Blunted 4 lyfe
Well-Known Member
What did the Dumbocrats pass when they'd both houses and the executive all at once?
Oh nothing really just
1) children health insurance
2) Omnibus
3) fraud recovery and enforcement
4) help families save their homes act
5) Credit Card abuse reform act
6) Patient protection act
7) Student aid reform act

9) Don't ask don't tell
10) and the biggest thorn on the pukes asses, the biggest bone they love to chew on... Drumroll please.
Obamacares (ACA)
This was all done in less than 2 years and these are some of the ones that help Families.
The very first thing he did as President was sign the Lilly Ledbetter act. The 111 Congress was one of the most productive in its short life.
The pukes took over and now we got the worst.
Look it up it's on Wikipedia, I did, might help you to realize the pieces of shits we have in Congress now, the batshit crazy fucks calling themselves the freedom caucus (circus is more like it).