Well-Known Member
quick question when its a female the hairs come out first b4 it really starts budding right?
so far their not all sexed yet
yeah man i had 2 private lawyers and they said theirs a gud chance of appeal but it is still a strike and 2 felony so im praying for the best but expecting the worst. the DA had an upper had with the closing statement cuz they go first then we go then they go again to "clarify" on our closing statement fuck MR.F**D** i hope he burns in fucken hell. all he wants to do is but an innocent person behind bars it doesn't matter to him if i go for life the bible says all the wrong we do our kids will pay for it.Damn Waldo, I am sorry to hear that, I really am, and not just because I want to see where your grow goes but because you seem like a cool guy and don't belong behind bars. Have you talked to your attorney about this and what your likely hood is of going to prison? If it's only your first offense maby you wont go to prison at all or maby you can get a plea bargain and only do a short time in jail instead of prison. If thats the case your partner could take care of the ladys untill you get out. Keep us updated Bro...
and one more thing I WAS SHIT FACE DRUNK
no i wish i could explain it on here but i cant cuz it can be use against me in the court of lawdid you get charged with vehicelar manslaugter?
no i wish i could explain it on here but i cant cuz it can be use against me in the court of law