First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
nice flouro grow man

i was quirious...
how many nodes high were you when you started flowering
and... what was your light cycle for veg? did they show sex before you switched the light cycle?

btw... your plants look primarily indica but there is prolly some sativa in there too by the looks of it
thats my fav really some times bagseeds have great genetics in them even from commercially sold weed

how do they stink!?! sweet and rosy or pungent and assy/skunky?

** SMELLZ **

Thanks for stoppin by bro!

I started flowering at 3 weeks.... How many nodes high they were I can't remember..... If I had to guess, I'd say roughly 5?
Light Cycle for Veg went from 24/0 for about a week, then 18/6 for a week, then I took it down to 14/10 for a week......... Put them in total darkness for like 30-32 hours and then to 12/12..

I didn't have any signs of sex on any of the females I have until the 3rd week. My Male however showed a lil after a week.....

They are definitely Indica/Sativa mix- without a doubt! I can see both Characteristics in them all!

As far as smell goes- my room smells like pure shit with a reefer under tone!:clap::weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I got a little over a zip from the plant... Dry. I was a little impatient and smoked a lot of it wet hence the high wasnt good and i kept burning lol... so I ended up with about 20g's of proper cured weed.. which isnt bad.. I'll post up some pics soon.

I've got 4 going on the side right now, might look into some white widow too... let's see. But that's all for now man... Goodluck with your grow, i'll be watchin.

20g isn't too bad- it's def better than nothing at all!

What are the four u got goin on the side?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so here is a pre-Thursday update!

Only cuz this is the coolest thing I've ever seen!

So, I was in the room today fixin to water the gurls, when low and behold- this beautiful smell hits my nose. What's this i say to myself?! Smells sweet, not like the shit n ass smell mixed with bud there was the other week....No indeed, it has become a SWEET aroma of mouth watering goodness!

Now, I start pickin my gurls up tryin to see who's smellin so sweet.

Lil Gurl was the first within reach. *SNIFF SNIFF* Nope! She's still smellin rank.
Big Gurl was the next in line. * SNIFF SNIFF* Nope! She still smells rank as well.
I'm thinkin to myself by now- there's gotta be somethin in my closet, no way it could be Struggler!
I was BLOWN AWAY! I lie to you not- Struggler smells like straight up Mint Chocolate!
*SNIFF SNIFF* No Couldn't be her. So I put her down and searched the closet. Nothing. To make sure I rubbed one of Strugglers leaves between my fingers. Again *SNIFF SNIFF* Hell Fuckin YEA! MINT CHOCOLATE!

So Since she was the last to actually show sex and has only been in sex for about a week to week and a half- I snatched one of her lower branches to make a clone From- HELLO Mint Chocolate strain....I'm gunna keep this one alive as long as I possibly can! And if it does keep that Mint Chocolate smell to her all the way thru, then I already got a back up clone ready to start more for DADDY!

Well, that's the update- Is there actually a Mint Chocolate strain out there? This was a bagseed, and I really don't remember smokin anything that smelled or tasted like that.....
But here are the pics........She's out of the grow room and under her own Light-6500K 23 watt


Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
My straggler also smelled the nicest. But I had to let it go due to space restrictions, and what was replacing it was guaranteed female.


Well-Known Member
wow man...keep me UP wit sum of those seeds! bt will the weed come out similar at all?
That's why I grabbed a clone. If it does keep that smell all the way thru then i already have the clone to work with and breed with. Then it's just a selective process after breeding it. Just gotta keep the plants that have that smell as a constant and breed those together, then keep doin that until it's stablized- and low and behold! MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM!
Maybe an Ice Cream strain crossed with that will help it along???
I got u tho dude..... It may take awhile- but well worth it in the end! If anything, I'm def gunna keep my clone goin as a mother for as long as it takes to get a true breeding mother......

haha that was a sick post Don, i laughed
Yea I have a lil bit of a comic side- But hell, I was stoked- I've never smelt anything like that before.......

My straggler also smelled the nicest. But I had to let it go due to space restrictions, and what was replacing it was guaranteed female.
Man, that sucks! I'm limited on space right now too. I wasn't expecting to have this happen- so i wasn't prepared. But I made due with what I had- can't let this go no way in hell!
So I hooked up her own lil greenhouse and put it in my snake tank. No worries about the snake- she's infatuated with her reflection in the mirror that's behind her cage. So she stays behind the faux wall I have in there......

Now I for real have to get on the ball and get a clone box made. On top of a Veg box......


Well-Known Member
mint - very nice.

Man i sure hope i end up with a female to feel that excitement about my plants...... My sativa strain has 7 grow spots on it right now, indica only one or two in addition to the main cola.

lookin good bro.


