first attempt 2x3x5 tent 400w


Well-Known Member
so its day 37 from seed. i think my exaust may be leaking somewhere because my temps have stabalized at 84 now for a couple days but im not too worried yet. I also have started feeding them the tea (so far every water because they seem to like it). first up is la diva. Im thinking abouit 3 to 4 more weeks.



Well-Known Member
And next up is the blue mammoth. For some reason she has handled the heat much better than la diva. All of her leaves are still fully green and looking great plus it looks like double the bud sites of la diva and i suspect i'm going to have a hard time keeping her short enough for my tent. How am I doin guys? image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
They both look a little heat stressed. I run at that temp as well without the signs of heats tree, but I keep a lot of airflow so they get more co2 in theory.


Well-Known Member
I see. I just have a Nov fan in top of the light pulling air up as far as movement. I would like to put something in to move the air at plant height but i can't seem to find a small enough fan that will do the trick


Well-Known Member
I use a little Lasko tower fan from Target, and I have it pointing at the wall. Looks like this:


Seems to work well, I had to put foil tape over the buttons because there is a blue LED.


Well-Known Member
Good call. Those do look like "taco leaves".

Increase air far away are the lights? (sorry if I missed it)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
The light is about 24 inches give or take from the top of my plants. Problem is that the light cannot go any higher. It is maxed out right now.


Well-Known Member
Well I would see if you can fix the leaks in the vent to improve airflow and bring down the temps. Also make sure your intakes are allowing enough air in, I had a problem caused by my intake not being big enough and it restricted my airflow, dropped 4F by adding a couple more 2 1/4 vent holes(5 total for a 6" exhaust). I know you are using a tent, but if you are not getting enough passive air in, your exhaust will not be doing its job.


Well-Known Member
So u think i should cut some more holes in my tent? The only intakes that i have are two 2 inch tall and probably 12 inch in one and 18 wide on the other with mesh covering at the bottom of two of the sides. They came that way. I am skeptical about cutting my tent but if it will bring my girls in the right twmp range then I'm down.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I have had visions of raising the roof of my tent.....sounds like
this is something that you could use, though I admittedly have no clear
idea of how to do it. (the easiest would be to find longer replacements
for the four vertical poles, and then add a band of new tent cloth, above
the zipper, to extend the tent to the new height)

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
LOL, I have had visions of raising the roof of my tent.....sounds like
this is something that you could use, though I admittedly have no clear
idea of how to do it. (the easiest would be to find longer replacements
for the four vertical poles, and then add a band of new tent cloth, above
the zipper, to extend the tent to the new height)

Good luck,

have u seen the adjustable tents?


Well-Known Member
I don't use a tent, but I would not cut it. I would think there should be a way to run some ducting through one of the existing vents on the bottom to improve airflow. Hopefully someone else with experience with tents can chime in.


Well-Known Member
I don't use a tent, but I would not cut it. I would think there should be a way to run some ducting through one of the existing vents on the bottom to improve airflow. Hopefully someone else with experience with tents can chime in.
u dont think thats enough intake?


Well-Known Member
Are all of the vents you mentioned open and allowing air in? If so it may not be the intake, what is the CFM on your exhaust fan? Do you have it turned all the way up? Are you pulling through a carbon filter or trying to push?

One of the easiest ways to control temps is increasing airflow, if that doesn't work you need to look at the ambient temp of the room you are pulling air in from, are you exhausting into the same room? Any way to lower ambient temp of your intake?


Well-Known Member
Are all of the vents you mentioned open and allowing air in? If so it may not be the intake, what is the CFM on your exhaust fan? Do you have it turned all the way up? Are you pulling through a carbon filter or trying to push?

One of the easiest ways to control temps is increasing airflow, if that doesn't work you need to look at the ambient temp of the room you are pulling air in from, are you exhausting into the same room? Any way to lower ambient temp of your intake?
hes exhausting into the ac return.........the fan is in the tent........filter fan light.........think its page 12 if he hasnt changed anything...... zip ties and tape.........

tell him whats up............


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I see the pics now. Looks like you are exhausting through the bottom of the tent?

So.. Filter -> Fan (both at top of tent) -> Light -> Exhaust (bottom of tent) I cant tell where it goes from there but could think of a couple things to try.

1.) Remove the fan from the tent, that will get rid of the heat the motor generates (maybe not that much)
2.) Exhaust from the top and have the fan outside pulling air out, that will remove the radiant heat from pulling the hot air down to the bottom of the tent to exhaust. It will also shorten your ducting increasing airflow.
3.) Lower the ambient temp in the room you are in with the AC, not sure if this is an option, I live by the coast as do this with a window fan and I vent to a different room(garage)


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Woody has it right. Ambient is between 71 and 73 in my whole house. I do wish my fan was stronger but i went with the 4 inch instead of the 6 because i already don't have much room and it was the right cfm for my filter. I think it's like 166cfm. I have everything in at full speed. I'm not using the speed reducer for the fan. I know my temps read high but it really doesn't feel that hot. 80 Maybe but not 90 like my thermometer reads someTimes.