Farm Security

I’ve heard people using drive way monitors. Super cheap . Sends audible alarm to unit inside when invisible line is crossed.Downfall, wildlife can trip them but you might want to know about that too.
you want the alarm to sound at the sensor.
Both. But why look for trouble. You just want them to go away. I mean, what are you gonna do if you catch them? Trade lead?
Trade lead? Lol you haven’t seen how we do home alone around here . But seriously I hope they wouldn’t come armed. I own night vision , shooting is 43 yrs new to me and there would be no trading. My crop is legal I would never defend it with violence but bring guns here with ill will and you’ll be met with ultra violence
They do and I’m in compliance. My crop is small and personal and I’ve spent lots of cash to put a locked fence around it but heres the thing. That fence is surrounded by acreage and connects to my house. That house contains my wife and children. My state has a castle doctrine too . May not pertain to my yard but if I see people charging into my back yard with guns and they’re not in uniform they won’t ever make it inside. In todays atmosphere I’m not playing. That being said I have zero worry of such an absurd thing. I live in rural small town USA. If it happened it would be 99% chance it’s local kids and 75% chance I know someone in their family I could let know their kid brother etc is playing them dumb games
Thought another way rushing your house while brandishing guns would seem like a substantial crime with a lot of risk.

Is it Mad Max over there?
This is some “MurderMountian” sounding shit in here.
I like it.

land mines and Ak-47s sounds like it gives a good vibe to the place.
Maybe it was about 2, 3 years ago they grew a few acres of hemp or cbd out in Ventura, CA. My best guess from what I saw is CBD. I know they harvested it with a combine, lol. Probably 40 acres my guess. I drove by it everyday to work.

First all these little signs popped up along the road, essentially a pot leaf with a red X over it and some small type I never stopped to read.

Then I noticed a few dozen thousand rows of clones or pre-housed seedlings go in. Then over the next month they start growing and looking like happy plants.

A couple months later after going in the ground, and they sure looked like 3-4’ tall healthy plants. And now is the best part, for my drive at least, depending on prevailing weather conditions, it smells like inside a grow tent/room during flower, for 1-mile downwind.

Then a couple of those mobile surveillance camera and security flood light trailers showed up along the roadside. Those lasted maybe 10 days before being replaced by a “security” guard (think farmhand boss’s in-law in a 90’s Corolla with a yellow dome light on the roof from what looked like a traffic barricade) always parked on the corner of the field for the last 6-8 weeks.

By this point, you could smell it 2+ miles, and I’m sure the county youth correctional facility and the regional CalFire yard located well within range had something to say about it.

Haven’t seen a large field road-side since around the area.

Thanks for putting up with my long post, but now if I may share my 2-cents, literal-worth. I think you are not alone in your endevour, maybe in your corner of Texas this year, but something IMHO I hope you’re also thinking about, is your “competition” only beginning after your harvest this year. Good luck and I wish you the best.
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Listen, it's bad enough they know you grow. If someone knows you grow, especially bulk, expect to be ripped off of plants or money.

Even up here in polite Canada, if the wrong people know, you're likely to get visited by people who want your shit. I know someone who was robbed at gun point at home and was terrified enough to sell his house and move. So don't fuck around with this.

I was visited by punks once (at 3am) and lost 40lbs of fresh bud. They were looking for tools, but lucked out. Because of that, they probably knew I had cash in the house so I expected a second visit. But these were only B&E punks. If they had been more serious personalities, I could have had a bigger problem. I have cameras and passing their mugs around to the right people had them identified in no time. It cost me 10k for the tip of a pinky finger to make sure they stay away and kept their traps shut.

The only visit I've had since damaged a few choice plants. But I threatened their owner with my BBQ if they came back. lol

The guy dropped off a bottle of Chivas the next day.

This is part of my security crew. lol
These plants grew in my burn pit. Weed seeds want to live.
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That does no good if the plot is hundreds of feet away from house where iam sleeping, I want to be woke up i have no problem confronting someone on my land in the middle of the night.
Then have both. Sure as hell, if they hear it, they'll think it's ringing a bell in the house.

You could also let a dog loose. I suggest a Boerboel. Big, strong, scare the crap out of anyone, will kill a wolf, but won't bite a human. If you run, it'll knock you down and let you get up and run, only to knock you down again. It's a game for them.
A buddy has a 190lb Boerboel that brought home a dead coyote.