First Grow, Using CFL's


Active Member
Here you all are as promised!!! Needless to say im happy



Active Member
all that purple makes me think there is a nutrient difficiency but i have been fertilizing!


Active Member
but the colour of the leaves in the last 2 pictures with the white dots is making me think otherwise


no idea on the spots but shes bulking up mighty fine!!! might just be my eyes but pic 15 leave edges look discolored? im alil ripped atm


Active Member
actually a bunch of leaves before were discoloured before, but it is almost all healed. good eye though, i could barelyt see that. it is getting colder however, the temp is staying the same!

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
in the last pic u got a little more then white dots looks like the side of the very tip is brown could be caused from over feeding how much do u feed them and it could also be that the temps are too high what are the temps at with the lights on? how many lights r u using and what are there wattage and how far away form the plant are they?

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
also are u sure there dots? or is it like a powder ? ifits a powder it could be a mold or fungus on the leafs feel the leafs gently and see if it comes off ifit does and it feels sorta sticky its probably a fungus or mold ive seen the white powder a lot on other people plant problems check back and post again with the answers to my questions and i can probably answer what it is


Well-Known Member
TK! YAY! Your home! : )

We missed you! lol!

She looks amazing! Thank the person that took care of her!

Glad to see you back!



Active Member
its not white powder :) its just discolouration of the leaves! im sure it will be more yellow in the days to come. probably just gonna snip off those leaves anyway! They are pretty low on the stalk and taking up bud energy for the tops. Im also considering adding a light in each corner of the box hanging down. what do you all think of that?


Well-Known Member
Eh I think that It wouldint hurt to add lights on the sides. But its not manditory : )

Just keep it cool : )



Well-Known Member
i was going to say add some side ligthing but you beat me to it. dont cut the leaves off they make enery untill ALL yellow or brown. not sure what is on your leaves, i might be an insect

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
yea in the last pic it looks like theres a little black on the leaves and that could be some kind of insect shit or something could have a type of bug on ur hands not sure which one sorry:( and as for cuttingthe leafs off i wouldn't do that yet becuz the leafs produce energy for the buds to grow using photosnysis welll u obvisly no that but its a chemical in the leafs and stem that cause it. ...kinda like more leafs u leave on the bigger it ll grow(not fully true or accerate) but if u cut the leafs it will stress the plant and probably turn it into a hermie or stunt its growth i sajust u leave the leavs that are discolored on until they go COMPLETELY brown then cut them but this fails into the fact that if u dont cut them fast enough u could infect ur plant with a type of diesease and then it can turn fatal for ur gurl so i sejust u wait until the leafs turn brown or the dots spread about a half a cm to the stem (5mm) then cut the leafs so u can getas much energy u can out of the leaves WITHOUT risking ur baby


Well-Known Member
if there is a disease cuting the leafs off will not get rid of it. cutting the leaves off will NOT cuase the plant to go hermie. the more leaves it has allow it to absorbe more energy so it will grow bigger and faster.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
if there is a disease cuting the leafs off will not get rid of it. cutting the leaves off will NOT cuase the plant to go hermie. the more leaves it has allow it to absorbe more energy so it will grow bigger and faster.
yes i know but cutting TOO MANY leaves can cause stress and stress on the plant can cause wierd growth and/or stress it to turn into a hermie

:blsmoke:Tha Dope Man:blsmoke:


Active Member
cutting off Yellowing Leafs or browning leafs is good for your plant. when they are yellowing or browning its time for them to go. as for the dots. i have a couple of ideas of what it is. just going to take me a day or 2 to figure it out. iwill keep you all posted