Fat Chicks WTF

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all the people who get angry or take offence with this thread are likely the fat ones the only person they you should be angry with is themselves the truth hurts.
Not necessarily...I just think that there are worse things than being fat or ugly...being vain and arrogant, for starters.People are people,and if you judge a person solely on appearances, you're shallow.:peace:
that is true i was a little mean sorry. but what about a long healthfull life your body is a temple and a gift when your body is healthy your mind is more effective and vise versa this is truth from experience. also being overweight is a death sentence and can be avoided by choice i feel bad particularly when i see overweight kids who know no better but to follow there parents as rolemodels. i dont want to be offensive but in america people are very belligerent about this subject but the proof of obesity killing people is in the mortality numbers. 1 heart disease 2 cancer these are promoted by obesity and other factors this is not my oppinion but a fact.
Why, do you think,is obesity such a problem now when it wasn't 20 years ago?We ate much richer foods.We liked potatoes.We ate bread.Butter was the number one fat used to cook with.Pork chops were nothing like you'd see today.They were basically a little meat and a bunch of fat, like bacon on a stick.:mrgreen: But nowadays, these fat people are slim fasting, eating jenny craig,weight watchers....and they still stay fat.Now, much of this can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle....but that would mean...exercise,and eat what you want.So many people bump up their exercise,to no avail,cut calories, sugar, carbs,to no avail...so it must be someting in the food.(50's horror music cues up in background)THEY'RE PUTTING STUFF IN THE FOOD!And immediately everybody says, "Stoney lost it."
So at the risk of sounding like a complete science fiction head,let me supply,"I think they're poisoining us....poisened people swell up!":cuss::mrgreen:
In conclusion, let me say,If you overlook someone awesome because of what they look like outside,that's YOUR fault.Because,if you take a fat or ugly person home once,they may just rock your world.Cuz they have to work harder.They may be so greatful for your kind attention, they'll fuck you so good it will make your genitals look like some bubblegum your ass was blowing.:peace:
that is true i was a little mean sorry. but what about a long healthfull life your body is a temple and a gift when your body is healthy your mind is more effective and vise versa this is truth from experience. also being overweight is a death sentence and can be avoided by choice i feel bad particularly when i see overweight kids who know no better but to follow there parents as rolemodels. i dont want to be offensive but in america people are very belligerent about this subject but the proof of obesity killing people is in the mortality numbers. 1 heart disease 2 cancer these are promoted by obesity and other factors this is not my oppinion but a fact.
well cant argue with that last part. it is true about diets being higher in fat in past years meats have changed particularly because of animals not being fed there natural diets. when grazing animals graze there meat is rich in various natural compounds one of them is called cla (conjugated linoleic acid) it is a compound that helps the body burn fat as energy as opposed to it being stored. the same goes for poultry raised and fed properly the eggs are lower in cholesterol and higher in omega 3 fatty acids as is the the poultry itself. everything nowadays involves profit 'how fast can we get that animal full weight and slaughtered for sale'. to achieve this they feed cows bloodmeal from other cows this causes many problems for the animals and the meat produced. that is why madcow disease is a current problem it is contracted through cannabalism of the infected animals. then there is corn syrup a cheap sweetener that has a bad affect on insulin levels. worse than that though are the man made trans fats or hydrogenated fats these are nutritionally worthless and cause many problems there illegal in most european countries. also most processed foods are fiber deficient vitamin and mineral deficient and full of preservatives that have bad effects on our bodies systems. monosodium glutamate in particular is quite bad plus everything is very high in sodium but low in other electrolytes so as a consequence when you eat salty fiberless chemically preserved foods skinny or overweight you swell with water and waste thats hard to eliminate. also children are more likely to play video games or watch the tube as opposed to running around this compounds the problem there is no 1 problem but a combination of poor diet toxic bodies poor excersize and lack of low glycemic high fiber foods (fruits and vegetables) particularly there are many factors known and unknown but it is true were being in a way poisoned by companies willingness to hurt people for profit. the food industries are like the tobbacco companies more and more. also most americans want a quick fix like diet pills etc.. so as individuals we have to make good educated choices with regards to our health.
what about the big slobby dude with the hella fine skinny G/f? that i never understood. and the dudes NOT rich.
i have never understood the slob guy who gets the hottie. ussually it is some arrogant baffoon on top of it not a cool guy the majority of the time. maybe those girls have low self esteem i dont know not cool.
Wow, you liberals are surely living up to your all inclusive, so very understanding, love one love all bs you spew constantly. So, you're making fun of fat people are you, how very open minded. So what's really bothering you, did one of these "fat chicks" give you the cold shoulder? Truth hurts, huh?
Good post, I hear ya.Unfortunately, a lot of folks don't have the cash to go organic.:(
well cant argue with that last part. it is true about diets being higher in fat in past years meats have changed particularly because of animals not being fed there natural diets. when grazing animals graze there meat is rich in various natural compounds one of them is called cla (conjugated linoleic acid) it is a compound that helps the body burn fat as energy as opposed to it being stored. the same goes for poultry raised and fed properly the eggs are lower in cholesterol and higher in omega 3 fatty acids as is the the poultry itself. everything nowadays involves profit 'how fast can we get that animal full weight and slaughtered for sale'. to achieve this they feed cows bloodmeal from other cows this causes many problems for the animals and the meat produced. that is why madcow disease is a current problem it is contracted through cannabalism of the infected animals. then there is corn syrup a cheap sweetener that has a bad affect on insulin levels. worse than that though are the man made trans fats or hydrogenated fats these are nutritionally worthless and cause many problems there illegal in most european countries. also most processed foods are fiber deficient vitamin and mineral deficient and full of preservatives that have bad effects on our bodies systems. monosodium glutamate in particular is quite bad plus everything is very high in sodium but low in other electrolytes so as a consequence when you eat salty fiberless chemically preserved foods skinny or overweight you swell with water and waste thats hard to eliminate. also children are more likely to play video games or watch the tube as opposed to running around this compounds the problem there is no 1 problem but a combination of poor diet toxic bodies poor excersize and lack of low glycemic high fiber foods (fruits and vegetables) particularly there are many factors known and unknown but it is true were being in a way poisoned by companies willingness to hurt people for profit. the food industries are like the tobbacco companies more and more. also most americans want a quick fix like diet pills etc.. so as individuals we have to make good educated choices with regards to our health.

