Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
I'd have to call that natural selection then.

I guess it just depends the kind of person you are, I work out every day because I like to improve my self. Others may not feel this drive. I want to look the best I can for my gf, I want to be as strong, agile, and healthy as I can so I can always take care of my self, my family and my friends. Just last week my cousin fell of the rafters of an unfinished house while we were working. I caught his arm and pulled him back up, if I was any weaker he would had fallen and broke something. Not long ago during a heat wave a fat women tried to walk to the bathroom at a pit stop on her way to vegas, she collapsed due to heat exhaustion and he husband got out of the car to go help her. He collapsed and they both died of heat exhaustion because they were so fat they couldn't make it to the bathroom.