First grow journal cannalope and ?

You have some Querkle seeds? Its pretty much my favorite in my grow right now- dense ass buds.. hard as rocks. And its this intense rotten fruit smell thats soo appealing!! cant wait for it to turn purple. your plants are looking nice, and fucking yes for the females!! Cannalope Haze sounds awesome, im excited to see the final product.
they should sprot i've had seed's i thought were doomed and said fuck it i'll plant another seed only to find out a week or two after my second seed sprouts i have another sprout in the corner of the pot or whatever lol (the little basterd had a 10 inch root) lmao i had to pull the first sprout out because the original seed was so rootbound.
I think I've been plabting too deep for one thing. I lifted up some of the soil and saw the romulan head just below the soil. I popped the head out a little and also the mikad and querkle bean have tap roots but no head yet. Pretty good as 3 days in the paper towel and nothin 2 days in the greenhouse with heat mat roots so hopefully I'll have 3 sprouts tomorrow or the next day. I also recieved the DR greenthumb beans today:) Gonna put those ones in ASAP.

For solo thanks man it is pretty dense but it's gonna get a ;lot smaller when I pull all the males looks like mostly males but it's cool because with both the lights it's gettin rediculous hot I might just run the 400 till I get my new fan and with the males out should be about perfect for now I hope they get bigger I expected tall plants but either way it's cool.

Yeah I got some querkle, that's pretty much how I found your thread evo. My cat ate my last 4 but good germ rates :) So I gotta a little bit of everything right now plan on taking clones and sexing all these and than flowering some clones I hope they all fit in my box.

Anyways thanks for droppin by more to come this week when I pull the dudes and sprout the dope seeds and I will start a new journal on them so make sure you check it out.:weed:
So I thought about it and did some research about male pollen. I was under the impression male pollen could be stored for long periods of time but it looks like while it's possible to store it would be a lot of work to collect it and store it for what? What if doesn't keep or I end up pollenating the girls it's just not worth the risk at this point. I still have a clone of the male colombian and I will have a chance to sample the finished product and if I like it I can use it for breeding in the future but most likely I will pull it pretty soon I just don't have the room. Also I still got plenty of seeds next time I will grow out what I plan on breeding together and just pollinate some clones but right now isn't the time cause I'm buying weed! So since the hawaiians are both male and I have no idea what the smoke is gonna be like I pulled em. The big colobian man he was just hogging up all the prime real estate and grew some more balls last night so he's out. Left are the three females and the undetermined bagseed so I can sex this plant. No sign of sex at all but man the clone of it is awesome. I wasted a ton of soil, money and nutrients on these 3 males and the root systems were so small but I didn't wanna take any chances and stunt their growth by sexing and than transplanting and my fertilizer is in the soil so whatever. Still a lot of unused soil I might reuse some of it but not really sure. I did transplant the bagseed in to the pot I pulled the good hawaiian from and just repotted it and put it back under the light....such a good guinea pig I learned a lot from it. So with those dudes out there is so much more room I turned of the 250 and got the fan in the back of the closet like it was before blowing the air up to the exit fan. I don't know the temps but it feels so much cooler in there now and I got all the girls within a foot from the bulb. I will turn the 250 back on when i get my fan or it's needed I guess.

So in other news did I tell you the drgreenthumb freebies arrived yesterday? well they did I got them germinating in the greenhouse at 85 degrees and have everything I need for them other than fans which should be coming anyday now so I couldn't wait to germinate em plus I got 2 and a half sprouts today. The romulan and the querkle are up and looking pretty good but kinda small. The querkle has some purple tinge to it's leaves already OMG please be purple:D The mikado is up with just a little help from me I was worried hopefully I don't do anything to hinder it's progress but the seed is still attached but I think it's gonna make it.

I will be doing a seperate journal for The Dope when they break the ground maybe just update the other strains in here I haven't decided yet. Hope your grows are going well I appreciate the karma I recieved just sending a little out your way.
hey man i like the journal looks good, nice lookin babys. thanks for the help on my post, i will keep checkin on this im likin the looks of those cannalope's
hey man i like the journal looks good, nice lookin babys. thanks for the help on my post, i will keep checkin on this im likin the looks of those cannalope's
No problem, I don't mind helping people when I can.

