Fat Chicks WTF

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Me too...but I think I got into the habit of not having a lot of food after my dad died.We were PO'!We were so PO we couldn't afford the OR.:mrgreen:
im terrible for that...not eating enough. i do it all the time...i might eat one meal and a couple snacks a day.
The words: "Fat chicks are like scooters, you ride em til your friends find out" accompany me in all situations throughout my life and reconcile me with the actions of others, even if they are rather painful to me.

Sorry, I haven't had time to read all thirty seven pages of this thread. Only the pages 1, 2, 35, 36, and 37. :|
yeah but the fattys love to say its a desiese, just like cancer or some shit, your god damn right your sick you disgusting fat body, there is this chick at my work who you can tell would be hot if she wasnt so fucking fat, totally cute face until you get to the double chin and neck rolls fuck i want to go hoggin
Cripes,Sam,you sound like a real friendly guy,lol.Some guys might think she's hot even though she's fat.There are all types in the world.Women don't exist to fill one man's sole definition of "hot".:peace:
yeah but the fattys love to say its a desiese, just like cancer or some shit, your god damn right your sick you disgusting fat body, there is this chick at my work who you can tell would be hot if she wasnt so fucking fat, totally cute face until you get to the double chin and neck rolls fuck i want to go hoggin
I'll bone a fat chick. Whatever man, as long as she has a decent face. If she doesnt have a decent face, her body could be slammin and i couldnt touch it.

I tend to shy away from the fat chicks though just because my car is 2" off the ground, and I dont need that shit scraping any more than it already does. :lol:
See, I feel the same way about fat guys(except for the car part)...If a guy is a nice person, and I like him,it isn't such a big deal what he looks like.There just has to be some chemistry.
I'll bone a fat chick. Whatever man, as long as she has a decent face. If she doesnt have a decent face, her body could be slammin and i couldnt touch it.

I tend to shy away from the fat chicks though just because my car is 2" off the ground, and I dont need that shit scraping any more than it already does. :lol:
Fat Chick, Skinny Chicks, Normal chicks, black chicks, Hispanic chicks Dont Bother Me Im Young :)
My only requirements in a woman is a pretty eyes / face and a great personality. I don't mind a girl with some meat. I have been with all kinds skinny, athletic, soft, full figure, obese. Every single one of them gotten me off. I will say that I prefer a softer body, my wife got 100 times sexier when she put on 30 lbs and became more shapely (she is a former cross country runner and was super skinny when we first met and I thought she had a killer body). Now I think she is sexier and she always talks about losing weight...

Like a wise man one told me "they are all going to end up fat and ugly if you stay with them long enough, find a girl that you like hanging out with."
No, I'm implying that you seem to think that the only women worth fucking are the ones with good bodies. Yeah, a lot of folks are fat because of what they eat.But your initial post came off as one of intolerance to said fat people. Just because someone is fat doesnt mean they don't deserve to have a dude like them. We all have our problems and noone is perfect.

there's a difference between being liked and being attractive. whoever started this thread is completely right and there's nothing wrong about it.

women and men too just dont understand that being attractive isnt completely a gift (although in some cases it is) YOU HAVE TO EARN THAT BODY!
i thought this forum was the smarter end of the spectrum..this is almost on a par with "should queers be allowed to adopt"

anyhows lol, chubby chicks ftw
Everybody gets old.You can't "earn" your youth back,so everyone must come to terms with the fact that physical beauty fades.
there's a difference between being liked and being attractive. whoever started this thread is completely right and there's nothing wrong about it.

women and men too just dont understand that being attractive isnt completely a gift (although in some cases it is) YOU HAVE TO EARN THAT BODY!
in america life expectency is lower now than when i was born because so many americans are fat slobs who eat shit and lay on the couch in other industrialized democratic nations life expectencys go up not down. another trend in america is that people are percentage wise so obese that many very overweight people think they are a normal weight if your 30 pounds overweight you are medically obese. im a cyclist im 5f 8i and 155 t0 160 at 5 to 7 percent body fat for an endurace athlete im big. i have had fat people say im too skinny they just dont want to think there fat i look at them with sadness i would rather be dead than live that way. my friend a weight lifter has had the same thing happen wtf. the state of health in america is really sad and yes fat chicks dancing around in tight clothes sucks but it is becoming more common sadly. look at all the type 2 diabetes this is a disease people are born without and then eat themselves sick even as young as twelve pathetic. the worst thing is people always justify there weight or make up excuses yes metabolisms vary but it comes down simply to lifestyle choices.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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