First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

Why would you say that tty? Who's done more for the veterans than McCain? Which party was the VA debacle brought to lite and what was done about it while the dems were in charge?

Both parties suck when it comes to our veterans, but some individuals don't. Those individuals are in both parties. So weird seeing these boards blame everything bad on one party, there's really not that much difference between the two.

That VA scandal broke nationally, starting from the local office a mile up the road from my house. Not a damned thing to do with the Obama administration, but thanks for telegraphing your complete ignorance of the reality of the situation to everyone who will ever read this. Blame the Bushes- both of them- for underfunding the Veterans Administration.

I'll quit wasting my breath; I'm not on Faux Spews, the only reason you listen is to decide which talking point to throw out next... as if that's any substitute for thinking.
what the counter culture here on this shitty forum represents is very sad day for counter culture

What coerces you to post in what you believe to be a "shitty forum"?
What motivates you to participate in something you think is "shitty"?
What kind of masochist do you have to be in order to contribute?
I am amused and befuddled?
Please elucidate me.
What coerces you to post in what you believe to be a "shitty forum"?
What motivates you to participate in something you think is "shitty"?
What kind of masochist do you have to be in order to contribute?
I am amused and befuddled?
Please elucidate me.
government coerces me to post here
Guess you didn't do well in comprehension did ya? It's folks like yourself who support Donald Trump, who insult others and name calling to cover up the fact that they really don't have answers, but that's ok my small minded friend. I'll be gentle with you what meaningful legislature has the pukes passed in the last 2 years that is meaningful to Americans? Is that simple enough for you.

What did the Dumbocrats pass when they'd both houses and the executive all at once?
That VA scandal broke nationally, starting from the local office a mile up the road from my house. Not a damned thing to do with the Obama administration, but thanks for telegraph your complete ignorance of the reality of the situation. Blame the Bushes- both of them- for underfunding the Veterans Administration.

I'll quit wasting my breath; I'm not on Faux Spews, the only reason you listen is to decide which talking point to throw out next... as if that's any substitute for thinking.
The VA has been a shitty alternative for veterans for over 30 years, we in the medical community have been bitching for decades. It's not a right problem or a left problem. It's not a money problem, we've more than doubled the VA budget in the last 10 years and this is while the WWII vets are dying off, it's a fucking leadership problem in the VA system. It's administrative costs are bloated, it's legacy costs are bloated, it's union costs are bloated, it's bonuses are bloated, it's staffing is heavy on the high paid administrative side, low on the provider side.

The VA has a lot of problems still, the ones that were brought to the forefront haven't been addressed and people would rather figure out which political party to blame instead of finding out the real problems and solving them.

Political hacks are the worst man, don't be THAT guy. The VA shouldn't be politicized by idiots, it's should be criticized by everyone. You say the right keeps cutting their funding while in actuality their budget has done nothing but increase for decades. You are the one spreading lies and talking out of your ass, but I get it, that's what the club does here.
The VA has been a shitty alternative for veterans for over 30 years, we in the medical community have been bitching for decades. It's not a right problem or a left problem. It's not a money problem, we've more than doubled the VA budget in the last 10 years and this is while the WWII vets are dying off, it's a fucking leadership problem in the VA system. It's administrative costs are bloated, it's legacy costs are bloated, it's union costs are bloated, it's bonuses are bloated, it's staffing is heavy on the high paid administrative side, low on the provider side.

The VA has a lot of problems still, the ones that were brought to the forefront haven't been addressed and people would rather figure out which political party to blame instead of finding out the real problems and solving them.

Political hacks are the worst man, don't be THAT guy. The VA shouldn't be politicized by idiots, it's should be criticized by everyone. You say the right keeps cutting their funding while in actuality their budget has done nothing but increase for decades. You are the one spreading lies and talking out of your ass, but I get it, that's what the club does here.

Dig a little deeper and the truth of habitual republican budget cuts to veterans services will leap out- almost as much as budget INCREASES to pay for sexy new weapons, because that's where the profits REALLY are!
The VA has been a shitty alternative for veterans for over 30 years, we in the medical community have been bitching for decades. It's not a right problem or a left problem. It's not a money problem, we've more than doubled the VA budget in the last 10 years and this is while the WWII vets are dying off, it's a fucking leadership problem in the VA system. It's administrative costs are bloated, it's legacy costs are bloated, it's union costs are bloated, it's bonuses are bloated, it's staffing is heavy on the high paid administrative side, low on the provider side.

The VA has a lot of problems still, the ones that were brought to the forefront haven't been addressed and people would rather figure out which political party to blame instead of finding out the real problems and solving them.

Political hacks are the worst man, don't be THAT guy. The VA shouldn't be politicized by idiots, it's should be criticized by everyone. You say the right keeps cutting their funding while in actuality their budget has done nothing but increase for decades. You are the one spreading lies and talking out of your ass, but I get it, that's what the club does here.
Less than sixty days before that scandal broke, I walked into that very office with an army combat veteran to get his prescription for his PTSD refilled. They not only refused to see him on an emergency basis- he was running out- but they refused to schedule a time to see him at all.

Dismantle the whole fucking thing and start over, because they AREN'T working for the vets anymore.
Dig a little deeper and the truth of habitual republican budget cuts to veterans services will leap out- almost as much as budget INCREASES to pay for sexy new weapons, because that's where the profits REALLY are!
It's simple math. Before 9/11 the VA budget was 45B a year, now it's over 150B. It's tripled in a little over a decade but you keep insisting something that's not there.

But yes, we do like our shiny new weapons. So glad the dems ended all of the wars so we don't need them anymore.

The military budget is separate from the VA budget in case you didn't know that.
Military Industrial complex Johnson warned us about

It was Eisenhower. It's important because Dwight Eisenhower was our nation's military leader during WWII, a time when all-out production of war materiel was a matter of survival. If HE said to beware of the military industrial complex, WE THE PEOPLE should have taken him far more seriously.
It's simple math. Before 9/11 the VA budget was 45B a year, now it's over 150B. It's tripled in a little over a decade but you keep insisting something that's not there.

But yes, we do like our shiny new weapons. So glad the dems ended all of the wars so we don't need them anymore.

The military budget is separate from the VA budget in case you didn't know that.

But it DOESN'T WORK FOR VETERANS. IDGAF how big their budget is, they aren't doing their fucking job!

What does it take to hold government accountable for DOING THEIR JOB in your world, anyway?
Less than sixty days before that scandal broke, I walked into that very office with an army combat veteran to get his prescription for his PTSD refilled. They not only refused to see him on an emergency basis- he was running out- but they refused to schedule a time to see him at all.

Dismantle the whole fucking thing and start over, because they AREN'T working for the vets anymore.
See how easy that was? You identified a problem and posed a solution without going all hacky.

The VA used to house a lot of our mentally ill too and most of those have been converted to meeting rooms or sold to local colleges. So the spending has tripled, but the services have dwindled. Still think it's because of one party only?