First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

@ GOP - you do realize we have wasted hundreds of trillions in the Mideast right? That's where Bernie will start.
Wow, I knew it was a lot, but 100's of trillions? damn......

Lol at Bernie not fighting in the middle east. Maybe THIS time the guy who says it and means it at the time will actually follow through but I highly doubt it. If Bernie gets elected, the people who vote for him because they are sick of the wars will be in here 2 years from now justifying why Bernie has us still at war.
You've been watching their propaganda channel so long you've believed up is down, in is out... and that somehow customers- consumers- aren't the reason businesses exist in the first place.

Job creators are CUSTOMERS. Try to keep that part straight.

Exactly right the true job creaters are the folks who wake up and go to work and earn a paycheck, they buy the cars, computers, clothes, food, go to movies ... Etc.

Makes me cringe to hear repukes talk about giving tax breaks to the job creators who live in mansions and got millions in the bank and who get a tax break of 15% that translate to hunreds of thousands if not millions in savings while the poor slob saves $16 in their paycheck.

The real job creators are those who sleep overnight to be first on line for The latest gadget from Apple or black friday sales, those are the job creators. Not some fucking millionaire who will send that money offshore somewhere.

Exactly right the true job creaters are the folks who wake up and go to work and earn a paycheck, they buy the cars, computers, clothes, food, go to movies ... Etc.

Makes me cringe to hear repukes talk about giving tax breaks to the job creators who live in mansions and got millions in the bank and who get a tax break of 15% that translate to hunreds of thousands if not millions in savings while the poor slob saves $16 in their paycheck.

The real job creators are those who sleep overnight to be first on line for The latest gadget from Apple or black friday sales, those are the job creators. Not some fucking millionaire who will send that money offshore somewhere.

Off shore is exactly where job creators go when you raise taxes. But not just with their money, the jobs go too.
Wow, I knew it was a lot, but 100's of trillions? damn......

Lol at Bernie not fighting in the middle east. Maybe THIS time the guy who says it and means it at the time will actually follow through but I highly doubt it. If Bernie gets elected, the people who vote for him because they are sick of the wars will be in here 2 years from now justifying why Bernie has us still at war.

Tens of trillions already in Iraq and Afghanistan.. Couple that with the benefits of all those veterans and its hundreds of trillions.
Off shore is exactly where job creators go when you raise taxes. But not just with their money, the jobs go too.

We're talking about tax CUTS, besides what so fucking patriotic about moving money or jobs offshore?

Fact is the pukes wreck the economy and Dems step in to fix it. The pukes love to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy, spend more money on the military even though they don't need it because in truth it's nothing but a jobs program for many in pukes district, cut social programs, give Corporations welfare. But will never give a shot in the arm to the economy by fixing the infrastructure of this country. And they are supposed to be so patriotic...yeah right!

Hey the pukes control Congress for several years now what meaningful piece of legislation have they passed that helps Americans? You got 40 or so scumbags who's sole purpose is NOT to legislate (tea party/freedom caucus/scumbags). But they waste money on trying to repeal a law that has been given the seal of approval 2x by SCOTUS and Partisan witch hunts like the Benghazi hearings or hearings into PP, full of shit fucks that are.

We're talking about tax CUTS, besides what so fucking patriotic about moving money or jobs offshore?

Fact is the pukes wreck the economy and Dems step in to fix it. The pukes love to give huge tax breaks to the wealthy, spend more money on the military even though they don't need it because in truth it's nothing but a jobs program for many in pukes district, cut social programs, give Corporations welfare. But will never give a shot in the arm to the economy by fixing the infrastructure of this country. And they are supposed to be so patriotic...yeah right!

Hey the pukes control Congress for several years now what meaningful piece of legislation have they passed that helps Americans? You got 40 or so scumbags who's sole purpose is NOT to legislate (tea party/freedom caucus/scumbags). But they waste money on trying to repeal a law that has been given the seal of approval 2x by SCOTUS and Partisan witch hunts like the Benghazi hearings or hearings into PP, full of shit fucks that are.

If you think the people off shoring jobs and money give a shit about you or patriotism then you're sadly mistaken.

You're not even a consideration, you don't exist.

And do you think all Corporations are Republican?

If you think the people off shoring jobs and money give a shit about you or patriotism then you're sadly mistaken.

You're not even a consideration, you don't exist.

And do you think all Corporations are Republican?