Well yesterday was kind of a bad day. I had to get up early so I went in at almost 6:30 am and the light wasn't on it shoulda been on at 6 so it looks like they've been getting about 12 1/2 hours of dark so I am going to try to get that taken care of. I've been sick for the past few days but I'm starting to feel better. Anyways the mylar in the back of the closet had fallen on all the plants so when the light came on it would have just directed it straight up and I didn't have time to deal with it so I pulled it all out. I kind of wish I didn't because than I had like 15 feet of mylar and it would have been a bitch to get back up and also I would have had to clean it. Well I used some new mylar and got it hung back up today but I wasn't able to get the same coverage because I had only like 10 feet left but for the most part it's covered. I used mounting tape this time and cut at the edges so it's in seperate peices so if it falls one place it doesn't affact the rest of it. The difference between not having it and having it was huge, the bottom foliage is much better penetrated with the mylar.

Other than that it's been going good. I want to run both lamps but it's so hot, it's snowing so I think I can balance it out. I got the DRGT beans in the soil because they all rooted. The mikado bean still had it's shell on so I was able to pry it apart and only 1/2 is on now by tomorrow it will be up and standing tall.

I got the clones transplanted in the ocean forest so everything is going according to plan pretty much I will get some pics in a little bit. Today is the offically the end of the second week of flowering 8 more to go.
My veg box is starting to get pretty overun all ready. I'm not completely finished with it in fact it's not even 1/2 finished. I'm wating for pc fans and I still haven't put the mylar inside or hooked up the outlets. If your wondering the romulan sprout has the purple stem like usual and the other is the querkle.


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???man what is that growing in the clear container look's like tomato plant's or some kind of herb doesn't look like refer though but i can't see that clear just wondering peace man there looking good dude
those are some seeds my daughter bought at home depot. I don't even know what they are I guess they are going They should be out soon enough, more germination practice the better after killing like 30 seeds lol. Drinkin some brewskies watchin fri night stand up gotta love it, cheers.
My veg box is starting to get pretty overun all ready. I'm not completely finished with it in fact it's not even 1/2 finished. I'm wating for pc fans and I still haven't put the mylar inside or hooked up the outlets. If your wondering the romulan sprout has the purple stem like usual and the other is the querkle.

looking good man!! Your veg room is getting pretty crowded. haha. i kno if i had a seperat room for vegging.. it would be the same way man.. i always plan on just growin 1 or 2 plants.. but after a few weeks.. i end up planting another seed.... then another.. then 2 more.. lol. i mean as of right now.. I have the WW thats flowering... the another WW seedling. and 7 clones (all from Mystery) and im sitting here wishing I could order some more seeds.. haha. I wanna sell some of my WW and buy a 400 watt HPS.. once I do that.. Ill be happy. =)

But yea. they are all looking really nice. especially the ones in flowering.. REALLY REALLY green!! A nice green too.. This is where all the fun happens.... watching the buds slowly take shape.. and start to crystallize.. and start growin lil red/orange hairs.. and eventually start stinkin... =) Im gettin happy for you. lol.

Keep up the good work man. +Rep
ughhh. just tried givin u rep.. wouldnt let me.. ill try again in a few days.
lol sall good.

I'm sitting here with my fans the pc ones are smaller than I thought I should have picked up the ones I found in the amazing deals thread but i found them afterwards. Anyways tried to save some money and my clip fan is for a car WTF I guess I should have read the auction better guess there's a reason it was 5$ less than all the others. So yeah now I will be converting 3 fans to dc adapters instead of just the 2 but I already found what I need just gotta get some electrical tape.