Well, maybe he's a good man.And maybe he's got a big dick.:D
what about the big slobby dude with the hella fine skinny G/f? that i never understood. and the dudes NOT rich.

Uhhh..I'm a liberal, and I thought I was defending the "fat chicks"and the ugly people.BTW, I love marty feldman,in your avatar.Apparently lots of other women loved him, too.:hump:
Wow, you liberals are surely living up to your all inclusive, so very understanding, love one love all bs you spew constantly. So, you're making fun of fat people are you, how very open minded. So what's really bothering you, did one of these "fat chicks" give you the cold shoulder? Truth hurts, huh?
Right on man! Not everyone can be beautiful, no reason to make them feel worse about themselves than they already do.

Yeah, Marty was the original Dude! He had a certain inner beauty about him.
I really don't know what to say. If you don't like fat chicks, I guess that's your thing; if you do like fat chicks, I guess that's your thing too. To me it's just like smoking ciggies. I would like to think that ciggies are worse then eating fast food and being fat. Eating is a necessity of life, so maybe people are just enjoying life a bit excessively. Leave them alone.
Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)

I read the first page of this dribble and I am sure in the following pages there is a lot of real stimulating insight into...well you.

The world has enough hate and intolerance without needing more on of all places, a MJ grow forum. I am sure there are all sorts of places where hate is the topic. You are lost in more than one way.

How many "pretty" women do you need? Young men's desire to defile as many women as they can to prove their manhood is destroying the mothers of this country. Popular culture is wrong about everything. It exists to enslave you to buy their products. If you, in your obviously Adonis like physique must be able to plant your flag of victory in many brainwashed young girls whose daddy's left them and they are looking for a little love. Unfortunately for them they are likely to meet some nice guy like you who will say all of the "right" stupid things they saw on some MTV "reality" show.

If you are not able to prove your manhood, it just might be that you are a total...well I will be nice here, sort of. Dude worry about yourself.
What has happened to the under 30 pot heads? Smoking pot used to make people think and question the crap that is being fed to them. I guess it is just all about getting f%@ked up.

