First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
I'm going thru the same shit, I hope to have my harvest by sept 10th so I can move when my lease is up, if not I have to stay a month longer o.o


Well-Known Member
Good luck, July 13 is right around the corner!!! It would really suck if you have to move right in the middle of growing. Worse case scenario you flip the switch on July 13th if you got to be out in 2 months from there.




Well-Known Member
Good luck man, that is the reason I feel like most grows get hinky. Moving sucks, luckily I just moved before starting growing again haha. I had a week to find a new place. Ended up living with friend for a couple weeks until I found a location.
A friend of mine already offered me a place to stay, but I'm in a house with all my furnishings. I doubt we could fit everything in his house...but it's something to consider. I'm still looking at other options as well. I know I have a minimum of 45 days left so I need to find something quick. I'm a persistent bastard so failure to harvest is not an option. These plants will finish one way or another :weed:

I'm going thru the same shit, I hope to have my harvest by sept 10th so I can move when my lease is up, if not I have to stay a month longer o.o
Damn yea, you're cutting it close too lol I wish you the best of luck man. Time is not on our side.

Good luck, July 13 is right around the corner!!! It would really suck if you have to move right in the middle of growing. Worse case scenario you flip the switch on July 13th if you got to be out in 2 months from there.


If they give me 2 months then I'll switch it that day for sure. Unfortunately I don't think I have that much time. Long story... but before I started my grow I thought I would have time to finish. Now I'm pretty sure I don't. We'll see!


Well-Known Member
Nevermind I'm an idiot lmao

My ladies started to show me their guns today. So far there's no balls. Great success! I like!


Well-Known Member
Give me your guys opinions on power feeding. I guess that means give them nutes with every feed, while gradually increasing the doses each week. First week 1/8-1/4, 3 to 4 times. Next week 1/4-1/2, 3 to 4 times, etc.... I need to feed them today and I'm not exactly sure what I want to do. Their last feed was water and the Humboldt Verde (16-1-2) only. My plan today was just straight water, but now I'm leaning towards more nutes.



Well-Known Member
Give me your guys opinions on power feeding. I guess that means give them nutes with every feed, while gradually increasing the doses each week. First week 1/8-1/4, 3 to 4 times. Next week 1/4-1/2, 3 to 4 times, etc.... I need to feed them today and I'm not exactly sure what I want to do. Their last feed was water and the Humboldt Verde (16-1-2) only. My plan today was just straight water, but now I'm leaning towards more nutes.

you can add nutrients every other watering just don't over do it its always better to use less them than 2 much


Well-Known Member
I feed my plants every single time with nutes, but I also Make It Rain which is basically flushing your plant prior to feeding. Flush Feeding. I dont know how you are currently feeding your plants but I would recommend every other feeding give nutes and I would always start at 25% the recommend dosage and gradually increase 25% each nute feeding till your plant tells you enough. If your feeding "N" and your keep raising the dosage eventually the leaves will look heavy dark green and will have some clawing. Keep track of what you feed your plants so you can always go back and see where you might of over fed or something. I use Fox Farm Feeding Schedule and I never hit 100% of their recommended dosage. You need to learn how to read your plants so you can feed when they tell you they want to be fed.....Hope that made sense.

I would flip the switch too.....get them moving under 12/ dont want to be fucking around moving huge plants when they are in the middle of flowering. You seem to have limited time. You will still get a nice yield!






Active Member
If you are seeing pre-flowers it means the girls are letting you know they are ready to go into flowering. You can flip them safely now and you should end up with a good harvest too. I would do what cannabis and bekind were talking about. Gradually increase the nutes and flush every other water, was what I did. If you don't flush you will run the risk of getting salt build up and locking the girls out. Which is terrible (happened to me my first grow because I was under watering and not flushing).


Well-Known Member
This sucks! I don't like uncertainty... but Sunday I will make the switch. I just SC'd a whole bunch yesterday morning and replaced all LST strings with new ones so I'll give them a full 48 hours before flipping. I'm getting nervous now because I've been keeping their height at 10-12" so they won't be as big as planned. If I can pull 2 oz's off of each I will be happy but I may be expecting too much? We'll see...

My feed has went like this... first nute feed I went about 20% strength everything but verde. Second feed was 15% strength Verde ONLY. This feed I went 15% on micro, grow, bloom, equilibrium and sea green. Next will be water only. I noticed that the cheese and master kush are very thristy girls. They can handle being watered every other day, unlike the lemon skunk which I had to skip over today.

Some positive news... If I have to move before their harvest I may have someone to help. My friend has a 10x10 grow tent that he was in the process of putting together. He mentioned having some space available if I need to move them.


Well-Known Member
Dubz you will pull close to that if not a little more.. The ones I vegged about 3 weeks .. 18 inches or so all hit about 3 zones already.. and they were not good yielding strains. :)


Well-Known Member
If you are seeing pre-flowers it means the girls are letting you know they are ready to go into flowering. You can flip them safely now and you should end up with a good harvest too.
There's just a few spots on a couple of plants that are showing me tiny tiny pistols. I want to give them a few days to bounce back after the SC and LST I just put them through yesterday. Not only that but Sunday will be exactly 4 weeks under the MH. First week was 24 hours on at 750w and the next 3 were 18/6 at full 1000w. Now we'll see just how badass these Baddass bulbs really are. Sunday = Red Diamond Day.

