First Grow CFL Hempy Bucket


Well-Known Member
hey man i have kinda the same setup in 2 of my babies. i am using 100% perlite in them. but im using cut in half 1 litre soda bottles. and where the cap goes i have a wick dipped into watter and the roots are growing around the wick into the water. ill post a drawing in a sec.


if i had a pool of water sitting at the bottom of whatever i was growing in, no matter the medium, and roots were growing into this sitting water, i would definitely throw in atleast 1 strip of airstones... i'd hate to make a setup that causes root rot and such... =[


Well-Known Member
i have enough roots to where they use al lthe waterbefore the next day and then i just water when it looks like its ready to water. ive been screwing with it for almost 5 months so i got what it needs and when down pretty good.


Active Member
hey insanity im looking at your drawing and i understand how it works i just dont know what a wick is. so wat is a wick?


Active Member
today i re read the hempy bucket thread and how to do it. i now notice where i made my mistakes it says to drill a hole 2 inches above on a 8-10 litre bucket. the one i was using was only 1 gallon and i put the hole 2 inches above it thinking that 2 inches is the standard for any pot. that was mistake number one

mistake number 2 was that i didnt let the medium dry out i was just watering every 2 days like it said and since i had no ventilation the medium didnt dry out at all. so my plants suffered over watering my bottom leaves turned yellow. i correct all of my mistakes. i wasnt home last night so i didnt get a chance to see my babies but i will see them tonight when my lights come on at 10pm CANT WAIT. im glad i learned from my mistakes and was able to correct them before it was too late. ill have pics for everyone tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
you know those outdoor bug candles made out of bamboo that i light on fire they are like an inch in diameter. it helps draw water to the roots.


Active Member
here are some pics since i havent posted pics in a while. the first pic is bag seed. the second pic is my 3 week old papaya that is severely stunted i dont know what to do with it. the third pic is my citral its growing very lovely and the last pic is of my papaya which is doing better now. the new leaves have yellow tips so maybe its nute deficiency? i started adding nutes yesterday since i wasnt home the day before so hopefully that takes care of the yellow leaf tips.



Well-Known Member
I also read the original thread on the hempy bucket method posted by Hempy at another site (thanks, Videoman for the referral!) and he is using a 3 gallon bucket, so his reservior will be much bigger and hold more water than yours at 1 gallon. So his hole should actually be LOWER than yours, not higher.

Your plants are looking good! Keep us posted.

today i re read the hempy bucket thread and how to do it. i now notice where i made my mistakes it says to drill a hole 2 inches above on a 8-10 litre bucket. the one i was using was only 1 gallon and i put the hole 2 inches above it thinking that 2 inches is the standard for any pot. that was mistake number one

mistake number 2 was that i didnt let the medium dry out i was just watering every 2 days like it said and since i had no ventilation the medium didnt dry out at all. so my plants suffered over watering my bottom leaves turned yellow. i correct all of my mistakes. i wasnt home last night so i didnt get a chance to see my babies but i will see them tonight when my lights come on at 10pm CANT WAIT. im glad i learned from my mistakes and was able to correct them before it was too late. ill have pics for everyone tomorrow.


Active Member
the first two pics are of my citral its really shinning i love this plant the next pic is my bagseed which is doing pretty good too. the 4th pic is of my papaya and it seems to be doing well despite a little mishap with my leaf tips turning yellow. and the last pic is of my small papaya and it seems to be doing much better than before. any comments would be appreciated.

i got my watering down packed so now i know how much to water and when i usually water every 2 days in the morning time before i go to work so that they have all day to drink up. i have a circulation fan inside my cabinet which is REALLLY helping dry up the medium so that i can water the plants again now my leaves seem to be doing much better. other than that everythings cool. im still having problems with the heat even though i have a circulation fan inside my cabinet 2 exhaust pc fans and 1 passive intake hole my temps get in the 90's when the cabinet is closed and im not home. ive been thinking about putting a container of ice inside the cabinet to hopefully cool down the temps by a few degrees. any ideas?



rotate a few frozen water bottles in there, when two melt, replace them with two new ones from the freezer

that should help a bit


Well-Known Member
Hey thedutchie13, your looking much better! I'm excited about your grow, I am starting the same method today. Just purely as an experiment, doing one plant. Lets hope for a female.


Active Member
thanks video. you were right about the ventilation boy did i underestimate that. anyway i dont know if you know this but a nice simple way to aerate your medium is to poke holes in it the theory is that air can get deeper inside your medium because of the holes. im trying it out been doing it the past few days and its pretty good give it a try with your hempy bucket


Well-Known Member
My seed is germinating right now, should be ready today.
I'm pretty psyched about this method.
Peace....& good luck!