First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
I have a Home Depot about a mile down the road. That's probably where I'll end up. I love HD... except I always spend more than I intend to when I walk in that place!


Well-Known Member
Good news! I contacted Sentinel support for the hell of it and Jesse from is sending me a new power supply :) I guess the unit is under warranty. Until the power supply gets here I am the light timer.

My plants got their first taste of the Humboldt nutes Tuesday and today they are looking good. I only used 1/4 strength to get them in the swing of things. Next feeding I plan to do straight H20.

I've been adjusting the LST on each plant daily as I see fit. Each plant is showing a ton of new growth, even the lemon skunk. The cheese plants seem to be getting bushier by the day. The master kush is growing fast but it seems to be stretching the most. I tried moving the light down closer but I ended up burning a few leaves on the lemon skunk. It didn't do too much damage since I'm down there checking on them

Temp is at a steady 80-81F and rH is between 50-54% :)


Well-Known Member
Things are looking good bro.. those girls are gunna turn into bush's with all that lst.. how long u gonna veg?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking 6 weeks should be a good time unless they look ready sooner. The master kush and cheese plants are bushing out nicely. Still not sure what these damn lemon skunks are going to do. They seem to be really slow growers.

Edit: They are all about 10" tall right now but getting really wide. The 5 gal pots disappear when looking down on the cheese and master kush.


Well-Known Member
I thought the girls were looking photogenic so I snapped a few shots. They were looking quite sexy if I do say so myself! The skunk smells soooooooooo good I want to eat her, or smoke a bad way. The kush looks like I've been feeding it Big Mac's and vanilla milkshakes, her ass is getting wide. I can see her outward growth getting out of control already. The cheese, ah the cheese. These girls are just plump and looking fantastic as they squeeze right into their space in the garden. It's almost hypnotic what they do to me. What was I saying? Hmm, yes... pictures!

Behold the Lemon Skunk showing off their new growth as the Humboldt-ness runs thru their weedy little veins:

Then the Master Kush ladies decided to go all out in this spread, showing off their luscious curves and bodacious fan leaves:
Here are the garden queens, the Blue Cheese females and they really know how to work that camera:

Here's a few random pictures of the grow. You can see how I've been keeping an even canopy with LST.

I did do some trimming a week ago but I wasn't too comfortable doing it. The only things I've trimmed off are little shits coming off of the bottom few branches. I took the side leaves off of a few huge fan leaves and left the middle finger. Then I did do a few of what I thought were tops, but these were clones so I had no idea where the actual "top" was. I did make some cuts though. We'll see if they pay off or are a total bust. *fingers crossed*



Well-Known Member
Thanks man. One thing I forgot to add is that I got my Humboldt Verde in the mail today. I'm excited to feed it to my ladies!

So it came to my house by fedex. It was just a quart bottle in a box, flopping around with no packing material. There was tape on the cap but a little bit had leaked out. I pulled the tape off to clean it all up and got a mad wiff of this stuff... no joke... it smells like straight up SHIT. Like the fedex guy dropped a deuce in my package for real. I almost gagged, but I'm still excited to feed it to my girls ahahaha They'll love it! N = 16!


Active Member
Looking great, Dub. Now that you're this far into the grow, is there anything that you're thinking about changing up, or that you wish you had done or done differently from the start?


Well-Known Member
So far all of the supercropping and LST has really bushed these ladies out, which is what I was aiming for. They've been fed nutes once and seem to be enjoying them.Something I wish I would have done differently is my trimming. I'm not a big fan of uncertainty and the trim job I gave a few of these ladies is questionable. On one of the cheese plants I think I trimmed off too much but time will tell. I guess the other thing is that I should have started this a long time ago! I've been missing out on this shit for years... not only that but I may be moving into a different house soon. I'm trying to postpone the move until harvest time, but it's not up to me. I will keep this updated regardless.


Well-Known Member
Everything is green and healthy....Garden looks like it doubled in size too....Excellent work my friend, keep going!




Well-Known Member
Thanks BKB :) I'm doing everything I done learned!

Hell yea it doubled. Is that what I can expect week to week during veg?


Well-Known Member
Hell yea man, i've been curious about what strains i want to try next.. and you have convinced me to forsure get my hands on some cheese.
your plants are lookin gorgeous!


Active Member
Your ladies are looking rather elegant Mr. Dubbzor. Keep up the great work, I am excited to see where they are going. I haven't been out to Michigan since way back in 2004. It's too cold out there for my blood, I think. Haha. Your room is so clean I love it. Slick everything in order, great man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks BKB :) I'm doing everything I done learned!