I know I didn't follow exactly what you guys suggested about feeding, but I've been going way under what is recommended. There really is no method behind my madness.


Well-Known Member
Dubz you will pull close to that if not a little more.. The ones I vegged about 3 weeks .. 18 inches or so all hit about 3 zones already.. and they were not good yielding strains. :)
Total height after flower they were 18"?? or you flipped them when they were 18"? Mine have been restricted to 10" since they started veg. I could easily pull off all the LST strings and I'm sure they would plump up a few inches.


Well-Known Member
More madness!!!

I cleaned my second hood and put in the Red Diamond (HPS). I moved 6 plants (2 of each strain) under it just now and when I get home later I will swap them back to the MH and move the other 6 under the HPS. I'm still running 18/6 until Sunday but the extra spectrum can't hurt until then! My eyes are all fucked up from the different light spectrums ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Active Member
Good lookin'. Your babies are going to grow up so fast once that red spectrum is in there. Glad everything seems to be working out if you have to move the grow. Keep us up to date. We worry about our friends ya know.


Well-Known Member
Good lookin'. Your babies are going to grow up so fast once that red spectrum is in there. Glad everything seems to be working out if you have to move the grow. Keep us up to date. We worry about our friends ya know.
I appreciate you guys more than you know Lantern...

It seems that adversity is overwhelming me at the moment. Failure is beginning to look like my only option. I just went down to check my temp since I have both lights running and to my disgust I found that my brand new $600 CHHC-4 is completely fucking dead. Sentinel is really starting to work against me here.

When I plugged in my other ballast, it had nothing to do with my CHHC-4 so I'm baffled as to why NOW it decided to die. I'm doing my best to stay positive but damn.... give me a fucking break already! What's next?! Fried ballasts?! Broken bulbs?! ugh........ GOOOOOOOSSSSFRAAAAAABAAAAAAAHHHHHH......


Active Member
I used to be an Electronic Technician in the Navy. I didn't work with a bunch of lights, but troubleshooting is something I know. Start by checking the simple things. If it isn't the ballast, the bulb, if it isn't the bulb or ballast the socket. If it isn't any of those three then it is most likely the interconnecting cables or the circuit breaker. An old Tech once told me, you gotta beat the inanimate object. You have to be smarter than it. Don't let it make you angry, anger leads to hate. Hate leads to the darkside...I may be confusing this with Yoda, Lol. I hope these kinks work out, dubbz. Otherwise, why would you be treating me to a trip of Detroit? Haha I keed, now get to work fixing those lights!


Well-Known Member
The lights are good. The unit that's out is my c02/temp/humidity controller. It runs the fan for my hoods, my air scrubber, my dehumidifier and my c02 regulator. Without this thing I'm in trouble. It did the same thing the Sentinel MDT-1 did to me a week ago. The power supply went bad, but why is the question. I am noticing that the outside of the MDT-1 is getting hot, right where the power supply is. I had my second ballast cable running across the top of the Sentinel CHHC-4 so I may have overheated the power supply? The cables from my ballast are warm but not 'hot'. Everything seems to be generating three times as much heat as before. With just the one MH bulb I could keep the temp at 80 to 81 during the day. Now that I have the MH and added the one HPS it won't go lower than 86-87... now when I add the other HPS, I may have a serious heat issue. Or I could attempt to flower them all under one of the HPS, or leave it how it is now with both the HPS and MH. I may try running both HPS just to test out the temp. If I can't control it then I won't have a choice but to use only one HPS. Holy stressed out batman...


Active Member
The lights are good. The unit that's out is my c02/temp/humidity controller. It runs the fan for my hoods, my air scrubber, my dehumidifier and my c02 regulator. Without this thing I'm in trouble. It did the same thing the Sentinel MDT-1 did to me a week ago. The power supply went bad, but why is the question. I am noticing that the outside of the MDT-1 is getting hot, right where the power supply is. I had my second ballast cable running across the top of the Sentinel CHHC-4 so I may have overheated the power supply? The cables from my ballast are warm but not 'hot'. Everything seems to be generating three times as much heat as before. With just the one MH bulb I could keep the temp at 80 to 81 during the day. Now that I have the MH and added the one HPS it won't go lower than 86-87... now when I add the other HPS, I may have a serious heat issue. Or I could attempt to flower them all under one of the HPS, or leave it how it is now with both the HPS and MH. I may try running both HPS just to test out the temp. If I can't control it then I won't have a choice but to use only one HPS. Holy stressed out batman...
You can do one HPS and one MH. Ask alotaball what that might do to your grow @1000w, I'm really unsure on the matter. Him and I were also talking about circuits and amperage not too long ago. Have you check the amps going through the circuit you are trying to run? Not doubting you, I just don't know your sitch. If it was me I would start collecting data on the equipment involved. How many each requires, how many amps you have available etc. See if alotaball can help you here, if not there are hundreds of people in here. I'm not sure if you have, put up a thread on the issue. People love seeing and helping solve each others issues as long as there is a lot of technical information to go on. Good luck, keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lantern. I'm not exactly sure on the technicalities involved with anything electric. Definitely not my field of expertise. I was going by what my electrician told me. The MDT won't handle both 1000w ballasts plugged in, unless it's ran with 240v through a relay and converted back to 120v. The max voltage on the timer is 1440 so it may not be able to handle both, even with a relay but I have no clue lol I posted in a topic but nobody replied after me. I'll give it a bump.