Well-Known Member
Why would you say that tty? Who's done more for the veterans than McCain? Which party was the VA debacle brought to lite and what was done about it while the dems were in charge?
Both parties suck when it comes to our veterans, but some individuals don't. Those individuals are in both parties. So weird seeing these boards blame everything bad on one party, there's really not that much difference between the two.
That VA scandal broke nationally, starting from the local office a mile up the road from my house. Not a damned thing to do with the Obama administration, but thanks for telegraphing your complete ignorance of the reality of the situation to everyone who will ever read this. Blame the Bushes- both of them- for underfunding the Veterans Administration.
I'll quit wasting my breath; I'm not on Faux Spews, the only reason you listen is to decide which talking point to throw out next... as if that's any substitute for thinking.