First Grow, Using CFL's


Well-Known Member
lookin good you have a nice little tree there!! it will strech some during flowering but you should keep the lights as close as possable. if the lights are 1in. away and you move them 2in. away (square the distance) you decreace the amount of light avalable by a power of 4 (inverse square law light intensity). and it looks like you need some nitrogen.


Active Member
lookin good you have a nice little tree there!! it will strech some during flowering but you should keep the lights as close as possable. if the lights are 1in. away and you move them 2in. away (square the distance) you decreace the amount of light avalable by a power of 4 (inverse square law light intensity). and it looks like you need some nitrogen.
i moved it from 2 to about 4" away and now its 2" away again. not a big deal you have to understand the extreme compactedness of my plant. but ya i do know it will stretch more, and i cant wait for it to kick in. thank you for the advice. i appreciate it.

great grow man! can't wait to see the outcome. best of luck to you...
thanks Mike its definately been a learning experience

SO today i went and got some Active Carbon and put it on the intake of the outtake fan. in hopes that the smell goes away alittle

She is really showing her Sativa side over the last couple weeks. started out as a strong strong indica thick leaf, and now they are smaller and thinner. Silly bag seed.


Well-Known Member
Lol! Thats what one of my bagseeds did too!

The one in the back had super thick leaves. Now their skinny and its the tallist one of them,lol!



Active Member
the growth over the last 2 days is pretty intense. beautiful colour! lots of shoots! its awesome! i will post pictures tomorro night, as i am leaving tuesday night for a 6 days! Cant wait tocome backand see how my baby is doing.

WOw im so suprised at how well she is doing since i went to flower. itslike she was craving it !!


Well-Known Member
glad shes doing good TK!!cant wait for pics too, and for you to get back and find out how they're doing :)


Active Member
Hey bro wuts up man? how she doing? i cant wait to see sum pics.. im also gonna have an update toady myself wid sum pics looking forward in seein urs also


Active Member
gahahaha, it looks like a mutant because i did some LST on it for a while and i ended up letting it go ebcause it was so damn bushy and i chop off all fan leaves when they start turning brown. wait till i post some pictures in a few minutes of what she looks like now!! starting to look sexy as hell


Well-Known Member
Six days? In flower? Eh. Id move that light way up. shes gonna be stretching like a MF.

Cant wait for the pics!



Active Member
I have a special someone who i have known my ENTIRE life taking care of her while i am gone! :) im not worried int he slightest. and he knows WAY MORE about this than i do


Well-Known Member
kool kool. Well Thats comforting! : )

I was scared for your baby like I would be for mine! haha!



Active Member
Heres a few pics. i wish it looked as good as it does in person. But im super happy with her progress..



Well-Known Member
i dont have one :-P

EDIT: well i kinda do, me and DacDac know each other irl, me and him both are growing together :)


Active Member
AHHHH GOTCHA!!!! Im so excited to see the difference 6 days is gonna make for my plant. i look at it everyday, so i notice little things but not seeing her for 6 days is gonna be an intense difference


Active Member
Hey bro wuts up man ur pics are looking fuken good! shes looking amazing! did she show her sex yet? i actually ended up canceling my 12/12 for the 1st of october and i actually started it today! i cant wait to find out there sex im praying they all female