First grow journal cannalope and ?

yeah I have heard a lot of that. I really hope these will harvest in 10 weeks total therwise I'm looking at 12 weeks tops, that's why I potted in big pots. Some of my plants were already growing preflowers in veg so hopefully they will not have a long waiting period. The cannalope that I thought was female is starting to confuse me. One of the preflowers look male but most of them look female. No pistils yet though. Here's some pics the clones are looking like crap now too, hopefully when I get them transplanted they will get better.


what the fuck is that doesn't look like a female or male preflower it's weird I think this is the pistil I thought I saw last week.


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sure looks weird to me like a stick growing out the side. Anyways, I went ahead and purchased some ocean forest from the nursery. Everybody seems to use it so it will be a good soil to test out the drgreenthumb seeds. I also picked up some stuff from Home depot today. If you can get there I suggest you do, 2 packs of 27 watt daylight cfls are 3$. They also got the good seed starting mix for 3$ and some other cool stuff. I wish I didn't already buy that LW coulda picked this up instead. Anyways buyers remorse I guess plus I wasted so much soil for whatever males pop up. Just thought I'd update this because i transplanted my clones into larger pots of the LW and removed the dome altogether. They wilted on me last time I left the dome off but all three have roots so I am hoping they will be okay. I got the romulan seed out of the pot and transplanted into a new pot. It germinated and has a tail but I don't know if it's alive it didn't look so hot. Pre germing is invaluable...some of the seeds I put in paper towel last night already have tails after a few hours and if I planted those I will probably get sprouts in 2 or 3 days.
My clones made it through the night, well technically the day, and did not wilt. perpetual harvest here I come.
Glad to here your clones made it through, I hope you get a high female ratio. I got lucky I had three plants and two of them turned out female, and the other died before I sexed it. Its hard to explain how it died, you would have to read my joural around pg 8-12. Oh yea and that hair like thing on your plant that you said was weired is called a pistol, its not to be mistaken by calyx.
Looking good PD!!

Yeah to young to sex yet. Here is hoping you have a bunch of big buddy girls! When they sex it will be obvious, when you see those little hairs you'll know, just like when you see the little flower balls. It will be obvious!
Okay we'll start with the bad news. The hawaiians were burning up on me this week. I guess they didn't take to the transplant as well as the others and they are in smaller pots so maybe I added too much ferts for these ones. It's in the soil so I'm hopin they will eventually get better, the big colombian has some symptoms too but not as bad and still looks pretty healthy. Oh and all my seeds died I guess from low temps or excess moisture or something so I am germin some more this time I plan on doing right I used expensive seeds so i better. I really need to get these males out of here wish they would show already. IMG_1218.jpg

The good news is the cannalopes still look good and the small colombian is starting to look really impressive too. All of it's tops are very level now since I supercropped and hung some weights on the stems to stay under both lights. Once I get the males out I will be able to have dual lighting on the the branchy ones so they aren't all shaded like the CH in the front.


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WooHoo! glad to hear the cannalope is female man!! thats great!! and yeaa. i rememebr my last grow.. i thought those long skinny things were calaxes as well.. adn i kept waiting and waiting for them to show hairs.. lol. but theyre nothing.. idk exactly what theyre called.. but nothing comes outta them.. idk why the fuck they are there.. i guess jsut to confuse us. lol. but i have thos all over my plant at all the internodes. good luck with your clones man.. im still praying mine stay alive... =/
lol that made me laugh I don't know wtf it is either I never seen one it's not the spikey things I've seen on other internodes it's like a stick growing out of where the preflower would be. Anyways, I know how you feel some of mine have really taken a turn for the worse in the last week but I have faith they will rebound.
Cool so I fertilized my clones today they look healthy now let's hope they stay that way. I had to remodel the room a little again because the mylar in the back of the closet fell down and what do ya know? Both of the cannalope hazes are female! That's great because the plan all along was to grow 2 cannalopes and 1 colombian or hawaiian. Even cooler because they are so much different than each other. The clombians still loof really good too they each ar about a foot tall and 2 feet wide they are starting to grow preflowers just can't tell yet. I'm so happy now I just need to germinate these damn seeds no root tips yet.
Grats on the Fems there PD!!!

Everything is looking real good and healthy! .......wish I could try that Colombian!
well sure you can...just get the seeds and grow em they aren't out of control size wise yet and you don't have to veg 6 weeks either:) A few more weeks and I'll put the hermie allogation to the test.

So I fertilized my clones yesterday and overnight (they r on 24 hours) the colombian clone basically grew like an inch or two. Pretty cool to see how fast they grow although I'm thinkin that the parent is male. The bagseed also greened up real nice and is starting to grow rapidly. The ch clone is so small so it will take a little longer to start growing but it will surely take off here in the next 2 weeks.

well checkin up on em the one hawaiian is really sad looking but the smaller colombian is female 2...more light for you. 3 females one male so far. Heat has been an issue, but it's snowin I love it.
Okay A lot of updates I know but things are getting very interesting. I planted 2 seeds that had been in the paper towels for 3 days. It felt really cold and kinda slimy so I got them out and planted into moist LW and I planted a querkle bean too right in the dirt from the fridge. I have them in the humidity dome on a heating mat so they are 80 degrees I don't know how much better I can get if this doesn't work I'm gonna try distilled water next. :/ I only got like 5 of each strain since my last querkle beans sprouted and were ate by my cat before I even realized they were out of the dirt. (last year)

So one hawaiian is like practically dead. It's leaves are crunchy and yellow and the other one just didn't get messed up as bad. Either way they are both males I think from the preflowers. Also I think the big colombian is male too so it's kind of ironic I planted the extra seeds and they are all males and it looks like I'm ending up with 3 females 2 CH and one colombian which was the plan all long. The cannalopes are shootin out hairs like crazy went from seeing one preflower to lots of them in a matter of days that makes me happy. None of the plants are stretching as much as I anticipated so far.

The clones are awesome perfect green color lots of growth except for the cannalope but it was such a small cutting anyways and it's from the big wide cannalope so it will stay short. I have white fuzzy roots coming from the new pots and they are almost ready for transplanting. I really want to collect some pollen from the colombian and possibly the hawaiian too because I really liked the grow structure and want to get the flowering length down on the colombian. I just have to figure out how I can do it without pollentaing my females and also I intend on growing the female clones so the veg box isn't going to work especially when I get the fans hooked up. That was the plan all along also until I heard about the supposed hermies from WOS but so far so good.
First the clones. The second pic is the cannalope roots. I took the seeds out of the humidity dome. I lifted up the soil just a little bit and I can see the taproots growing out so I think I will just leave them under the lights. Please pop out of the soil that's 50$ worth of beans right here. Than we got some pics of the girls. Than we have the dying plant and a shot of the all of them together. I now have the ones I think are males in the front and the rest in back so that I can easily see any males and get rid of them right away. I could've pulled the big colombian today but I'll give it a few more days plus I wanna figure out how I'm going to get pollen from them. The male i have a clone of but the hawaaii I don't. Really wanted to try this hawaiian too I only got 4 more beans. Last pic is of the part of the room with just girls.


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they should sprot i've had seed's i thought were doomed and said fuck it i'll plant another seed only to find out a week or two after my second seed sprouts i have another sprout in the corner of the pot or whatever lol (the little basterd had a 10 inch root) lmao i had to pull the first sprout out because the original seed was so rootbound.