First Grow And Box Design


Well-Known Member
i still am really pleased with the metal grow box. that said, i have thought of few things i could change to make it better now that i have been using it for awhile. for starters i would like to completely section off where the light is with a piece of glass so that way it could have its own exaust all the heat from the lamp and built in ballast would not go down in the below chamber to the plant. of course i know there is the greenhouse effect but im thinkin it would be better. my heat as it is may get as high as 82 if the airconditioner in the house isn't turned on. its been getting around the mid seventies outside. also i think that if the light was fixed like that, it would be easy enough to make a floor with a small jack or pulley system to lift or lowere the floor/plants closer or further from the light. and also on the back of the box in the grow section i am thinking it would be best to instead of making a square hole for a cage fan to make the hole so i could attach one of those carbon filters. and on another note there are several extremely small airconditioning units that cost just as much if not less than a nice squirrell cage fan. i don't think one of those would be hard to install. hmmmm so many ideas. and there is really nothin to it but to do it. gotta wait for this one to be done first though.


Active Member
yep honey, it really helps! I done it to my ex-gals plant once as I was tieing colons down, split right down the main stalk, she went mad! lol.

I got 25 plants in a 1m2 tent atm, wont do that again! they dont arf get big! lol

nice to see that ya using HPS now, I think LED is just a toy the japanese try to sell.


Well-Known Member
here are some new pics. i also added a couple pictures of the clone that i started on the 13th of last month. that would make it 27 days olds. i think its lookin good. this will be my new mother plant if the buds turn out any good on the one i am flowerin. i started the dark cycle on 26 days ago and based on the pictures of the flowers how much longer will it take. 5-6 weeks?? sucker is stinkin pretty good. I was lookin through other peoples forums and pictures and noticed most of them pruned most of their bottom plant. i figured it had something to do with getting the plant to concentrate on the growth of the buds. so as u can see by the pics i am trying it to see what happens. i have only noticed one problem which isn't a big one at the moment. it looks like somethin is eatin tiny strips out of a few of the leaves. whenever i see it, i clip off that individual leaf. but one tends to keep poppin up every now and then.



Well-Known Member
i am really liking that new water tub alot better than the 5 gallon bucket. its 22x16x6. so i get more vertical growing space compared to the bucket and i don't have to add water every couple days. i am debating on taking my 5lb co2 tank with electronic regulator off of my fish tank but am not sure if its worth the trouble for that one plant. i already have a jug in the back with yeast and sugar water makin some co2. any suggestions.


Active Member
Ya can use 24 hour turbo yeast to eat through a pound of sugar a day kikkin out about 2lb of Co2? instant turbo, lol

I havent used Co2 yet as my tent extracts the air every 15sec, I have to find a better way to keep my 600w cold before its worth it, but will do it soon :-)

bigger rez the better m8! cant go wrong wiv big. I used a 55L bin for a mum once, she loved it.


Well-Known Member
Ya can use 24 hour turbo yeast to eat through a pound of sugar a day kikkin out about 2lb of Co2? instant turbo, lol

I havent used Co2 yet as my tent extracts the air every 15sec, I have to find a better way to keep my 600w cold before its worth it, but will do it soon :-)

bigger rez the better m8! cant go wrong wiv big. I used a 55L bin for a mum once, she loved it.
i guess since i got it might as well try it. cuz it only cost 12 bucks to refill the sucker. but i had the same thoughts as you about heat issues. if i don't keep the fan in the back goin my temps can go up to 85-87 degrees. i was thinkin it would just suck it out. but then again some co2 is better than none right.


Well-Known Member
we are about to get a pretty good storm which made me think to tell yall that if you are doin hydroponics and your power goes out for a long period of time, the local petstore sales emergency airpumps. they work off a couple of D batteries. you plug them in the outlet and when their is no power it automatically turns on.


Active Member
I dont know m8, I tryed the bottles but the air movement just seemed to much to be much good. id keep it in ya fishtank and just vac wiv good temps/humidity than turn off fans have heat n humidity probs? but if ya going to i'll b lookin :-)


Well-Known Member
I dont know m8, I tryed the bottles but the air movement just seemed to much to be much good. id keep it in ya fishtank and just vac wiv good temps/humidity than turn off fans have heat n humidity probs? but if ya going to i'll b lookin :-)
You got a point essex. im glad there are places like this to swap ideas.


Active Member
me 2 m8! RIU 4 the win! lol

have a poke in my sig if borred ya may be able to give me a few?