I am NOT a christian, but this is the reason that some people need religion. They are not capable of being nice for 7 day in a row unless threatend with eternal damnation. Nothing like turning back human evolution 2,000 years.

Wow, I'm somewhat pleasantly surprised at some of the arguments here, on both sides.

I never got over 200 lbs, but I spent all of my adolescence overweight. :(
That's not to say I disciplined myself and worked out or whatever, my habits just changed over the years. Now looking back I feel a little disgusted with myself at how much I gorged and the types of food I would concentrate on.
So, at least in *my* case, it was a situation of over-indulgence and gluttony. Now when I see it in action (that is to say, when I see someone really pigging out, not someone who's overweight) it makes me kinda ill.

I got lucky in that I didn't have to struggle with workouts and fad diets, I just had to change my portions over time.
But after years of obesity, I still feel fat. I'm down to 130 lbs (the smallest I've been since I can remember), but I still feel fat... I think this psychological effect is pretty dangerous, which is another reason why I hope people learn to raise their kids under difference circumstances than I grew up under. I'd hate to think if this came at an earlier (more naive age) that this feeling would push me to an eating disorder.
But again, I got lucky.

I've seen some REALLY beautiful "larger" women who know who to dress themselves and whatnot and don't seem like they overeat, but their body processes its intake differently (so, like a pet, despite the instructions saying "one cup" of food, your particular body might only need/want a third of that, you know?).
You can be big and healthy, but most larger Americans, unfortunately, are not.
I've seen 8 year old kids who had to be no lighter than 125lbs scraping the hot fudge off of the bottom of a glass of a completely decimated sundae :( Is that the kid's fault for no self control? Or is that the parents' fault for not limiting their intake? (in this particular case, the child's mother was not handicap, nor very large, but insisted on riding around on one of those scooter things T.T so not only does she teach her kids to eat what/how much their little bodies can stand, but to be uber lazy....?)

So, as a formerly-fat-girl-still-feeling-fat, I think it might not be a matter of "over-eating" so much as "eat more than their body needs (and they don't know it)".
We live in an age of pre-determined portions and people haven't quite grasped that we're individuals.

(ps -- I haven't smoked in a few days @.@;;; but I've been drinking, so I appologize if this doesn't come out coherantely lol)
I am just curious why someone would feel compelled to start a thread about his dislikes of fat women on a Marijuana Growing Forum.

And if you have not woken up the next morning after partying with a porker in your bed...

Stop being a light weight and drink up!
i have never understood the slob guy who gets the hottie. ussually it is some arrogant baffoon on top of it not a cool guy the majority of the time. maybe those girls have low self esteem i dont know not cool.

Why would a girl have to have low self esteem to date a fat guy (sloppiness has nothing to do with being fat, btw) Maybe it's because she gave him a shot, go to know him and he rocked her fuckin world. I'm a fat guy, been big most of my life, and don't complain about it. I am who I am, and that's all that I am (to quote Popeye). I can pull JUST ABOUT any chick that I want. Confidence is the key, and being able to back up the shit you say is very important. knowing how to use what you got is priceless.

I don't mean to brag...nah fuck that I am bragging, I spent my late teen years studying womens pleasure, I was lucky enough to have a Mrs. Robinson in my life, she was 37 and I was 20, to teach me alot. I can rock any chicks world given the chance. Skinny dudes are selfish in bed. I try as hard as I can to please whoever I'm with, and you know what, when you give a chick the best orgasm of her life (i've made chicks squirt and have multiples many times) believe me, THEY TELL THIER FRIENDS.

Another reason that chicks like fat guys is that FAT GUYS ARE REAL, they are who they are, and because they have spent most of thier lives being disrespected, they know how to respect a person, ask any chick, respect is a very big thing. And something that they don't get from average size guys.

As to the reason that people get fat, you guys have missed a major cause, mental problems, I'm not saying fat people are crazy, what I am sayng is that a chemical imbalance in the brain can cause people to be bipolar, depressed, and hell anorexic (i'm pretty sure i did not spell that right), so why could that not also cause people to be overeaters? To alot of people food=comfort, and when your life ain't perfect, you take comfort wherever you can.
As long as there are Double Double's from Inn and Out, ppl will be obese...

I know what I'm getting for lunch :)
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