First Little Leaves on Sprout are Yellow


Well-Known Member
If it was me i would sprout them stick it in one of the little ones until the 2nd set of leaves then move it to the biggest one you have 5 gal. You have to be diligent with those paper ones they dry out fast under hot lights so putting them in a saucer with just a little water works fine. I said a little water. you will figure out how much you need to keep it moist for as long as your gone.


Well-Known Member
If it was me i would sprout them stick it in one of the little ones until the 2nd set of leaves then move it to the biggest one you have 5 gal. You have to be diligent with those paper ones they dry out fast under hot lights so putting them in a saucer with just a little water works fine. I said a little water. you will figure out how much you need to keep it moist for as long as your gone.
Mkay, i've tried to grow a seed in those little paper things before, when i water they got really soggy, so less water? lol

Just re-read what you said, a saucer like a dinner plate? And with it sitting in the little puddle i wouldn't have to water it?

I'd honestly feel better putting it in the little cup, but what ever is best i'll go with.


Well-Known Member
Also just noticed that little seed thing i planted last night is not centered.... Why do i keep fucking up!!! :(


Well-Known Member
No this is what you feel comfortable with. That is just my experience level I garden and start seeds all the time. Try going and getting some similar size of vegetable seed at HD and experiment on those you will learn a lot about what works and what does not. Different soils and potting mixtures and what nots.


Well-Known Member
No this is what you feel comfortable with. That is just my experience level I garden and start seeds all the time. Try going and getting some similar size of vegetable seed at HD and experiment on those you will learn a lot about what works and what does not. Different soils and potting mixtures and what nots.
Well last time i tried to grow a seed in those things, like i said they got soggy, and actually started to come apart... Are they meant to hold a seed and put in a pot of soil?

And again that seed i planted last night isn't centered, will it be fine if it's kinda of near the wall of the pot? I don't wanna keep fucking with it :(.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya no you just water just enough to get you to the next time you will see them, just just to keep them moist not wet. When you have a nice big seedlng you can pick it up and peel the paper off and then transplant As far as the seed goes leave it until its bigger and then move it. You have time to let it get better.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya no you just water just enough to get you to the next time you will see them, just just to keep them moist not wet. When you have a nice big seedlng you can pick it up and peel the paper off and then transplant As far as the seed goes leave it until its bigger and then move it. You have time to let it get better.
Thanks for all your help man, very helpful :). I'm going to be planting that seed i'm germinating in those little paper things, and keep it on a plate with some water in it? Maybe spray the top a single time once in a while. And it's under my intention that it's easier to over water then it is to under water correct?


Well-Known Member
I use a spray bottle to water those most of the time they are tricky but I feel the better way. Try the vegetable seeds along side and experiment while you do the seed. You will learn a lot. Beets would be a good one.


Well-Known Member
I use a spray bottle to water those most of the time they are tricky but I feel the better way. Try the vegetable seeds along side and experiment while you do the seed. You will learn a lot. Beets would be a good one.
Alright, i got tons of veggie seeds i'll give it a try. And what about the saucer with the water in it?

Oh and should i put perlite in the soil that i put in those little paper things? Or just soil?


Well-Known Member
Alright, i got tons of veggie seeds i'll give it a try. And what about the saucer with the water in it?
It sits in the saucer so you can spray more water leaving a little behind to match how long you will be gone. If your home all day and looking at them every hour then you can just spray them to keep moist . Its just a fail safe is all you will understand when you start to do it.
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Her little leaves are starting to open, and the inside of the leaves are green :D.


Well-Known Member
She's looking happy today :D. The other seed i started to germinate is showing a tiny root, should i plant it or let it grow some more?

That little seedling looks just like mine did when they hatched. First day of light and they are already starting their second set.

Good luck with your next seed!


Well-Known Member
Way too deep

Marijuana Seeds Positioning in Soil

Marijuana seeds should be placed with the POINTED END UP into a prepared cannabis seeds germination bed or just good soil at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. The embryo tap root emerges from the pointed (stylar) end and the natural method of growth is for this root to make a turn and grow downward (see the illustration) This bend formed by the downward curve of the taproot is what emerges from the soil and the friction of dragging the cannabis seeds upward helps the new plant to loosen and cast off the seed case when it breaks through the surface. If the cannabis seeds are placed with the pointed end down, the embryo will be required to expend a great deal of its stored energy for twisting and turning to position the tap root when it realizes that it is heading the wrong way (see illustration of germinating marijuana seeds) The seedling will need this energy to exert the forces required to later lift its head (now enclosed by the two halves of the seed case) above the soil, cast off the seed case and then spread its two embryo leaves and begin the life-giving photosynthetic process. This is a critical stage in growth and carelessness in placing the marijuana seeds will exhaust even the most hearty seedling and result in a slow start and a feeble plant in later life. Cannabis seeds should be placed in a small hole at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4 inch. An excellent medium for germination is a mixture of rich humus and fine sand, such as the type used for aquariums. The soil needs a ph of 7.5 to 8.0 and should not be so moist that it sticks to your fingers. If the medium is too moist, the seeds will rot and ferment before they can sprout. A simple test for moisture is to stick a pencil into the soil and if soil adheres to it when removed, then it is too moist. Sort of like when you test a cake by sticking a straw into it to see if it is baked through to the middle. The ideal is not too moist, and not too dry - and be sure that the soil is well-drained. Research has shown that a soil temperature that is at, or slightly above, the air temperature promotes the best survival rates and growth.
Like that dude said lol.