Well-Known Member
me 2 m8! RIU 4 the win! lol

have a poke in my sig if borred ya may be able to give me a few?
after lookin at yours, im kinda frustrated about my mini buds. yours are alot further along. i am going to completely eliminate the grow nutes and just stick with the micro, bloom, and Kool Bloom.


Well-Known Member
alright. i went ahead and changed the nutes. i eliminated the grow and i used Full strength micro,bloom, and koolbloom. this will be the strongest yet. ive been scared to hurt the plant but every forum, book, and video ive seen says to go full on at this time. so wtf!!! to ten gallons i put:
10tsp of micro
10tsp of bloom
10tsp of kool bloom
Lets see what happens.
ohh. and my favorite youtube videos for growing is


Active Member
no1 buds are never big enough! lol. I look at some ppls on here and I get frustrated about my mini buds.
nutes sound more like it, is that mix to bottle label? if it is ya cant go wrong :-)

I cant see ya vid i need an account, my fave vid is "Jorge Cervantes high times ultimate grow" 3 dvd's some lovely gardens, he is a god when it comes to weed.
It is avalable at pirate bay or dvd. lol

bagseed is ya biggest prob, ya doing perfict for ya first grow, I want your armored tank of a room!


Well-Known Member
i have looked at some grow boxes for sale on the net and can't believe the prices. my box may be a little heavier but i guarantee its goin to take alot more than a few kicks to get inside it. i just stuck a skateboard under it and wheeled it through the house so its not too bad. and besides if i ever diside to quit this hobby, then at least i got a good toolbox or storage cabinet. if it wasn't for shippin, id like to make ones like on the net and sale them. hell i could do it custom at half the price and still come out good.


Well-Known Member
and yes that nut strength is according to the label. until now i have done 1/4 at first and then half. now its full


Well-Known Member
im thinkin it was a good move makin the nutes stronger and leavin out the Grow nutes. the leaves look great.



Well-Known Member
Looking good. Been flowering for just under a month right? Looks like it has a good bit of sativa in it. I'm guessing you have quite a bit longer to go. Honestly don't be surprised if it goes for three months (my 1st grow was chopped at 97 days of flowering and could have gone longer). I'm not trying to scare you, just giving a heads up of what is possible. There are some strains that take up to 6 months of flowering to become ripe. The good thing is that long flowering sativas tend to have really robust flavors and the high can be trippy as hell. The bad thing is that the yield may be small. From what I've read they tend to make lighter buds and not grow as close together. You may want to start LSTing if you think room may become a problem. You don't want to wait until she has become stiff or you may end up snapping her.

Is it possible that you have a light leak? That could severely slow down flowering if it is substantial.


Well-Known Member
Damn Jebus again a step ahead of me. Cool grow Brandon ur baby is growin up fast. Also I agree with jebus on everything plus sativa's r a more energetic high. Def put some rollers on that monster it made things much easier being able to move mine around. The bag seed grow is cool and all but I'd love to see that AK u got. U gave me an idea I wanna build a grow safe!


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Been flowering for just under a month right? Looks like it has a good bit of sativa in it. I'm guessing you have quite a bit longer to go. Honestly don't be surprised if it goes for three months (my 1st grow was chopped at 97 days of flowering and could have gone longer). I'm not trying to scare you, just giving a heads up of what is possible. There are some strains that take up to 6 months of flowering to become ripe. The good thing is that long flowering sativas tend to have really robust flavors and the high can be trippy as hell. The bad thing is that the yield may be small. From what I've read they tend to make lighter buds and not grow as close together. You may want to start LSTing if you think room may become a problem. You don't want to wait until she has become stiff or you may end up snapping her.

Is it possible that you have a light leak? That could severely slow down flowering if it is substantial.
yep right at a month....even though i thought there was no possible light leak i decided to check it out anyways. i was right. there was no light commin in from outside the box. i did however find light commin from inside the box. im not sure if it is enough to make a difference but the red switch on the powere switch was glowin red. i taped over it so now there is no light at all.
I was hopin that the plant was as tall as it was goin to get. its already gotten 3 times bigger since flowering. jeeeeeze. i went to the hydro store and got some soft garden ties and put it to use last night. i been growin it since january. i blame the small size on the original light i used. it was a hidhut ufo. i did get that back from my buddy yesterday because he decided not to use it due to heat and stealth issues. so i am going to put it in there with the 150 hps and see if it helps any. the way i figure it, it can sit in the closet or in the box. i got it, might as well use it.