First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds

found some more males 6 of them
step 1: take them out
step 2: ripe em' out
step 3: say fuck why did you have to be males


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well if you guys remember from my last video that i said i had to go do something, well for the past 3 1/2 years Ive been fighting a case and the past 2 weeks i had trial well i just got back and the jury have found GUILTY
2 of 3 accounts both are felony's accounts but one is also a strike. I'll have to go back to court in early June i am facing 1-4 years it is my first offense but now the question is what to do with my plants i haven't deiced yet if i should go through the grow and have someone take care of it mid way or if i should start selling the plants. If i sell the plants after they've been sexed how much should i ask for. Damn people each time i look at my girl i cant help but to start crying, this shit sucks :wall: this isn't a joke, please help with some advice as to what i should do. Sorry to disappoint everyone but if i deiced to continue with the grow ill make sure the person that handles it will keep you updated. but if im not going to see any $ for a few years im going to sell the plants or my associate will handle selling them for me.


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Damn Waldo, I am sorry to hear that, I really am, and not just because I want to see where your grow goes but because you seem like a cool guy and don't belong behind bars. Have you talked to your attorney about this and what your likely hood is of going to prison? If it's only your first offense maby you wont go to prison at all or maby you can get a plea bargain and only do a short time in jail instead of prison. If thats the case your partner could take care of the ladys untill you get out. Keep us updated Bro...
Damn Waldo, I am sorry to hear that, I really am, and not just because I want to see where your grow goes but because you seem like a cool guy and don't belong behind bars. Have you talked to your attorney about this and what your likely hood is of going to prison? If it's only your first offense maby you wont go to prison at all or maby you can get a plea bargain and only do a short time in jail instead of prison. If thats the case your partner could take care of the ladys untill you get out. Keep us updated Bro...
yeah man i had 2 private lawyers and they said theirs a gud chance of appeal but it is still a strike and 2 felony so im praying for the best but expecting the worst. the DA had an upper had with the closing statement cuz they go first then we go then they go again to "clarify" on our closing statement fuck MR.F**D** i hope he burns in fucken hell. all he wants to do is but an innocent person behind bars it doesn't matter to him if i go for life the bible says all the wrong we do our kids will pay for it.
Sucks man, I still haven't gotten in any trouble with the law, but I'm one lucky mother fucker, I just hope that luck never runs out.

I would take care of some of your babies and even give you back part of the harvest, but im all the way over in AZ, if only I lived in norcal! oh well, hey man good luck with the court deal.

If all else fails, you could go to a clinic and just donate them, or ask a clinic if there are any caregivers in the area you could give em to. better yet make sure they are females, when they are, you could probably sell them to some people.
aww man sorry to hear about that bro. ive been down a few times myself good luck is if you only get 1 or 2 years thats only a couple of months as long as you didnt do anything vilent. best of luck to you
you know what ppl fuck this im not going to let this shit get me down THE GROW IS STILL ON!!!!! i just got off the phone with my lawyer and he told me that its a possibility that if i make a good enough impression on my probation officer that when they are sentencing me he'll write a very good report on me and probably get off on probation and yes it is consider a violent crime but the fucked up part about it, it was not violent at all so now what im going to have to do is get a few letters of recommendation and get back into school before sentencing to show that i am doing something productive and i have been out of trouble the past 3 1/2 years and this all goes into consideration in-front of a judge and we are going to file a motion of a mis trial cuz the judge did mess up on a few things on its posted on record and if that doesn't work we have 60 days to file an appeal and that means the judge goes into investigation and in their world that's embarrassing. one more thing the judge messed up on is that the jury asked if they could consider self defense on my part and the judge say no they cant take that into consideration cuz it has nothing to do with the case. but 2 day prior to that we file a motion of self defense and that was denied so if the judge would of accepted that motion i would only have one felony and not have a strike and 2 felony's
and one more thing I WAS SHIT FACE DRUNK see you dont see shit like this happening when your high but they still allow alcohol to be legal you know how many ppl die each each year from drunk drivers a shit load and how many ppl died from someone being high none. how the fuck can they legalize something that makes ppl not them selves and not legalize a PLANT that takes the pain go away or even if you use it for recreational us it makes you kinda slow and calm. im not hear saying that you should drive hella high cuz it does kind affect reaction time but not at all close to what alcohol does to you. my best friend died cuz someone hella high & Drunk drove the car and crashed into him in front of me crushing the back of his head in little pieces and i sat their with his head in my arms while he died. you guys see the shit i got myself into why the fuck will they not legalize marijuana if i was high that day this shit would of never happen but NO i was a drunken foul
Well if the court knows that (which they prolly do) you can use that to your benifit, if you start going to AA meeting or enroll yourself in a rehab, and say you had a problem back in the day and are dealing with it. The courts usually are pretty leiniant when you do shit like that, and get the P.O. to do a P.D.R. Pre Disposition Report, it's pretty much a character referance, give them a list of names and phone #'s of ppl that can voch for you. That REALLY helps in cases, BELIVE ME!!!! Been there lots of times. Get a job to, if you don't have one, that's a BIG one, they have no problem throwing ppl in the clink that give nothing back to society.
How's the crown? A women or man? Watch out for the bitches, they're mean as hell, especially for certian crimes.
I got alot of knowledge of how shit works in the courts, any questions, I help ya out the best I can.
I really hope you're not growing in your house while this is going on, you could get some visitors, especially with a P.D.R.
and one more thing I WAS SHIT FACE DRUNK
DAM that totally blows man. ur like an idol for a first grower!! :) hehe but seriously dude you give me insperation to grow! if you go through with it i cant wait to see the outcome. even if you pass the plants along I WANNA SEE THEM FINISHED!
and im sorry for what happened man best of wishes to you. man i hope they dont do you bogus so we can all see these babies bud!
GOOD LUCK IN COURT! keep us updated on court too if its cool with you i wanna know what happens with you.
no homo lol but for real the law is an ASSHOLE! trying to control all of our lives and make us live by thier rules! ima make my own man made continet and ima be the president and the law and we gonna be smokin stong!! lol i wish.
no i wish i could explain it on here but i cant cuz it can be use against me in the court of law

Umm, you realize you've been posting quite a bit about growing massive amounts of marijuana on here? Couldn't that be used against you?

Seems to me the trial is over. Only thing left to determine is your punishment. Just not sure why growing mass amounts of pot is cool to disclose, but the crime (which you've already been convicted of) can't be disclosed. I'm pretty sure the local DA, who just convicted you of 2 felonies, isn't scouring the internet to see what else he can get on you. Just a hunch. I totally understand if you simply say - it's private, humiliating, shameful, etc. and we can all go fvck ourselves. But when you drop a bombshell like this, people here want details damnit ;)

Sounds like you've thrown quite a bit of money at a couple of attorneys already. I would think paying them to appeal the verdict is a losing proposition for you. They'll be thrilled to take more of your money, tho. Especially in this economy. It's not like people can tap into their home equity to pay for their criminal attorney anymore. That's all gone.

Bummer, I wanted to see how all those plants turned out.