Hell yea it doubled. Is that what I can expect week to week during veg?
I dont see why not with the light you have and as long as you keep them healthy and good environment. Hell yeah they will continue and it will get even more in Flowering. That where they stretch and really exploded with growth! I love when plants go through the transitional phase of Veg to Flowering. Thats where you will see your hard work pay off!

How long are you going to veg them for?




I'm thinking 6 weeks should be a good time unless they look ready sooner. The master kush and cheese plants are bushing out nicely. Still not sure what these damn lemon skunks are going to do. They seem to be really slow growers.

Edit: They are all about 10" tall right now but getting really wide. The 5 gal pots disappear when looking down on the cheese and master kush.
i figured for my grow im gonna grow to preset height before switching to flower on mine. i read that plants can double or triple in height durring flowering so i just wanted to throw u my 2 cents on how long to veg, this is my first grow though so...u know its just an opinion LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hell yea man, i've been curious about what strains i want to try next.. and you have convinced me to forsure get my hands on some cheese.
your plants are lookin gorgeous!
Much thanks steeZz! I was hesitant about getting the cheese, but after the guy told me it was his highest yielding plant I had to give them a go. There aren't any bad reviews of the strain either so that was a bonus.

Your ladies are looking rather elegant Mr. Dubbzor. Keep up the great work, I am excited to see where they are going. I haven't been out to Michigan since way back in 2004. It's too cold out there for my blood, I think. Haha. Your room is so clean I love it. Slick everything in order, great man.
Thanks Lantern! You and I are both excited lol Every time I look at my ladies I seem to forget about all the daily life BS and just smile :) Maybe that's why I'm in their room damn near every hour. I can't get enough of them!

I've lived here my whole life and it's too damn cold for me too so no worries lol

I dont see why not with the light you have and as long as you keep them healthy and good environment. Hell yeah they will continue and it will get even more in Flowering. That where they stretch and really exploded with growth! I love when plants go through the transitional phase of Veg to Flowering. Thats where you will see your hard work pay off!

How long are you going to veg them for?


BKB, much thanks! I can't wait to see what happens when I put both HPS on... I'll have 6 under each light so they should explode, or my new term, PLUMP haha I might have to coin that term as my own. People seem to like it.

Planned veg time is 6 weeks. That all depends on how long I stay in this house. If I'm forced to move, I'm not real sure what will happen. I may have to flower them sooner, which would be the worst case scenario.

i figured for my grow im gonna grow to preset height before switching to flower on mine. i read that plants can double or triple in height durring flowering so i just wanted to throw u my 2 cents on how long to veg, this is my first grow though so...u know its just an opinion LOL!!!!
Your opinion counts too man. This is my first grow and I'm learning a lot. I'm able to speak with confidence about certain aspects of growing just from my 3 weeks of experience. Keep active on the forum and read read read. You will do just fine my man :)

Thanks everyone for coming along on this ride. I have high expectations and cannot wait to share the rest of my growing experience with you all. :weed:


Active Member
For the flower vs veg time, besides height there are a few other indicators that the plants are ready to flower. In Ed Rosenthal's "Marijuana Grower's Handbook", under Indoor flowering, it says to look down on the top canopy and when two-thirds of the floor space is hidden by plant canopy, it is time to start the flowering process. With that said, it is also important to always let the ladies let you know when it is time. Try not to switch them within a few days of a stressful event. This allows for them to recover before inducing flowering, which although not stressful itself, the plant will possibly take longer to recover.


Well-Known Member
My plants have been stressed since I've had them. There's this guy constantly hovering over them. He drools on them, fluffs them, smacks them around and he's even been seen talking to them for hours on end lmao Do I joke too much? Fuck it. It's all in fun. I'm trying my best not to stress them too much. All the supercropping and trimming I've been doing is about the only stress they get, though they are taking my experimental cutting like true champions. I've been chopping off ALL lower growth or new growth on my lowest branches. From what my experienced grower friends tell me, this will help maximize their yield. We'll see what happens!

I do intend to let them speak for themselves in regards to flipping them to flower though. In an earlier post I mentioned the plan was to veg for 6 weeks, but if they showed signs earlier then I would flip them then. My biggest concern is my house situation. The lemon skunks are going to have the longest flower period at 9-10 weeks. I may not have that much time in this house. 3 more months would be ideal at this point but I'm not getting my hopes up. I'll find out for sure on July 13th. Wish me luck.


Active Member
Good luck man, that is the reason I feel like most grows get hinky. Moving sucks, luckily I just moved before starting growing again haha. I had a week to find a new place. Ended up living with friend for a couple weeks until I found a location.