Farm Security


Well-Known Member
I’ve heard people using drive way monitors. Super cheap . Sends audible alarm to unit inside when invisible line is crossed.Downfall, wildlife can trip them but you might want to know about that too.
We definitely have these digital "trip wires" set up in various places. They are solar powered, and require no maintenance. The cool thing about them is the receivers all work on the same frequency. So you can have 2 tripwires, and 5 receivers. We have 1 in the house, and 1 in the grow op. 1/4 mile range, even in a metal building. Cheap too. I've had mine for about 3 years, no problems. You WILL get a deer, or rabbit trip it at 3 am, but it don't happen that often.


I would advise you to put video surveillance cameras, it's not as expensive as it seems.
I, for example, already set myself two, a little later plan to buy two more for myself.
I would also advise you to put an alarm, you do not have to do anything yourself, you can buy it not expensive, it is not so important, you just come and install it yourself.
I did so)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I live in Texas and am interested in starting a CBD farm. Any docs on common pitfalls or issues would be great. The main reason I'm here tho is to ask for security ideas. Getting started is expensive so can't afford top notch security or a guard or anything. Other than a fence and cameras any ideas?
Do you not have to comply with a set of regulations and standards set by the state regarding video surveillance and security? Including fencing requirements?