow I am just going to sit back and monitor(with a little sweet talking and some tunes for my girls of course :) ) Good luck on your grow. And with the seed thing, I actually planted all my seeds taproot down and they did fine.


Well-Known Member
Haha, you sound like me on my first grow, I was asking all tons of questions cause I wanted my babies to be perfect. What calmed me down was thinking about how things go about in nature. There isn't anybody out there fiddling with the plants and they grow perfectly fine. so on this grow I am just going to sit back and monitor(with a little sweet talking and some tunes for my girls of course :) ) Good luck on your grow. And with the seed thing, I actually planted all my seeds taproot down and they did fine.
Lol thanks :). But I'm still very curious why the other one looks like it looks lol. This is my second grow, this time it's just that i bought the seeds and am stressing about spending 50$ on seeds and killing them all :(.


Well-Known Member
I'm gona go out on a limb here and say that weird one is probably not a marijuana seed, that looks so damn weird, i'm gona wet myself if it turns to be somthing other than marijuana. Please keep that weird one growing i must see how it turns out!lol