Fat Chicks WTF

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I'd have to call that natural selection then.:cry:
I guess it just depends the kind of person you are, I work out every day because I like to improve my self. Others may not feel this drive. I want to look the best I can for my gf, I want to be as strong, agile, and healthy as I can so I can always take care of my self, my family and my friends. Just last week my cousin fell of the rafters of an unfinished house while we were working. I caught his arm and pulled him back up, if I was any weaker he would had fallen and broke something. Not long ago during a heat wave a fat women tried to walk to the bathroom at a pit stop on her way to vegas, she collapsed due to heat exhaustion and he husband got out of the car to go help her. He collapsed and they both died of heat exhaustion because they were so fat they couldn't make it to the bathroom.
I fully believe the earth is trying to kill us.:neutral:
If it has consciousness and the ability to kill us, then I wouldn't blame it. Humans are probably the greatest threat to the earth as a whole, we are the only animal that can act as a massive unit so large that we can even effect the planet. Although I doubt global warming somewhat. I've heard a ridiculous amount of what al gore said in an inconvenient truth are flat out lies or distortions of the truth. im gonna stop going off topic now :mrgreen:
Yeah, cuz everybody whose fat is fat because they eat a lot, not cuz they have health problems or anything. And everyone was put on this earth to fit your idea of pretty or they are useless.Who needs a head, as long as you have a body?In case you can't tell, this is sarcasm.

I couldn't have predicted that response form a woman. :-|
Women generally are interested in status+personality. Men are more interested in looks+personality. Some theories state (if you subscribe to evolution that is) that human intelligence stemmed from women choosing higher status men. Men picked attractive women that weren't hairy. Supposedly that is why we have so much less hair than orangutans.
I don't care about status...he just needs a brain and a good relationship with soap.I'm not gonna lie, there are some guys I'm just not attracted to on first sight.But if I get to know him and he's a great person?Who knows?
Women generally are interested in status+personality. Men are more interested in looks+personality. Some theories state (if you subscribe to evolution that is) that human intelligence stemmed from women choosing higher status men. Men picked attractive women that weren't hairy. Supposedly that is why we have so much less hair than orangutans.
I don't care about status...he just needs a brain and a good relationship with soap.I'm not gonna lie, there are some guys I'm just not attracted to on first sight.But if I get to know him and he's a great person?Who knows?
Well you can only get so intelligent before your brain says who you are attracted to instead of instinct or whatever it is.

But if I think of it like this i guess i can sort of see where they got the theory:
Lets say your friend was setting you up on a date and he/she said the person was a doctor or a lawyer or something impressive. Most men wouldn't care or might even be threatened by a women more successful than they are. While I think at least a lot of women would be somewhat impressed and intrigued.
Not this woman.I'd think, oh fuck now I have to watch my language.:mrgreen:
Well you can only get so intelligent before your brain says who you are attracted to instead of instinct or whatever it is.

But if I think of it like this i guess i can sort of see where they got the theory:
Lets say your friend was setting you up on a date and he/she said the person was a doctor or a lawyer or something impressive. Most men wouldn't care or might even be threatened by a women more successful than they are. While I think at least a lot of women would be somewhat impressed and intrigued.
All that is important is in an emergency situation you can run away without any harm from attacker and you don't hurt yourself in the process

And Quick question to everyone reading this thread or who has posted
has anyone watched alex jones' film Eugenics End Game
America (US) you know we are the terrorists now they are setting up FEMA camps for us. Prepare to all be skinny. this is gonna be some Nazi Germany shit so please Enjoy those twinkies and speak kind words towards each "The End is Nigh"
So let me take you on a scary journey get a huge bud and clean screen go and
-search below on youtube-
- Illuminati
- NAFTA superhighway
- FEMA camp
- FEMA coffins
- Bohemian Grove
- Eugenics End Game
- Niburu
- 2012 bible prophecies
- disclosure project
- Wheat and Tares
- V chip prophecy
- raw milk vs processed

And yall thought eating was unsafe but your gonna find out a whole new reason why food is unsafe, though I gave you the pieces to this giant puzzle eventually you may see
We all have preference as well as opinion, but we can all agree on Happiness and choice
but soon are right's liberties and freedom are gonna slowly be stolen
"Ignorance is bliss" some girl said way earlier remember what you are arguing soon the choice to eat will be dependent on other issues food shortage,food cost, and v-chip acceptance
I say trust in the Lord Jesus Christ enjoy your fruits of your labors and Rejoice for his return and harvest could be right around the corner, Seek and you will Find!

*-Please spread this post around(in fullness)-*

Smoke Up Help One Another
eugenics nazi sh$% was not something i was thinking i would encounter on such as site as this...

Roll up a phattie and thank whoever you think you should Nazi's are (mostly) dead and gone!
All that is important is in an emergency situation you can run away without any harm from attacker and you don't hurt yourself in the process

And Quick question to everyone reading this thread or who has posted
has anyone watched alex jones' film Eugenics End Game
America (US) you know we are the terrorists now they are setting up FEMA camps for us. Prepare to all be skinny. this is gonna be some Nazi Germany shit so please Enjoy those twinkies and speak kind words towards each "The End is Nigh"
So let me take you on a scary journey get a huge bud and clean screen go and
-search below on youtube-
- Illuminati
- NAFTA superhighway
- FEMA camp
- FEMA coffins
- Bohemian Grove
- Eugenics End Game
- Niburu
- 2012 bible prophecies
- disclosure project
- Wheat and Tares
- V chip prophecy
- raw milk vs processed

And yall thought eating was unsafe but your gonna find out a whole new reason why food is unsafe, though I gave you the pieces to this giant puzzle eventually you may see
We all have preference as well as opinion, but we can all agree on Happiness and choice
but soon are right's liberties and freedom are gonna slowly be stolen
"Ignorance is bliss" some girl said way earlier remember what you are arguing soon the choice to eat will be dependent on other issues food shortage,food cost, and v-chip acceptance
I say trust in the Lord Jesus Christ enjoy your fruits of your labors and Rejoice for his return and harvest could be right around the corner, Seek and you will Find!

