First grow, ultra micro!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be watching this one im making my own PCBox now, and i'm gonna be growing soon, It's cool to see grows like this i hope it goes well!


thanks for the good vibes!! Ill keep yall updated.

@Smatz: Im also building a full size rig right now, I have everything set up except for the lightproofing and the carbon filter. How many lights are you using in your box?

Edit: also got my hygro/thermometer in the mail today, its about 78 degrees F and 65% humidity at the top of the canopy. My knowledge with humidity and cannabis is just meh so how is 65%?


Active Member
Hey man, just had a decent look at the pics of your scrog... I'm wondering if you might be better off, while she's still smallish with room to move about, just getting rid of the twine and replacing it with something a little easier to deal with, and easier to see. I pinched the idea from another RIUpper of stripping down an old ethernet cable, that's given me endless tons of wire to work with, nice and bendy, easy to see, easy to tighten up... Just a thought... I'd be a little worried that the twine's gonna be a sweet PIA to remove once she's bent all over and around the place. Even a bit of cheap speaker cable would at least be easy to just slide out at harvest time.

Regardless of all that, she's lookin lovely. Keep it up duder!


Thank you sooo much mewk! Ive been trying to solve this problem for days now :wall:, good thing i have 40+ feet of extra ethernet laying around. thanks for the suggestion.

Also worth noting is that I topped her today, rather FIMed. I did this because she Isn't going side to side as much as I want, Ill try to build that new screen and then post some pics tonight.


Active Member
Good call man. It might well work out for ya... I did an accidental topping, just by being a bit harsh with my LST work, it was early on, she seemed to go into a little shock for a week or so before getting back into the regular rapid growth, but I think in the long run it's paid off, she pretty much has two tops now. I wouldn't panic too much about the side growth either, as over time those will gradually fill out. I had the same worries on my first pc grow, but she padded out more along the sides than she did along the main length.

When that ethernet cable comes out, mine wires were in pairs... I dunno if that's the same for all, but I'm guessing it is... Just go careful when pulling the pairs apart, at first it looks simple and you just yank em and they spin apart.... But within a minute you're left with this huge fucking bundle of tiny wires that you'll spend ages seperating... Just go slow and you'll have enough their for the next 10 years.


Got around to taking my screen out but opted to LST rather than screen now out of convenience.

I also let her get really dry, admittedly on accident I knew I needed to water but she went from great to shriveled in like 2-3 hours, and then gave my first does of HIGHLY diluted earth juice grow: heavy&sweet with a little bit of earthjuice bloom as well. That was last night and today she is doing great, the 4 new stems are poppin up from the FIM.


Also as you may notice the leaves are starting to become too wide for the box, should i trim just the tips of these off or leave em whole??


Active Member
Just some more thoughts to meddle with your plans. It might be worth chucking some more soil in there for her, filling that box up to the brim, as it is pretty shallow at the moment... And while I was at it, I would be very tempted to try and slider her over to the left hand side of the tray, so that you can LST her along the length. In my first grow I started from the middle of the tray, and it was just a pain to get decent coverage, this current one though was started all the way over to one side, and it's been easy to just tie her along the length and watch her fill out most of the space.

As for the leaves, I don't trim them, I've found that if I trim leaves, it just kills off more of the leaf than I wanted... I tend to just let her squeeze them in there somewhere, now and again one gets a bit chewed, but I'd rather leave that to fate than get a little too eager with the scissors.


@blp Box dimensions are 11 inches vertical, 3 inches wide, and about 13 inches long.

@mewk: I've definitely thought about getting some more soil to put on top but id like to put something a little finer so as I water it will kind of drain through to the roots, I totally wish I could go back and start the plant on one side now but I feel the roots are too developed (took up about 1/2 the box 5 or 6 days ago before I duct taped the box) to do anything about it now except train as well as I can. I think I will end up ok though since my box is so small to begin with, I will post some pictures when the lights come on of the new growth now that Ive LSTed it which I think I can send to the other side of the box eventually. Also good thoughts on the leaves, so far ive just been pinching off the dead tips but nothing else so I think Ill continue this. Thanks for all your help so far!


sorry for the long delay, I've been busy with school and my girlfriend coming into town. But the plant was also busy at work :)

First real nugs 20131125_173129.jpg20131125_173137.jpg20131125_173201.jpg20131125_173210.jpg

The LST seems to be working out real well btw thanks go out to mewk for helping me make the decision, I will also be doing my second watering with earthjuice bloom tomorrow since it has been about a week now. I am also going to do some foliar feeding to increase nug density hopefully; I got a nice little spray bottle from dollar tree the other day.


Just an update. Got back from my little 3 day trip and the plant looks great, has about 10 budding sites so far and im still going to train once I let the little shoots grow a little thicker (it is OG kush so I dont wanna be too rough on it). Will get some pics up tomorrow but the lights are out tonight, I watered her again with earthjuice bloom nutes today when I got home cause the soil was perfectly dry. She seems to be liking the very dilute nutrients a lot so far and my plan for the nutes moving forward is to alternate tap water and nutes with nute water foliar feedings at every watering/fertilizing until week 6 at which point I will switch to tap water for 2 weeks and my plan for the final week is to use distilled water to aid in the final flushing of all the excess nutrients.

Sorry for the great wall of text but its been a few days. Pics tomorrow or saturday depending on if my camera wants to work


So a few more days of flowering and now Im starting to think that this one might be a male, heres some pics lemme know what you think:

. 20131130_203203.jpg20131130_203216.jpg20131130_203233.jpg

Im hoping its not a male but it wouldn't be that bad because then I can cross og with whatever I want fairly easily at least!


New Member
Looking good, +sub, definitely want to see the results, I plan on making a full size pc tower soon with an Autoflower

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Active Member
I am no expert mate, but it certainly doesn't look like a girl to me. :(

Looks an awful lot like this to me.
View attachment 2914411

tho this is just a googled image, so i can't seriously vouch for its credibility. somone who knows their shit will be along soon tho.


I currently have another OG growing in the veg state that is for sure a female, from the same batch of seeds and from comparison I definitely have a male :/ but it was a good learning experience thus far.

I also have decided that I will not be continuing with this plant, instead I will go with better genetics for this type of grow and also a guaranteed female by taking a clone of my Maui Wowie and putting it in here. I have 3 micro grows going on right now that are all offset so I wont ever have to buy again :D, Ive been planning on doing a journal on here of them but alas I am lazy when I get high haha.

Anyways I will update later after I take my cutting!


Active Member
Hey mate.. No prob, don't worry bout the male, it happens!! Next time you grow in this pc case with a pot of that size, I would recommend to do what everyone does in there: Transplant near to the one side of the pot and slowly lst until you reach the other!! That's maximizing your space and will help a lot keeping her short!! Cheers!