I ended up taking the rest of the shell off the mikado last night and it's up today as well as one dope seed.
yeah man they are looking really green dude (better than my burnt bitches) lmao i was being greedy lol but my buddy is sauposed to come over in a few hour's or so. if he comes over i'll take some pic's and update my journal although everyone beside's the one's under the mh and the clones got burnt but i think a few will be ok i only got 7 bagseed counting the one under the MH. so i'm hopeing 3 of the 6 under the cfls will survive (either way there going outside lol) talk to yall later peace and may u be blessed with bud a many and many a bud <<<i like my new quote don't u lol remember u heard it here first lol ttyl

They look awesome. Fans look REAL healthy and they are reaching for the light. Very nice! We are about on same time frame. Will have to compare notes and weight when they finish!
i skipped around a lil pipe, so i didn't read the whole journal front to back.. checked out the first three or four than skipped to the last two.. damn pipe, those ladies are looking mighty dank if i do say so myself.. really lush green color, look super healthy and surely aren't lacking any nitrogen..
the ones that are starting to flower are looking really nice as well.. i think this is my favorite time of the whole grow, as you really start to see what looks like something you may smoke is starting to grow.. up till now its all about making the plant healthy enough so that it can grow nice dank buds..
i'm subbed for sure, and can't wait to see what the canalope haze is gonna look like.. years ago, a friend of a friend grew out some hawaiin indica, and it was dank as can be, i would think the sativa one would be nice as well.
gl with the rest of the grow.. i will surely check back once in awhile to see how its going..
yeah man they are looking really green dude (better than my burnt bitches) lmao i was being greedy lol but my buddy is sauposed to come over in a few hour's or so. if he comes over i'll take some pic's and update my journal although everyone beside's the one's under the mh and the clones got burnt but i think a few will be ok i only got 7 bagseed counting the one under the MH. so i'm hopeing 3 of the 6 under the cfls will survive (either way there going outside lol) talk to yall later peace and may u be blessed with bud a many and many a bud <<<i like my new quote don't u lol remember u heard it here first lol ttyl
cool i figured out how to multiquote. Sux to hear I'm sure they will bounce back since your still settin up. I've been subbed so lookin forward to updates.


They look awesome. Fans look REAL healthy and they are reaching for the light. Very nice! We are about on same time frame. Will have to compare notes and weight when they finish!
I think I have a little unfair advantage if you want to compare weights but you also got more plants. Will be interesting for sure to see everyone harvesting around the same time.

i skipped around a lil pipe, so i didn't read the whole journal front to back.. checked out the first three or four than skipped to the last two.. damn pipe, those ladies are looking mighty dank if i do say so myself.. really lush green color, look super healthy and surely aren't lacking any nitrogen..
the ones that are starting to flower are looking really nice as well.. i think this is my favorite time of the whole grow, as you really start to see what looks like something you may smoke is starting to grow.. up till now its all about making the plant healthy enough so that it can grow nice dank buds..
i'm subbed for sure, and can't wait to see what the canalope haze is gonna look like.. years ago, a friend of a friend grew out some hawaiin indica, and it was dank as can be, i would think the sativa one would be nice as well.
gl with the rest of the grow.. i will surely check back once in awhile to see how its going..
All good I type a lot of shit I don't blame you. Unfortunately the hawaiians both got the chop cuz they were males so some other time I'll try the hawaiian I guess. These ones were cool because the flowering cycle was supposed to be short vs most hawaiian sativas. Hows the dope doing mine all sprouted probably start new journal tomorrow when I'm all setup.

Today I hooked up all my fans. The PC fans are awesome but I wasn't able to properly install them today. Tomorrow I will get them installed the box is starting to get really hot and I have to leave them in it for like 12 hours at a time. The other clip fan sux balls and I really think that the blades are backwards because it seems to suck air rather than blowing it. I don't know if it is gonna make a difference or not but it's in between both lights. Also my other fan is working again and I got it setup pretty nice if I say so myself and it was a bitch to get it all setup. Now it's like 7 degrees cooler than before I put em all up it hhas been reaching 90 degrees lately! Anyways thanks for looking.
You are right about that on weight PD! It will be fun to see. This being my first grow I just wanted to get to know the plant as it would grow in the wild, plus proper care. My next grow will only be 3 to 5 plants and hope to get a couple of girls. I have to try LST next time. This grow should keep me in Meds and then my smaller grows will keep my legal supply topped off. I don't need a farm if you know what I mean!
Hell yeah man that's why I am so excited about my grow box now I don't have to wait 4 months to get another harvest so no matter what the yeild is I should have plenty to smoke without worrying about running out and I can give out a little to some close friends who have their liscenses to get new lights a tri meter and a R/O system.