First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

What did the Dumbocrats pass when they'd both houses and the executive all at once?

Oh nothing really just

1) children health insurance
2) Omnibus
3) fraud recovery and enforcement
4) help families save their homes act
5) Credit Card abuse reform act
6) Patient protection act
7) Student aid reform act
8) Dodd-Frank
9) Don't ask don't tell
10) and the biggest thorn on the pukes asses, the biggest bone they love to chew on... Drumroll please.

Obamacares (ACA)

This was all done in less than 2 years and these are some of the ones that help Families.

The very first thing he did as President was sign the Lilly Ledbetter act. The 111 Congress was one of the most productive in its short life.

The pukes took over and now we got the worst.

Look it up it's on Wikipedia, I did, might help you to realize the pieces of shits we have in Congress now, the batshit crazy fucks calling themselves the freedom caucus (circus is more like it).


Wow, I should not have smoked another bowl...although it is early testing crop prior to harvest time...

I am now even more confounded...because "lender of last resort" refers to the Fed, and, or any entity which has money when most others do not, in order to enhance liquidity...

So you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth?... because most assuredly, the majority of Americans were not.

I need Mr. Kotter...
you missed the word privilege. everyone born here, has the privilege of being in the country with world's reserve currency. much how racists minorities think fellow poor people of other ethnicity have some privilege they do not. if they had some significant advantage...would they be poor too?

i was not born with the spoon no. i worked hard, bought one, and eat with it daily as a reminder to myself anyone can overcome adversity.
By and large, the veteran's bennies are funds that will stay in the economy as well.
except for the ones smart enough to not return to the country that betrayed them. those do exists. i know a few personally. the ammount of economic power you are talking about is dinky. almost as dinky as your member.
Could you imagine a Burnie vs Trump election?...socialist vs billionaire...major rap battle

There would be a market for that match up on pay per view. The ratings would be off the planet. I just couldn't imagine that happening, but you never know.
There would be a market for that match up on pay per view. The ratings would be off the planet. I just couldn't imagine that happening, but you never know.
I think the voters are sooo fed up with the status quo that it could be 'statement' nominations from both parties....but I think Hillary will edge out Burnie..
I just had to chuckle that Hillary or that whack job sanders were even on tv at all.
It will either be canning enemies or, if the dummorats get their way, canning more unwanted americans. At this point, either a relief
Oh nothing really just

1) children health insurance
2) Omnibus
3) fraud recovery and enforcement
4) help families save their homes act
5) Credit Card abuse reform act
6) Patient protection act
7) Student aid reform act
8) Dodd-Frank
9) Don't ask don't tell
10) and the biggest thorn on the pukes asses, the biggest bone they love to chew on... Drumroll please.

Obamacares (ACA)

This was all done in less than 2 years and these are some of the ones that help Families.

The very first thing he did as President was sign the Lilly Ledbetter act. The 111 Congress was one of the most productive in its short life.

The pukes took over and now we got the worst.

Look it up it's on Wikipedia, I did, might help you to realize the pieces of shits we have in Congress now, the batshit crazy fucks calling themselves the freedom caucus (circus is more like it).

Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same shit coin.

Wheres the Universal Healthcare or at least Single Payer option?

You got sold out to the insurance companies...

Obama is pissing on your back and telling you it's raining and you're loving it.
Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same shit coin.

Wheres the Universal Healthcare or at least Single Payer option?

You got sold out to the insurance companies...

Obama is pissing on your back and telling you it's raining and you're loving it.
It's was the worst/best deal he could get out of the obstructionist Republican controlled congress...where is the pubs healthcare plan?..
It's was the worst/best deal he could get out of the obstructionist Republican controlled congress...where is the pubs healthcare plan?..
lol pubs didn't control diddly shit when that pos bill was passed.

If the pubs did pass a one sized fits all shitty plan, there is no doubt it would have also been a payoff to hospital corp, big pharma and insurance. The only difference is, more people would realize we were duped and sold out.
Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same shit coin.

Wheres the Universal Healthcare or at least Single Payer option?

You got sold out to the insurance companies...

Obama is pissing on your back and telling you it's raining and you're loving it.

I agree 100%! We got sold out to the insurance companies via the Affordable Care Act but most Americans are too stupid to comprehend that.
They're too busy trying to dismantle this one to be bothered trying to fix it.
They are too busy claiming it's what we were told it was instead of what it really is, so we'll never be able to fix it, because they can't admit it's broken.

Seriously though, that capital is spent for at least a generation. We had the perfect opportunity to do something meaningful, instead we got the ACA which is not just more of the same, it's mandated that you must participate in more of the same.

I think if people would have actually put the pom poms down (on both sides) we might have had a chance at fixing health care in this country. Instead, we ingrained everything that was wrong and doubled down on it. That chance is gone now.

Is it also possible that one plan that works really well in Mississippi not work as well in Oregon? I'll never understand the lust for a one-sized fits all plan either. If the burden was on the states, we could pick and choose what works for us, instead being told this is it, and it's awesome, if you like your plan you can keep your plan except you can't, you have to take this one, because....
You been been watching too much fox news, The extremely wealthy haven't been paying their fair share. Its long overdue to close loopholes, create 2 -3 more tax brackets. Sanders wouldn't have ever gotten us in this BS in the Mideast..he voted NO..

bernie made a valid point..hillary voted for war..past performance is an indicator of future behavior.