Fat Chicks WTF

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LOL... it's not ONLY the fast food restaurants. High Fructose Corn Syrup is THE WORST and it's in pretty much everything these days. People need to READ INGREDIENT LABELS ... just because something says "low fat" or "light" doesn't mean it's got good stuff in it. Pretty much anything Enriched, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated is PURE CRAP.

Supposedly the best way to shop is stick to the PERIMETER of the grocery store where they keep the fresh foods. Try to avoid the inner isles where the food is loaded with crap for the purpose of "preserving" it so it can stay on that shelf for a long fucking time.

Yep.. the problem is way beyond just the "fast food restaurants". Think about it.... the reason many countries don't have the obesity problem we do is they don't have abundant supermarkets like we do.

i just was mentioning hfcs in one of my post...

lets not hate on fat people, but the crap they eat...hell the crap we all have access too.

i cut out the fake shit and lost over 50 pounds.. any one with will power can do it.
you juts have to want to.
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LOL... it's not ONLY the fast food restaurants. High Fructose Corn Syrup is THE WORST and it's in pretty much everything these days. People need to READ INGREDIENT LABELS ... just because something says "low fat" or "light" doesn't mean it's got good stuff in it. Pretty much anything Enriched, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated is PURE CRAP.

Supposedly the best way to shop is stick to the PERIMETER of the grocery store where they keep the fresh foods. Try to avoid the inner isles where the food is loaded with crap for the purpose of "preserving" it so it can stay on that shelf for a long fucking time.

Yep.. the problem is way beyond just the "fast food restaurants". Think about it.... the reason many countries don't have the obesity problem we do is they don't have abundant supermarkets like we do.

would that 'fresh' rule apply to meat in a supermarket compared/versus to a butcher shop/meat market as well?
Gastro-terrorism. :|

Actually, the only thing that makes me think of is terrorizing someone's intestines ... like by feeding them a bottle of laxatives or something ... which I guess would also be lavaterrorism or toileterrorism for whose bathroom the victim ended up in.
would that 'fresh' rule apply to meat in a supermarket compared/versus to a butcher shop/meat market as well?

Not really sure I get your point... but ok....I agree.... there is nothing as good or fresh as a butcher shop for meat and a fresh seafood market for fish.... but not everyone has that option...so yes... fresh beef, fish & chicken located on the perimeter of a supermarket is better then say the canned meats loaded with preservatives located in the interior isles.
There's also the option of vegetarianism. I stopped eating meat when I was five and have never really had a problem of being overweight, besides in my head hah. It's a nice, healthy option if you do it right and make sure you get enough nutrients and stuff, unlike me. haha
Actually, the only thing that makes me think of is terrorizing someone's intestines ... like by feeding them a bottle of laxatives or something ... which I guess would also be lavaterrorism or toileterrorism for whose bathroom the victim ended up in.
Yeah, my mind went to all sorts of places, too. I ended up deep in the bowels, so to speak. :lol:
Hate to sound cliche but beauty is in the eye of beholder. Some chicks look good thick, but there is a difference between thick and fat.
You know what I really hate?
Fat guys, I mean, they're so nice and smart, if they'd just stop sitting around and reading books and go to the gym instead, they might be able to get past that 'nice guy' label they're always complaining about.
Then they could stop buying expensive tailored suits to try and cover up the fact that they're FAT. Because god knows, no one could possibly EVER be attracted to a FATTY FAT FAT. And obviously, no one could ever look past someones physical flaws and enjoy the other wonderful things that there are to enjoy about a person, like good conversation, loyalty, and genuine love.
I mean, c'mon, if fat people didn't like being insulted, stigmatized, and having things screamed at them as cars go by, why don't they just completely change their lifestyles, food preferences, and comfort strategies in order to fit in with a social norm, RIGHT?

FUCK YOU, original poster, FUCK YOU VERY MUCH.
You know what I really hate?
Fat guys, I mean, they're so nice and smart, if they'd just stop sitting around and reading books and go to the gym instead, they might be able to get past that 'nice guy' label they're always complaining about.
Then they could stop buying expensive tailored suits to try and cover up the fact that they're FAT. Because god knows, no one could possibly EVER be attracted to a FATTY FAT FAT. And obviously, no one could ever look past someones physical flaws and enjoy the other wonderful things that there are to enjoy about a person, like good conversation, loyalty, and genuine love.
I mean, c'mon, if fat people didn't like being insulted, stigmatized, and having things screamed at them as cars go by, why don't they just completely change their lifestyles, food preferences, and comfort strategies in order to fit in with a social norm, RIGHT?

FUCK YOU, original poster, FUCK YOU VERY MUCH.

as for men and women, its all about what that person eats...
you dont sit around getting fat from eating real veggies and fruits...

even if you where being sarcastic there is truth to your statement...

it dont matter if your man or woman...
your not going to be attracted to someone obese...look on the inside is fine, but you saying hey instead of a 100% attraction ill settle for a 75%
its not healthy.

i know when i was bigger i rarely got any female attention. now after gettin in shape... well the look just keep on coming and coming.

we all like attractive people, men and women.
most men admit that, im seein more women, by the day admit looks are important, and they are...

try to build a relation ship based apon everything else other than an attraction. and watch what happens...

yall tryin to say bing attraced or sexual attractive means nothing??

we gotta eat right. so that these issues wont even be issues anymore.

if i started this thread i would of been like
"whats up with bigger people hating on smaller people...
i hand around a lot of women, and let me tell you unlike guys, they blatantly express how they dont like one another, they tolorate each other...
that blew my mind...
i see so many be like that skinny bitch, and then scar down mcd.

you can do things you self to get in shape."

i see the hating all the time and its uncalled for.

we just need to eat right and get in a little exercise, and well be good.
I read the first few pages then skipped to here....If you want to know why certain peaple are fatter than other peaple in america here it is....The price of junk food per calorie is 20 times cheaper per calorie than healtheir food...aka...veggies,fruit,milk,meat....beleive me it costs alot of money to feed your family moderatly healthy...
I read the first few pages then skipped to here....If you want to know why certain peaple are fatter than other peaple in america here it is....The price of junk food per calorie is 20 times cheaper per calorie than healtheir food...aka...veggies,fruit,milk,meat....beleive me it costs alot of money to feed your family moderatly healthy...
Fuck, you got THAT shit right. Not only more costly, but more time-consuming.
I personally think there should be an obese tax on peaple so they can pay there share in the out of control health care market that My tax money goes to pay for....especially since 95% of the time an obese parent has a few obese kids that keep passing this obese gene further down the chain of evolution...after a few generations of obese families it can get out of control quick...look at poor areas peaple sitting around all day watching traffic go bye....
Fuck, you got THAT shit right. Not only more costly, but more time-consuming.
Absolutely more time consuming Im lucky enough to share a big garden with my my inlaws but when Im shopping for veggies you have to try to remember what veggies and fruits are contaminated with deadly bacterias and fungus which all the news channels are more than happy to bring up every five minutes.... plus hoping the chemicals they used on them in mexico doesnt poison your family....this countrys food industry needs overhaulled badly...
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