First grow journal cannalope and ?

Thanks guys one good female and I get to stop buying overpriced meds and can have female clones ready by the time these finish. Wanna get some clones like you ievo but I'm worried about mites and I'm picky on what i want to grow.
yeaaa. thats how I feel.. if I get one plant to grow... i wont ever have to buy weed again. =) thats the plan. lol. I know out of all the plants u got at least ONE has to be female!! lol. Keep it up man!!
OK, so I have gotten all the hard stuff done and it should be all down hill from here. I repotted the hawaiians, I cleaned out the room and set the light to 12/12 so today will be the first day of flowering:) I'll get some pictures soon, possibly later tonight before 6.

The clones started to wilt as after I took the dome off and none of the seeds sprouted I'm thinking that they were too moist or something so I got the cfl on em we'll see what happens I'm a little let down I could have had some nice little seedlings by now but I'll give em one more week and hopefully something happens. Might get the opportunity to try out some drgreenthumb genetics, crossin my fingers for that and I'll do those right or I will try out something from my collection either way I got plenty of time I guess.

Thanks for the good vibes we'll see how many females i get and how tall they get they are about 2 feet away from the light now.
ok wtf I needed some pics so i can see how fast they grow. Here they are.

Know what's messed up though, I put in a new fan cuz it's bigger hook it up and I was going to use the other fan as well and now all the sudden the old one won't makes no sense. And I think the old one was better anyways.:-|



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Damn man, that second thumb nail looks mad nice, she's fat as hell. Good job man.
Hey thanks man yeah it's a beast I'm very interested to see if it strectches and gives me lots of tops. The other one looks the same above it in the pic but really is very different how spaced it is at the nodes and I'm pretty sure that ones female and she has reeked since 3 weeks old. It's starting to smell like ganja around here lately. I am planning on keeping one of each gonna be a tough choice. The bagseed looks really nice too that's basically the way it would've looked 2 weeks ago had I went with uncle ben's topping technique.
i was subscribed idk wtf happened u see i've been following chb or chp idk lol i'm' high ima subscribe again lol hope it'll stay this time i was like wtf i was watching his grow i keep seeing him but where is the sub lol i must've booted my comp down too fast the other night lol
oh good new's on my end my bagseed are doing good and both ww's and the Lr2*ak47 have sprouted there all seedling's though lol some time too go but who care's waitin is part of growing just like fishing is part of catching lol
It's all good ole boy lol, I was subscribed to someones journal on here and I wasn't updated either. I think it's because you subscribe and than there's another page you have to verify and sometimes maybe I forget to verify. Anyways, yes waiting is part of the growing but it's not a long wait. U can basically go from seed to harvest in a matter of weeks so it's a very rewarding hobby.
Yeah, when we got clones from our collective there was spider mite damage, which of course even though the collective said there were no live mites, resulted in us dealing with spider mites early on in the stage. As long as you catch it early, and can take the time to treat it.
And- the plants are getting big quick! Good work. They look healthy.
yeah thanks man i have never had a bug infestation and I pray it stays that way. I really commend you one being able to eradicate the problem and growing some healthy plants yourself.
Okay so I have been thinking and i am unhappy with the way my lights are positioned...the only reason I set it up that way is because the 250 was already set up and the oscillating fan can blow out the air under both HIDs. So I have moved the light so it's covering less area and moved the plants closer to the lights since i turned them both on and I'm going to get a clip on fan so i can still blow out the air with a fan and still light up the corner so the plants can get more light. Anyways it's my third day of 12/12 and my light schedules already being sabotaged my other half wnet into the spare room which she never does to get batteries and left the door wide open...ughh luckily it's early I thought i explained the importance of the door being shut but w/e.

I got an extra cfl in the veg box to bring the temps up I broke open some of the bagseeds and saw a tap root so maybe some will pop up. I also put some more bagseeds in a moist paper towel to make sure I have a good system for when the drgreenthumb gear arrives....He chose me and said he'll ship em out monday so be on the lookout for that. Gonna be cool supposed to be a huge yeilder so I will start a whole new journal for those as soon as I get going.

Will post pics soon.
Sorry so late to the party PD!

Your plants look awesome. I like the run down on the soil mix. It will be what I concentrate on with the Blueberry.
Good job so far man, I just read all 8 pgs and now I will be checking up every other day or so to see your progress. I know how it feels to start a journal and nobody veiws it like yours was in the begginning. I have a CFL 12/12 from seed going and I am in week 7 of flower with like 2 people that check up once a week, so I really know how you feel. Anyway they look really healthy, you can deffinantly tell which ones are sativa/indica dominant. I am subscribed, how bout if you or anyone else get the chance check out my CFL grow, link is in my sig. Good luck and happy harvest man, how about when there done mail me a blunt or
Good job so far man, I just read all 8 pgs and now I will be checking up every other day or so to see your progress. I know how it feels to start a journal and nobody veiws it like yours was in the begginning. I have a CFL 12/12 from seed going and I am in week 7 of flower with like 2 people that check up once a week, so I really know how you feel. Anyway they look really healthy, you can deffinantly tell which ones are sativa/indica dominant. I am subscribed, how bout if you or anyone else get the chance check out my CFL grow, link is in my sig. Good luck and happy harvest man, how about when there done mail me a blunt or
cool glad to have u igrow...I know how it is sometimes I don't like viewing really big threads because than i have to read a lot to find out what's going on better to get in at the beginning and watch the progress.

So I got roots on my cuttings, well 2 of them at least. Guess it's a good environment for the clones just wondering what happened to the seeds I mean none of them popped at all and i even used a romulan seed so that sucks. Now I just need to sex the plants and find out if any of my cuttings are female. I need to go to the store soon so I can pick up some stuff. Soil,ferts, and containers along with some stuff for my box. Right now I just have two trashbags covering the box. I thought that it would hold humididty in but it's not really working. Anyways I'll get some pics later.

Good luck with the chat dilema igrow. Oh and believe it or not there is only a little bit of indica in the colombian(25%), the other two are pure
You do know you can sex the plant before you clone it right? Just change light scedule on them to 12/12 wait until they all show sex and switch lights back to 18/6.( Note ) Males usually show first. How long have the seeds been germinating, because I have had seeds take up to 10 days to pop before, so if it hasnt been 10days yet dont give up.
well you could but it might stress the plant out too. I really wasn't planning on taking clones it was just an afterthought since they looked like good cuttings and I just wanted to practice cloning to see if there was anything I needed to work on. I got a clone of the bagseed and a colombian and a cannalope. My plants are in bloom so I will find out soon and than maybe start cloning my clones.
OK, so I have gotten all the hard stuff done and it should be all down hill from here. I repotted the hawaiians, I cleaned out the room and set the light to 12/12 so today will be the first day of flowering:) I'll get some pictures soon, possibly later tonight before 6.

The clones started to wilt as after I took the dome off and none of the seeds sprouted I'm thinking that they were too moist or something so I got the cfl on em we'll see what happens I'm a little let down I could have had some nice little seedlings by now but I'll give em one more week and hopefully something happens. Might get the opportunity to try out some drgreenthumb genetics, crossin my fingers for that and I'll do those right or I will try out something from my collection either way I got plenty of time I guess.

Thanks for the good vibes we'll see how many females i get and how tall they get they are about 2 feet away from the light now.

Just going to let you know if you didnt already, the day you flip to 12/12 is not the first day of flowering, the day they show sex is the first day of flowering