That's nothing but double talk, but you can't answer the question I asked.
I exactly answered your question, you were just too dumb to see it.

Guess you didn't do well in comprehension did ya? It's folks like yourself who support Donald Trump, who insult others and name calling to cover up the fact that they really don't have answers, but that's ok my small minded friend. I'll be gentle with you what meaningful legislature has the pukes passed in the last 2 years that is meaningful to Americans? Is that simple enough for you.

The deferential treatment Hillary received was nauseating.
When Bernie said "The American people are sick of hearing about your damn emails!"
Game, set, match. It is a done deal, Kids. Hillary takes the nomination.

Brilliant observation. Yes, Bernie threw in the towel, gave it to Hillary. Suggests he really doesn't want the nomination.

Having said that, perhaps Sanders, Hillary and their sycophant audience are sick of the "damned emails" (and they should be as it causes them self inflicted pain and a worldwide security breach) but the American public are not. Doesn't matter how much they want to cackle about it and do the kumbaya thingie, the investigation will go on, by the FBI no less.

The American people demand and are owed the truth.....for once.
The real job creators are those who sleep overnight to be first on line for The latest gadget from Apple or black friday sales, those are the job creators. Not some fucking millionaire who will send that money offshore somewhere.

People sleeping out for a product are demand drivers. Not to be confused with those who organize the capital to make the products on speculation of demand. A lot of products get produced that never sell through at profitable margins. Too bad so sad for the capitalists.
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Tens of trillions already in Iraq and Afghanistan.. Couple that with the benefits of all those veterans and its hundreds of trillions.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you're off by a decimal point or two; so far, the United States has spent about $1.5-2 Trillion dollars on the entire Iraq conflict. The Joint Strike Fighter program, the world's biggest boondoggle, will cost about the same by the time the program is completed.

We've spent several hundred billion in Afghanistan, and veteran's benefits are less than $100 billion.

Yes, this stuff is expensive, but even at these levels it is not hard to notice how the poor fuck carrying a rifle still gets no respect from the republicans.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you're off by a decimal point or two; so far, the United States has spent about $1.5-2 Trillion dollars on the entire Iraq conflict. The Joint Strike Fighter program, the world's biggest boondoggle, will cost about the same by the time the program is completed.

We've spent several hundred billion in Afghanistan, and veteran's benefits are less than $100 billion.

Yes, this stuff is expensive, but even at these levels it is not hard to notice how the poor fuck carrying a rifle still gets no respect from the republicans.

You must of missed the link I posted about the respect the democratic leadership has from our military people? It was less than 15% and headed to zero by the way things are going.
Oh well, up until the Dem debate I had lots of respect for Bernie. I thought he was an honest, independent, thumb in the eye of the establishment type of guy.
His performance in the debate disabused me of that wrong headed notion.
He is clearly part of the wayward juggernaut political machine. He is establishment through and through.
He clearly handed Hillary the nomination with his acquiescence to her Royal Highness.
Really sad.
Methinks we are all doomed by the burgeoning, intractable, leviathan of the establishment driven Political class

Oh well.
Trump is a megalomaniacal doofus, but at least he pokes his thumb in the eye of the GOP establishment...he is much, much more of an interloper than is the disappointing Bernie.

In fact, Bernie is simply a political version of Larry David...
Sooo sad!
You must of missed the link I posted about the respect the democratic leadership has from our military people? It was less than 15% and headed to zero by the way things are going.

If you haven't been in the military, you wouldn't know how much the Right has done to influence service members. They learned their lessons well from the Vietnam era, so now our all-volunteer military will unquestioningly obey even the most fascist of orders... like firing on innocent Americans. Don't believe me? It almost happened in New Orleans after Katrina.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you're off by a decimal point or two; so far, the United States has spent about $1.5-2 Trillion dollars on the entire Iraq conflict. The Joint Strike Fighter program, the world's biggest boondoggle, will cost about the same by the time the program is completed.

We've spent several hundred billion in Afghanistan, and veteran's benefits are less than $100 billion.

Yes, this stuff is expensive, but even at these levels it is not hard to notice how the poor fuck carrying a rifle still gets no respect from the republicans.
Why would you say that tty? Who's done more for the veterans than McCain? Which party was the VA debacle brought to lite and what was done about it while the dems were in charge?

Both parties suck when it comes to our veterans, but some individuals don't. Those individuals are in both parties. So weird seeing these boards blame everything bad on one party, there's really not that much difference between the two.