Well-Known Member
awesome man! very good plan indeed, keep it up ans soon ull hav some sweet mother and a whole bunch of different strains under ur belt! cant wait to see how it turns out. peace


Well-Known Member
awesome man! very good plan indeed, keep it up ans soon ull hav some sweet mother and a whole bunch of different strains under ur belt! cant wait to see how it turns out. peace
Hahaha- yea that's the plan....Hopefully u'll see me at the cannabis cup winnin prizes and shit-LoL! Not expecting that- but it'd nice if it did work out that way!
We'll se what happens along the way. And this just goes to show you- u NEVER know what u'll really get when u grow a bagseed! This was unexpected for sure!

beautiful plants, they look very healthy, im so baked
Thanks for the rep Tokin and thanks for stoppin by! Figure I got another 4-5 weeks left before finaly harvest.....
My lil gurls pistals are already startin to turn she may be done before the rest.....
My Mint Chocolate is being slow- so I'm thinkin that she may be sativa dominant...... But she'll be worth the wait for sure!
Big gurl just doin her thing- workin on her bud sites and growin her lil flowers a lil bit of everywhere!

I'll be puttin pics up tomorrow tho for week 4 of flower--stay tuned everyone!


Well-Known Member
Ok so here's an update a day early. Tomorrow is officially week 4 of Flowering. But I doubt there's gunna be any drastic changes overnight. But if there is I'll put it up tomorrow.....

Big Gurl is BEAUTIFUL as ever! She's got a total of 8 branches now including her main cola. Nice thick n white pistils. Doin good, with a funk smell to her.

Lil Gurl is gettin BIG. Height wise she has surpasses Big Gurl, but is lacking on the branch production. Her pistils are turning a pink color. At least it looks that way in the pics. But I don't know for sure- I'm blind as hell anyway- What do yall think?

Mint Chocolate, well what can I say? It's Mint Chocolate dude! She's doin great! I had to trim away some of her bigger fan leaves, cuz no matter where I put her in the box, they were touchin lights. Still smellin oh so sweet! Can't wait to taste her!

I'm guessing maybe another 3 or four weeks for Lil Gurl. And another 4 or 5 for the other 2..... But that's just a guess as of now, probably know more come next week......

I'll probably have to water them again tomorrow. I just gave them a leaf bath today after I trimmed them up a bit.

But that's the update, so here's the pics- ENJOY!

Pics 1 and 2- Big Gurl
Pics 3 and 4- Lil Gurl
Pics 5 and 6- Mint Chocolate
Pic 7- Group shot



Well-Known Member
thats cool man, smokin in 3-4 with another harvest a week or two later, lookin good.

That's cool as shit there dude! Eventually, when I can separate my Veg anf lower rooms, I'll have it set up so that I can harvest roughly every 2nd or 3rd week thru out the year......

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Flowering nice there Don! I think Sarah has pulled ahead a little on your girls, but yours have a little bit on my bonsai.

Mint choco looks like she's doing well.


Well-Known Member
yea same cousin is going to be outta state in about 30 days so im hopin he can come over and we can slap a nice flowering cab together to do a perpetual.....shit would be tight.


Well-Known Member
Wow they are looking really good. I have just started my grow with cfl.

Thanks for stoppin by! You plan on makin a journal at all? If so, hook up a link- I'll check it out! Offer any advice I can and what not.

yea same cousin is going to be outta state in about 30 days so im hopin he can come over and we can slap a nice flowering cab together to do a perpetual.....shit would be tight.

That would be tight as hell! Good Luck with that. Hopefully I can hook up the same soon.... I know it'd make things so much easier!

Flowering nice there Don! I think Sarah has pulled ahead a little on your girls, but yours have a little bit on my bonsai.

Mint choco looks like she's doing well.
My Big Gurl and Lil Gurl are a lil over a foot tall. And My MC is just under a foot tall. But they are doin pretty good. Well, they were until I had a mishap yesterday..... But I'll explain that in the next post- talk about aggrivated!

I'll check urs out too, haven't seen it in a while!


Well-Known Member

Ok, so yesterday I watered my plants. Well, the Molasses had fermented in the water jug and I didn't realize until after I fed them. The smell was RANK to say the least!

After they finished draining, I flushed them with some clean regular water tryin to get all that shit out. But at the same time I didn't want to OVER water them.

While they were out of their tub I Cleaned the shit out of the tub. Then I put them back in. I put the fan on them on high to try to keep all the water from sitting heavy on their roots.

Well, i woke up this morning to check them and OUCH- they look sick as hell!

Big Gurls bigger fan leaves had shriveled up and lil gurl was SUPER droopy. However, MC, barely suffered anything wrong.

Any ideas as to what I can do to help them out?