First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

well in order to use any info from this site i think they gotta have an over the seas warrent because this site was made in like finland or something? and they are costly so maybe if you had a big ass meth lab or something but there not gonna do anything with this site lol
well in order to use any info from this site i think they gotta have an over the seas warrent because this site was made in like finland or something? and they are costly so maybe if you had a big ass meth lab or something but there not gonna do anything with this site lol
I use Firefox for my browser and have a add on called "Flag Fox" which reads the IP address of the web site you are on and lets you know where the website is located by displaying the country's flag on the address line. forums are right here in the good ol USA.
Umm, you realize you've been posting quite a bit about growing massive amounts of marijuana on here? Couldn't that be used against you?

Seems to me the trial is over. Only thing left to determine is your punishment. Just not sure why growing mass amounts of pot is cool to disclose, but the crime (which you've already been convicted of) can't be disclosed. I'm pretty sure the local DA, who just convicted you of 2 felonies, isn't scouring the internet to see what else he can get on you. Just a hunch. I totally understand if you simply say - it's private, humiliating, shameful, etc. and we can all go fvck ourselves. But when you drop a bombshell like this, people here want details damnit ;)

Sounds like you've thrown quite a bit of money at a couple of attorneys already. I would think paying them to appeal the verdict is a losing proposition for you. They'll be thrilled to take more of your money, tho. Especially in this economy. It's not like people can tap into their home equity to pay for their criminal attorney anymore. That's all gone.

Bummer, I wanted to see how all those plants turned out.

your right but i wish not to disclose any details about my case cuz i feel that maybe someone could find out my identity. since mow im a convicted felon someone could simply look it up and also it is embarrassing to me
ahh ok i wasn't for sure but someone high on the riu poll told me this so it's w/e. good luck waldo my dad has 22 DUI's and he can't drive/fly/leave the country that shit travels with you he is 70 years old and still can't get his licence and shit hasn't drank in years so i feel ya being a felon sucks
its about time i see a fucken female right now im down 16 plants (males) its 2 Hollands Hope 1 Northern Lights 2 Crystal 4 Dutch Poison 3 Purple White Widow 1 White Widow 3 Ice. One thing i notice that the 3 plants that got burned by the heater all turned out males. that just shows that stress has a big play in the beginning phase of flowering
damn it 16 males and 1 female i would say the majority of what you got left should be females they tend to take longer to show hopefully anyways
good luck withyour court case waldo an as for the plants males usually are the first to show sex so hopefully the rest are all bud bearing babes
keep it green
hey bro video looks good as far as the soil go the people at the hydro store prob arnt expecting that you need 50 of them when you call em up tell them i need 50 bags what kinda deal can you cut me. oh and mix 50% FFOF with 50% of the dirt from the hole that should save u a lil bit thats what i read everyone recomending seems solid to me though
You could amend your soil with coir fiber or peat moss and then add some organic slow release nutes like blood meal for N, bone meal for P, and kelp for K and 60 different trace minerals. That should give you a good balanced fertile soil. Just my opinion.
here is a pic of coco coir that i bought today im limited with money right now so i only bought half


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nice man im trying to decide what nutes i want to use this year i hear those advanced nutrients time release work good that way you dont have to add to water each time if you have used before please let me know as alot like there product thanks.
Going organic is too expensive i dont have the money right now. hopefully next year ill be able to go organic but this year i want to see sum fat lookin buds and huge plants with huge harvest
are these male or female cuz on one of them i see white hairs on the bottom can i be a hermi. the top of these plants have no white hairs they look like their bubbling up but all close together


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soo wait your just dumping coco with the soil outside? how big of space are you going to be growing and how many plants u thinking your going to have? seems like a lot of coco...i mix bat guano and worm castings and call it aday with perlite..,all depends on the soil in the grown to start..but if your going for monsters and have good genitcs..2 to 3 meters apart...
soo wait your just dumping coco with the soil outside? how big of space are you going to be growing and how many plants u thinking your going to have? seems like a lot of coco...i mix bat guano and worm castings and call it aday with perlite..,all depends on the soil in the grown to start..but if your going for monsters and have good genitcs..2 to 3 meters apart...
im diggin 3x3x3 holes thats 27cuft a 5 kil brick covers 2.5 cuft then ill add my slow release nutrients and call it a day so far i have about 20-40 females not sure haven't counted yet
can't wait to see those babies in the ground.. good luck with everything dude, all your plants look really healthy. I wish you pounds and pounds.