*-Please spread this post around(in fullness)-*

Smoke Up Help One Another
and I thought I went off topic lol
Honestly if this thread is a topic of concern i will anyday go off topic to possibly save someone from being concerned with looks to will being taken away
yalls are worried about the amount
i'm worried about what they are adding
all food was good
we started making changing altering "evolving" things from cows to plants to humans and there is not any good to eating cows with human genetics in them
so yeah off topic but in topic because now instead of meat being a blessing from god its turned into a unhealthy genetically "enhanced" substance full of new diseases inevetably made by scientists and this Eugenics is real i forgot to add to look up Depopulation plans they want %80 percent of us gone easy way is the food
for instance
people eating meat and rice and fruits vegtables to Artifical flavoring processed fast food meats 50 cent vending machine donuts high fructose corn syrup preservatives endless list of Fake foods so people go back to healthy but wait
they spray pestisides and then theres chemtrails going all over our fruits and veggies besides them altering genetics then there vaccinating animals with stuff other countries have banned around the world and the fda is approving cloned meats and milk by them and so now where do the people turn when it's our goverment killing us by diseases is any food safe? so this is still topic cause the fda says this is safe then the parents feed it to themselves and to there kids then kids go O this is good and happens to be addictive and really bad for them unknowingly they eat until they feel satisified so from a young age there chemistry has changed from all those sweet acidic pop and candy and strange unpronuciable "food ingredients" so
again yalls say amount so it's like measuring you poison
bill gates gives away most his money to help decrease population strange huh
OK...I understand your point now.I agree.They are poisoning us.
Honestly if this thread is a topic of concern i will anyday go off topic to possibly save someone from being concerned with looks to will being taken away
yalls are worried about the amount
i'm worried about what they are adding
all food was good
we started making changing altering "evolving" things from cows to plants to humans and there is not any good to eating cows with human genetics in them
so yeah off topic but in topic because now instead of meat being a blessing from god its turned into a unhealthy genetically "enhanced" substance full of new diseases inevetably made by scientists and this Eugenics is real i forgot to add to look up Depopulation plans they want %80 percent of us gone easy way is the food
for instance
people eating meat and rice and fruits vegtables to Artifical flavoring processed fast food meats 50 cent vending machine donuts high fructose corn syrup preservatives endless list of Fake foods so people go back to healthy but wait
they spray pestisides and then theres chemtrails going all over our fruits and veggies besides them altering genetics then there vaccinating animals with stuff other countries have banned around the world and the fda is approving cloned meats and milk by them and so now where do the people turn when it's our goverment killing us by diseases is any food safe? so this is still topic cause the fda says this is safe then the parents feed it to themselves and to there kids then kids go O this is good and happens to be addictive and really bad for them unknowingly they eat until they feel satisified so from a young age there chemistry has changed from all those sweet acidic pop and candy and strange unpronuciable "food ingredients" so
again yalls say amount so it's like measuring you poison
bill gates gives away most his money to help decrease population strange huh
Honestly if this thread is a topic of concern i will anyday go off topic to possibly save someone from being concerned with looks to will being taken away
yalls are worried about the amount
i'm worried about what they are adding
all food was good
we started making changing altering "evolving" things from cows to plants to humans and there is not any good to eating cows with human genetics in them
so yeah off topic but in topic because now instead of meat being a blessing from god its turned into a unhealthy genetically "enhanced" substance full of new diseases inevetably made by scientists and this Eugenics is real i forgot to add to look up Depopulation plans they want %80 percent of us gone easy way is the food
for instance
people eating meat and rice and fruits vegtables to Artifical flavoring processed fast food meats 50 cent vending machine donuts high fructose corn syrup preservatives endless list of Fake foods so people go back to healthy but wait
they spray pestisides and then theres chemtrails going all over our fruits and veggies besides them altering genetics then there vaccinating animals with stuff other countries have banned around the world and the fda is approving cloned meats and milk by them and so now where do the people turn when it's our goverment killing us by diseases is any food safe? so this is still topic cause the fda says this is safe then the parents feed it to themselves and to there kids then kids go O this is good and happens to be addictive and really bad for them unknowingly they eat until they feel satisified so from a young age there chemistry has changed from all those sweet acidic pop and candy and strange unpronuciable "food ingredients" so
again yalls say amount so it's like measuring you poison
bill gates gives away most his money to help decrease population strange huh
I have heard these theories and everything about nibiru and the illuminati and the masonic order and such but theres a topic to talk about the end of the world and stuff like that already. I'm just tired of this perpetual state of psychosis that I keep going when I read conspiracy theories. I just want to get away from that and have a normal conversation once in a while, is that so wrong?
As Curchill once said Madam in the morning I will be sober >> you'll still be ugly!
They can lose the weight ! Need I say More!
Not necessarily, they can't.Why should someone alter their body to try to fit into a narrow view of beauty?Should they thin down their body?Or should people Widen their minds?
As Curchill once said Madam in the morning I will be sober >> you'll still be ugly!
They can lose the weight ! Need I say More!
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