First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!! u KIDDING? wow man, i really really appreciate it man. i hav a colection of leaves from all the plants iv ever grown and so far no indicas at all and that leaf would really make my collection look amazing, in the future im gonna get them all put into clear rasta colord resin bricks and build it into my house. how u gonna go about pressing it? cuz iv got a comic novel made of this really awesome soft paper and i just put my leaves in the book and leev it for a few days. oh and if thers anything i can do for u man just let me know cuz this is legend!! ill pm u asap!

Hahaha- funny you should ask...... I actually have my own home made grow bible I've been addin to it every time I learn something new and keepin my own records in it and shit. But I just put my leaves in there towards the back that way the weight of the book will press it nice....
I'll send it to u in a bubble wrapped envelope that way there's no foldin it'll need and u'll get it the same way I pressed it.....

Anytime man- glad I could add to ur collection....... Bless


Well-Known Member
settle down man..:lol: but really that sounds like a cool idea to build them into your house! :leaf:

hahaha Yea it does! It'd be an interestin story to tell all ur stoner friends, get baked then go outside and try and find all the bricks.........


Well-Known Member
hahaha!! it was just a random idea i had, lol, would look pretty awesome though going up a spiral staircase with a light shiny thru it...oh ther i go agen.

Don - im looking forward to it man, i also got sorta a weed bible thing going bt i just write down random tips and print out certain methods then cross out and edit whatever iv tried and worked on bt it all lies in a pile by my grow room so its more of a mess of fot notes...all my growroom plans n the other hand are neatly drawn in a sketch book and labeled...i get wierd on weed. haha! anyway dude...cant wait for next update! peace out


Well-Known Member
hahaha!! it was just a random idea i had, lol, would look pretty awesome though going up a spiral staircase with a light shiny thru it...oh ther i go agen.

Don - im looking forward to it man, i also got sorta a weed bible thing going bt i just write down random tips and print out certain methods then cross out and edit whatever iv tried and worked on bt it all lies in a pile by my grow room so its more of a mess of fot notes...all my growroom plans n the other hand are neatly drawn in a sketch book and labeled...i get wierd on weed. haha! anyway dude...cant wait for next update! peace out

That would look beast as hell too! I'd find a way out there just to see it done and burn a couple with u!

Ok here's a quick update- V Boy has started openin his sacks.... I got two stored away right now, and it looks like there will be probably about 3 or 4 more poppin open over the night...........

Question- Where's the best place to store the pollen after it's been collected? I have it in the fridge right now. Didn't wanna throw it in the freezer cuz I read about cells in the plant bustin from freezin and wasn't sure if it worked the same for pollen........

Nothin new and exciting so far, other than just bein amazed at my males production.......

He's got a strong ANISE/funk smell to him.... I'm LUVIN what he's doin for me, makes me even more anxious to keep his traits alive. On top of the smell, he's gettin a purpleish tint to his leaves.....So we'll see!


Well-Known Member
wow, he sounds heavy man! i just heard that it goes into the freezer to stay fresh...not sure about any cells popping but if so then the fridge is a good plan or a chiller if ur fridge has one. as for that plan dude it might happen in Cali when i decide to move ther so anything permanent i wont done is gonna be on the house i build there. so yeah then we'd all hav sum good ass smoke grown so we hav a huge blaze session and share our shit plus watch me build a random multi colord brick spiral staircase with Ganga leaves in them....hmmm sounds like shrooms but be needed hahaha!!


Well-Known Member
wow, he sounds heavy man! i just heard that it goes into the freezer to stay fresh...not sure about any cells popping but if so then the fridge is a good plan or a chiller if ur fridge has one. as for that plan dude it might happen in Cali when i decide to move ther so anything permanent i wont done is gonna be on the house i build there. so yeah then we'd all hav sum good ass smoke grown so we hav a huge blaze session and share our shit plus watch me build a random multi colord brick spiral staircase with Ganga leaves in them....hmmm sounds like shrooms but be needed hahaha!!

Hahahaha! Hell yea dude- never been out to Cali- so that'd be my first trip and one to remember for sure!


Well-Known Member
** UPDATE **

No pics or plant update..... Those will come on Thursday as they will be beginning their 3rd week of Flower.

I did trim them back today however, to open up more light to all the bud sights. I went a lil crazy on my big gurl, so she looks all thin and pathetic, but I know that she'll give me good bud! She's got 7, yes 7, branches now including her main cola! BEAUTIFUL!

I got more pollen off my V BOY today as well. I have enough for now and future breeding, so it's time to retire V Boy......Probably Thursday I'll be coating a branch or two on my big gurl, and possibly even my struggler- cuz she has really taken off... But who knows........

I ordered my seeds today! The list is as follows:

Neville's Haze
El Nino
White Widow (Fem'd)

They said I should have them in 3-5 days after they receive payment. So I should have them come next week some time. Finger's crossed!

