First Grow: Northern Lights X Big Bud, and White Widow


Well-Known Member
Well, I installed a new inline fan this morning, but I was using the hardware I had lying around and it ended up costing me. :roll: The fan fell while I was using the computer and almost decapitated the largest white widow I have. The main cola was bent almost off. Ive bandaged it with a leaf and braced it with a string which I taped to the wall. I'm so pissed....I hope she makes it. :-|



Well-Known Member
Day 53 (Day 15 flowering): Here are some pics of the developing bud sites. Even the broken cola looks tasty. I'm amazed its still green, and not withered and dead.

I also noticed some of the leaves look eaten, so I sprayed them with Fox Farm "Don't Bug Me" last nite when the light went off.



Well-Known Member
Day 53: Here are the clones. They took FOREVER to root, and I am still not happy with their progress, but threw them in the dwc anyway to see if they improve. At first they looked really withered, then this morning they seem to be recouping. We will see. All these are white widows.



Well-Known Member
Day 54: The injured white widow seems to be doing ok. The growth at the top is amazingly looking good. In fact, its probably the best looking cola in the bunch.... aside from a wilted fan leaf. The part where the stem is split in 4 pieces seems to be contracting, since I can't see as much of the inside as I used to be able to.



Well-Known Member
Day 54: More bud shots. Sorry, I love taking pictures. The last pic is of the tallest plant. Its a nlxbb. I think its not getting proper light from it's angle in relation to the 400W. Ive put a CFL over it to try and help it. Also today I tried tying its top down.



Well-Known Member
Like the flowering bushes Drizzle...gotta comment on your clones
though. Clip those yellowing leaves and please tell me that you
are ph'ing your water.


Well-Known Member
Yea, im pHing the water. The clones have looked bad since day one. This was my first attempt, and a learned a bit from it. So should I clip just the yellowing and yellowed fan leaves all the way off?


Well-Known Member
Day 5 (for the clones): They look a lot better now. I thought a few weren't going to make it, but they are all showing signs of new growth now. Things really go fast in the dwc. The lil fogger that the system came with stopped working after about 3 days. I might buy a replacement fogger disc, but im not sure.



Well-Known Member
Those came with the system, but you can get the same thing from Lowe's in the lawn irrigation section. They sell them in packs of 10 I think, along with some other pieces for making your own mini-sprinkler system.