Security for Outdoor Grow

Farmer , I assume your on the property though no?
Yes most of the time.. i use wifi cams with real time alert while im away and cctv cams..
The property is land locked so only one way to drive in and out.. i have cams on the perimater overlaping each other so no blind spots on wifi live feed with alarms .. nothing moves through them without me knowing..
I think the best you can do in that situation is put the best fence you can around the grow and house dogs inside the grow. That can present issues too but I don’t see cameras or alarms helping if you or authorities wont/ can’t respond

What do you do if you're watching someone steal your plants remotely? Even if you called the cops and told them that someone was on your land stealing your plants they'd just laugh.

A fence and a bunch of no trespassing signs is about all you can do. Spending money on cameras and such isn't going to stop anyone from doing anything and in fact any equipment might get stolen as well.

Put a good gate on the access rode to the property and call it a day.
What do you do if you're watching someone steal your plants remotely? Even if you called the cops and told them that someone was on your land stealing your plants they'd just laugh.

A fence and a bunch of no trespassing signs is about all you can do. Spending money on cameras and such isn't going to stop anyone from doing anything and in fact any equipment might get stolen as well.

Put a good gate on the access rode to the property and call it a day.
I forgot about these.. i was just checking them out on a survivalist site afew weeks ago..
You could have some fun with them too. Get a shell, dump out the shot, fill with some strong chili powder and then seal it up with and overshot card.
I would probably remove the shot cup as well and replace with another card. Those could injure someone at close range.
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Im surprised to hear some of you guys don’t need “security “. Is that including fencing or such? I was under the impression that was pretty much universal as far as laws but shows you what I know lol