first grow 2 wks about


Active Member
Growing with cfl. Only 1 bulb at moment. Limited space. 1 plant looking streched any advice. Will be getting more cfl's. No way I can get HPS or anything else at moment.

I know it's very frowned upon but would it be possible to start 12/12 earlier then usual. I don't mean now, but when the plants are about 12inchs high? I need to get through the harvest asap. Not very worried about amount of product, would be happy with 1 or 2 ounces.

By the way are Mylar and tinfoil the same thing?

Will upload more pics in near future.



Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
Mylar isn't the same as tinfoil. I thought it was too, but it's not. Do not use tinfoil to reflect the light though.


Active Member
Would it be any good using black plastic? Or would I be better off just painting it white?


Well-Known Member
paint it white. Get more light. Keep plants as closeas possible to the lights. You can use the backside of that shiny wrapping paper you might use or a family member might use for wrapping gifts instead of painting white.


Well-Known Member
Since no one else answered this question, yes you can flower at 12 inches. Actually most people say you can flower as small as 8".

I started flowering mine at about 10-12" because I don't have a lot of height in my grow space. They will double, or triple in size and can get even larger during flowering.


Well-Known Member
dude if you can put them int he sun for a couple hours at first, a couple hours outside won't give you too much exposure to cops,neighbors etc.


Active Member
hi im new to growing and just wondering how long it was before your plants broke the serface and what was your suscess rate thanks


Active Member
is there any specific method 2 make females flower or they just do it alone within time ??
how much time is expected for a plant to flower after knowing its sex (female) ?


Well-Known Member
Flowering is a stage of plant growth that is induced by the lighting cycle. When you change the light from 24/0 to 12/12, you have put the plant into flowering. Usually within 2 weeks of flowering you will know which are males and females.


Well-Known Member
with cfl bulbs you want to get them about 1-2 inches away from your plants. this will help with your streching problem. then get more bulbs if you can i am using a 150w cfl i am getting great results. just added a 27w cfl for side lighting. wile i build my flowering chamber. jus rember to keep the cfls as close as you can with out burning them. most important thing to do is use common sence. most weeds are hard to kill . if all else fales check the grow faq at the top of the page lots of good helpful info in there. gl with your grow