Already startin to prep for my next grow- HELLZ YEA!

I'll be up to my elbows in bud by the beginning of Summer and up to my head in bud come the Fall! Hyped up- You better believe it!!!!!:bigjoint::bigjoint::hump::hump::clap::clap::peace:


Well-Known Member

Ok, so no pics today- I was out all day and didn't get back until after lights out- so no pics until tomorrow..........

I did however receive my order confirmation from the seeds I ordered on Monday

For those that don't know, or those that don't feel like reading back into the thread the strains are:

Neville's Haze
El Nino
White Widow Feminized

So I should have them around Wednesday of this coming week.

Also, went out and bought some supplies for my next grow. I got:

Schultz Take Root
Scotts Potting Soil for seed starting
Blood Meal @ 12-0-0
Bone Meal @ 1-11-0
And a big ass bag of Scotts organic potting soil

Now, will I need any other nutes to make up for anything? Or will those two things suffice for my grow?

I'm only gunna start four of each strain, and when they are established move two of each strain outdoors..... Giving me 8 indoors and 8 outdoors...... Hopefully harvest the indoor strains around the beginning to middle of Summer and the outdoors around Late September Early October.........

Hopefully I'll be able to avoid the copters as they come out around the end of September- BLAH! I've got a good, inconspicuous spot- so I should be alright.......

Pics tomorrow for sure- stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
Outdoor / CFL Grow!! awesome idea man, are u planning on flowering the outdoors outside?

Yea, I'm gunna start them indoors until they are established enough, then once I put them outdoors I'm gunna let good Ole' Mother Nature do her thing- of course I'll be checkin on them, training them to keep them low and nutin them up when necessary......
I should have the outdoor crop harvested around the end of September, middle of October...... Talk about A LOT of Bud! One of those strains outdoors yields up to 1200 grams!
I'm gunna be trimmin for ever!


Well-Known Member
** UPDATE **

Ok, so there's pics-Finally!!!!

But first the status....

**Big Gurl and her 7 Colas are doing great..... Like I said earlier this week, I went a lil trim happy, but it opened up a lot of light to all the bud sites, and they are slowly picking up production. I pollinated a lil bit of her the other day, and re-pollinated her again today after watering...

** Lil Gurl is doin good as well! She's very lush and fillin out nicely with her bud sites, and her three colas...

** Struggler- wow- what can I say? She has been amazing me ever since she got put into flower! I believe she has four colas now, and her growth is doing awesome...

** All the plants are starting to turn purple. I guess the indication of the Indica genes in them- beautiful...

** I started them today on their Molasses. As well, I cut the Expert ferts and started them on a Bone Meal regime..... 1-11-0..... So hopefully that will help them out, without using all the chemicals on them...

** Watered and Foliar fed them today.... It's unreal at how fast the soil dries up. Either it's too hot in the box or they are suckin up the water/nutes like CRAZY! I think it's the latter, cuz the heat seems good for them. Not too hot, but hot enough. Don't have a Thermometer, so it's all by ear.........

** Anyways, on to the pics......

Pics 1 - 3- Big Gurl and her hairs
Pics 4 & 5- Lil Gurl and her hairs
Pics 6 & 8- Struggler and her hairs
Pic 9 & 10- The supplies I just bought yesterday!



Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the reasoning behind molasses is to increase resin production during the last two weeks of flowering when most people are doing flushes for nutes.


Well-Known Member
the pics are sweet man.
question for ya... when do you start molasses and whats the dosage?

Some people do the molasses from the beginning of veg all the way thru. While others start at flowering or first signs of sex.......

Like Mr. Pacific said- it's supposed to increase resin production, but also it's supposed to make ur buds fatter more dense, and it adds a sweeter taste to them..... I don't know just yet as I have never used it before.

But you can start whenever you want, but I've read that you only need a tablespoon per gallon......

Thanks, I got a bit of a shaky hand when it comes to takin pics up close and personal.....Which is weird cuz my hand is like a rock when I do tattoos......... Oh well!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I got a little over a zip from the plant... Dry. I was a little impatient and smoked a lot of it wet hence the high wasnt good and i kept burning lol... so I ended up with about 20g's of proper cured weed.. which isnt bad.. I'll post up some pics soon.

I've got 4 going on the side right now, might look into some white widow too... let's see. But that's all for now man... Goodluck with your grow, i'll be watchin.


Well-Known Member
nice flouro grow man

i was quirious...
how many nodes high were you when you started flowering
and... what was your light cycle for veg? did they show sex before you switched the light cycle?

btw... your plants look primarily indica but there is prolly some sativa in there too by the looks of it
thats my fav really some times bagseeds have great genetics in them even from commercially sold weed

how do they stink!?! sweet and rosy or pungent and assy/skunky?