First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

The VA has been a shitty alternative for veterans for over 30 years, we in the medical community have been bitching for decades. It's not a right problem or a left problem. It's not a money problem, we've more than doubled the VA budget in the last 10 years and this is while the WWII vets are dying off, it's a fucking leadership problem in the VA system. It's administrative costs are bloated, it's legacy costs are bloated, it's union costs are bloated, it's bonuses are bloated, it's staffing is heavy on the high paid administrative side, low on the provider side.

The VA has a lot of problems still, the ones that were brought to the forefront haven't been addressed and people would rather figure out which political party to blame instead of finding out the real problems and solving them.

Political hacks are the worst man, don't be THAT guy. The VA shouldn't be politicized by idiots, it's should be criticized by
See how easy that was? You identified a problem and posed a solution without going all hacky.

The VA used to house a lot of our mentally ill too and most of those have been converted to meeting rooms or sold to local colleges. So the spending has tripled, but the services have dwindled. Still think it's because of one party only?

hate to break it to you..that's called a money problem.
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Dems, oby lovers and other fringe elements will say anything. If you say "he uses the white house for a gay bath house" they will have an excuse. I'm just glad he's over and his mess to follow. We did it, it was a stupid joke, now we have to clean it up.
Dems, oby lovers and other fringe elements will say anything. If you say "he uses the white house for a gay bath house" they will have an excuse. I'm just glad he's over and his mess to follow. We did it, it was a stupid joke, now we have to clean it up.

This is complete bullshit. Mr Obama was busy cleaning up Bush's mess even BEFORE he got into office! Or did you conveniently forget about the Great Depression we almost had?
Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same shit coin.

Wheres the Universal Healthcare or at least Single Payer option?

You got sold out to the insurance companies...

Obama is pissing on your back and telling you it's raining and you're loving it.

You somehow forgot to mention what has the 112th & 113th Congress passed that can be reasonably be considered as helping American Families?

I already answered your question but you haven't answered mine.

BTW if you don't want to use the ACA that's fine but there's over 30 million folks who do want it and are using it. The pukes always want to repeal and replace it but the they never showed the American public what they're going to replace it with.

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Every opinion poll says Sanders won, every establishment poll says Clinton won

Even CNN's own poll had Sanders ahead by 60 pts before they removed it
Sanders won hands down! At first I was a little disappointed that Sanders didn't attack Clinton on her emails and server when he got his opportunity. Instead, he kind of
hate to break it to you..that's called a money problem.
Well, we've tripled the budget this century, how much more do we need? 10X, 100X? What's the magic number where there is enough money to overcome the actual problems?

Never seen a lefty who didn't think they could solve every problem with other people's money. Such shallow thinking. It's always the money with you guys.
Well, we've tripled the budget this century, how much more do we need? 10X, 100X? What's the magic number where there is enough money to overcome the actual problems?

Never seen a lefty who didn't think they could solve every problem with other people's money. Such shallow thinking. It's always the money with you guys.
And it's always someone else's money too, they never want to talk about their own (lack of) money.
And it's always someone else's money too, they never want to talk about their own (lack of) money.
A fun exercise with lefties, especially those here, is to ask for solutions that don't involve other people's money. It's fine if you use your own for the solution or use none, the only catch is you can't use others.

They come up with nadda. They get that confused dog look like "that's unpossible!".
They start having a stupid child fit, calling names because they somehow know, I think, no matter what they say, that the free party is just about over and people are more sick of their trifling worthless party than anything.
There's no such thing as a half-profit country, which means the dems have a def sell-by date. (Good. Thank god!)