First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
Damn Don, sorry to hear about the misfortune. Any pictures to get a better idea?

Yea, here's some pics of BG and LG. Like I said- MC aint suffer from anything..... Maybe she's just super strong?

BG had the shriveled leaves and LG is the super droopy one.......

Forgot to tell u what pics where what

Pics 1-3- Big Gurl
Pics 4-6- Lil Gurl



Well-Known Member
Wow, I hope the flushing works for you. I am now very sketchy about using molasses.
Not so much that the molasses did that, but the fact that the molasses had fermented in my jug.

When I fed them last I didn't use all of my feed. So I left it in my closet. And I guess the heat in the closet caused the molasses to ferment.

Completely my fault........ Hopefully they'll bounce back..... Fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, my feeding mix sumtimes gets heated up and coagulates inside the bottle and gives off a wierd smell, i think keeping the mix cool and shaking eat from time to time helps. as for the plants dude...its happened to me before bt i dont know what caused it bt good luck and i hope they pull thru man, maybe its just them getting into flowering? maybe some small doses of honey diluted in water for energy? other than that im clueless man bt best of luck all the way


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, my feeding mix sumtimes gets heated up and coagulates inside the bottle and gives off a wierd smell, i think keeping the mix cool and shaking eat from time to time helps. as for the plants dude...its happened to me before bt i dont know what caused it bt good luck and i hope they pull thru man, maybe its just them getting into flowering? maybe some small doses of honey diluted in water for energy? other than that im clueless man bt best of luck all the way

Thanks Dude, I appreciate it. I think tho that I'm just gunna hold off on putting anything in the soil until I can flush them again. Make sure I get all that shit outta there first.

I put the fan in there on high to try to help the soil dry a lil quicker so I can flush them again. I have been foliar feeding them off and on today, tryin to keep the humidity up and help them recoop a lil quicker.

If I don't see any improvement in the morning, then I'll try to aerate the soil a bit to let some oxygen in.

Gotta baby my babies!

Hopefully they'll pull thru. But if not I still have my Mint Chocolate which is virtually unharmed! And I know she'll love all the extra light that the other two were soakin up. Plus I have her clone to work with as well!

Which by the way is doin damn good! I keep rotating her so that the light gets to all her sides and she's reacting great. Always bending towards the light. Haven't noticed any new growth yet, but at the same time I haven't taken her out to really look at her lately either......

So so far hope is still alive! I'll keep u and everyone else updated as shit happens!


Well-Known Member
nice dude, the clone sounds like its taking well, should see some veg growth on her soon. how exactly do u aerate soil? hahaha, and when i dount...just flush it out i always say! i need to give my girl a good flushing today too. Keep it up man!!


Well-Known Member
nice dude, the clone sounds like its taking well, should see some veg growth on her soon. how exactly do u aerate soil? hahaha, and when i dount...just flush it out i always say! i need to give my girl a good flushing today too. Keep it up man!!

I was thinking of usin a fork or something to just loosen the soil up........ But I don't think I'm gunna have to..... Looked today and they have both perked back up.....
Lil gurl is still a bit droopy but 90% better than yesterday- so hope is def still alive! I just gotta trim off the shit that died on my Big Gurl and they'll be good!

It's surprising just how resilient these plants really are!

My clones lower leaves are turnin yellow- which I'm guessin is a good sign....cuz everyone elses clones that I have seen do that before they start to root........ So fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
kwl man, yeah just trim all that shit stuff off and im sure they'll do fine, cant wait to see pic updates of the flowering.

They are doin great so far- they are really perkin back up!

After I trim them up and they finish recoopin from the last disaster I'll throw some pics up to show u how much they bounced back.

I really think I'm gunna be harvesting Lil Gurl earlier than the other two! Here pistils are already turning colors- they look pink! Maybe the buds will turn pink too!?!? If so, then damn if I aint luckin out on this grow!

No trich yet tho on any of them..... Maybe in the next few eeks that'll pick up for me....... I can only hope......

I should have my seeds this week coming...... I'm almost completely ready for those too! Figure I'll be starting those around the middle of February..... Gunna veg them until the last frost, then put the half of them outside and flower the other half....... Clone what I can, seed what I can, and go from there!


Well-Known Member
how much mollasses do you use per gallon? I wanna start giving my plants some... I just wont let it ferment haha.
Good save by the way


Well-Known Member
I am going to start one in about an hour. Just have to get the cameria batterie charged and than I will be starting a journal. I will post a link when I get it up. Thx for any help that u can offer me.


Well-Known Member
how much mollasses do you use per gallon? I wanna start giving my plants some... I just wont let it ferment haha.
Good save by the way

I only use 1 TBSP per gallon..... that's the recommended dose according to everyone else on here that uses it.....

Yea, I only use about a half gallon of water when I do water them, so I think I'll just cut that dose in half, that way I don't have anything sittin in the jug to ferment.....


Well-Known Member
** Rescue UPDATE **

Ok, so here's the pics of the rescued plants! They pulled thru thank god!

Lil Gurl perked right back up.... and is continuing her beautiful pink flowers!

Big Gurl I just trimmed all the dead shit off and she's fine....

Mint Chocolate just did a minor trim and she's reakin like crazy!

Also, I removed the cup of water from the box and am keeping the fan on them all thru lights out.... I want the trichs to start forming..... Read that less humidity and cooler temps at night help pack on the trichs! So we'll see what happens with that.....

Pics are as follows:

Pic 1- The pile of dead trim I had to cut off of the two gurls!
Pics 2-4- Mint Chocolate
Pics 5-7- Lil Gurl all perked up!
Pics 8-9- Big Gurl all trimmed up!

They have officially been rescued...... Luck, chance or Good Gardening? Call it what you will, but they are all GOOD!




Well-Known Member
I just have a quick question for you ThaDonNacci how did you keep your plants soo low?

They look soo good by the way.


Well-Known Member
They're looking a lot better man. Good job on the doctoring.
Thanks Mr! I'm sooooooo glad that everything I did saved them! I'd of been super pissed if I made it this far to have to drop down to one instead of 3!

hmm.. nice grow man... I likes :)
Keep up
Carcass- Thanks for stoppin by!

Read through...nice grow man!
Mud- Thanks for stoppin by!

I just have a quick question for you ThaDonNacci how did you keep your plants soo low?

They look soo good by the way.
I kept them low with my LST as well as only veggin them for 3 and a half weeks...... Works great when ur limited on space.......

Thanks, I'm glad I could save them! Talk about relieved!