First Gorrilla Grow Journal 97 seeds


man u have some balls lol. raising 97 lil babies would stress me the fuck out idk how u do it but good luck with the outcome of the case & yield. +1 rep


Well-Known Member
ok so i just got back from taking some of the supplies to my spot and so what we took were 12 coco coir split in 6 per construction garbage bag each brick is 5 kilos 11 pounds so we were carry 66 pounds and let me tell you that was a bitch.and i also took the 5 gallon fertilizer and 2 shovels and 2- 1 gallon water containers we had to walk about 2 miles with the supplies took us 2 trips i am exhausted my arms hurt my hands my forearms but still got to keep going tomorrow ill have to take the plants out n e where between 20-35 plants i dont even have the holes dug yet. how long do you think each hole will take to dig with 2 hard working ppl? aight ppl im bout to take a nap just took a nice hot shower had a nice hot plate of food all that left is a little loving from my girl ;-) and ill be set


Active Member
Dang bro do work good luck wit carrying all those plants out there oo also question for u or anyone how far schould I plant my plants I found a perect spot bout 15 min walk behind my house and I'm pretty sure no one goes bak there


Well-Known Member
how the hell did i only get 28 females i have about 5 that haven't shown any sigh of sex and i think i have about another 3-7 males this shit suxs well any wayz i have 28 outdoors right now im gunna go back later today and dig a few holes ill keep you guys updated


Well-Known Member
ya dude. maybe some pics or a sweet video would be nice
ill post a video when i have them in a few of them in ground im defently going to have to start cloning i want to have a least 5 per strain. how long does it take a clone to have a gud root system and to be able to be planted outside?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey Waldo. I don't really have a timeline in days, but what works for me and what I do is if my clones are started in party cups, I wait till they become "rootbound" *I use that term lightly*, then I transplant. If I'm using small pots, I wait till I can see the roots coming out the holes at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
And let the soil from the plants dry up, before u take them out. your back and arms will thank you
yeah i remeber you told me a week or 2 ago so what i did was not water them for a week and let me tell you that im glad i did that. it was still heavy even when it was dry. and about how much lime should i use or should i mix the soil with the coco coir and then check the ph i have the soil meter then add the lime


Well-Known Member
aight ppl here are sum pics of my plants outdoors. i moved them to another spot with high grass but in a few days ill post a video. does any one know from what animal this foot print from?... and also the fist 2 plants that are going to be planted is going to be ICE and BIG BUD i went ahead and let my partner chose witch plants go in the first spot.



Well-Known Member
Um is it small? If so racoon? Hell I dont know i just wanna guess lol "What is a Racoon?" for 600$


Active Member
why the fuck do u have them in a box? if i saw a box with plants coming out of it i would for sure check it out...... scrap the boxes dude dead give away


Well-Known Member
why the fuck do u have them in a box? if i saw a box with plants coming out of it i would for sure check it out...... scrap the boxes dude dead give away
i did their all scattered in tall grass i just had them in a box for fast transportation each box carried 6 plants and if i did it by hand i'll only be able to carry 4 at a time and risk damaging the plants


Well-Known Member
I've taken out 31 males so wat they are 4dp,1?,2nl,3ww,5i,1m+a,3hh,5c,1bg,3pww,1bb, and i took 2more out but forgot to save the label, but i still have 10 that havent been sexed yet


Well-Known Member
The lime give in about 2-3 handfulls a hole and mix it in well. Make sure u amend some dry nutes in there cuz coco has no nute value in it at all.

If you can u shuld set up a trail cam. The ones hunters use. Wuld be cool to see what kinda traffic is in the area. If u can't afford that set up snares just for the hell of it.

All in all good job man


Well-Known Member
sportsmansguide has some cheap scouting cameras or you can get some expensive ones that you can check from your comp without going to the woods