Family friend raising money for CBD therapy in Colorado

Yes, everyone gives it all away for free. If that were so, then why do people actually pay for it??? :lol:

I'm glad that Michigan patients don't have to pay.

Yes, everyone gives it all away for free. If that were so, then why do people actually pay for it??? :lol:

I'm glad that Michigan patients don't have to pay.

Thanks we try. Even the cup winners get passed for free more than they go for coin(gotta keep the lights on)
Gives it away for I live in a dirt small town.
A good Lookin $2.00 hooker would starve cause of all the freebies!!
I'm not selling it, I'm just spreading the word that most folks don't know. Who cares what you are asking? If you make a product like that from a high-CBD strain of marijuana, it will cost just as much. I covered this the last time you complained about the price. If it takes 3 ounces of bud to make a batch of CBD-rich salve, that is expensive too.


Once again you're missing th point. That oil is the same potency as good high CBD bud, its incredibly weak for a concentrate.
If that oil were 60%-80%+ CBD like it should be the price would not be nearly as outrageous.

As for your "who cares"... Anyone and everyone who is sick, diseased, or dying from cancer sure as fuck cares what they are putting into their body.
A plug and an insult, how gentlemanly. I don't think our advocates take kindly to folks calling em liars, nor do we consider buying online a better solution to our problems over grass roots freedom. Call us what ya will brother RIU, MI put advocacy on the map right here on RIU like it or not.

I am proof.

What do I care for your money? I cannot take it with me, but I can sure leave something behind. That's worth something I consider more than monatary gain. Sure it cost something to think outside the box, but I didn't ask for help when advocates here decided to freely regardless. I am rich in many ways my good people, but if your here for asset forfeiture and funds, you may leave poorer by having wasted your time and resources trying..

Once again you're missing th point. That oil is the same potency as good high CBD bud, its incredibly weak for a concentrate.
If that oil were 60%-80%+ CBD like it should be the price would not be nearly as outrageous.

As for your "who cares"... Anyone and everyone who is sick, diseased, or dying from cancer sure as fuck cares what they are putting into their body.

I can't believe that I have to tell you this, but those who care what they ingest, or especially if they give it to their sick children, will want to use a preparation that was made in a professional lab environment, instead of a grower's kitchen.

Right, snake oil, and I'm the one missing the point. :lol:

A plug and an insult, how gentlemanly. I don't think our advocates take kindly to folks calling em liars, nor do we consider buying online a better solution to our problems over grass roots freedom. Call us what ya will brother RIU, MI put advocacy on the map right here on RIU like it or not.

I am proof.


I'm sorry Man, I'm not following you, I don't know who is calling anyone a liar. And as far as advocacy, I live in California where it all started. I've been helping patients for 16 years. Michigan is just getting started, and we're glad that you are on board. I've given away so much medicine to needy patients over those years. I've also worked with patients that I met on RIU, it's all part of working for the cause.

I can't believe that I have to tell you this, but those who care what they ingest, or especially if they give it to their sick children, will want to use a preparation that was made in a professional lab environment, instead of a grower's kitchen.

Right, snake oil, and I'm the one missing the point. :lol:


Yeah, because us dirty dope growers are incapable of producing any real medicine. Forget about the thousands of success stories of people using homemade cannabinoid medicine. What special lab requirements are we missing to extract oil from cannabis that their professional lab has prior to final testing? Just give up, its obvious you don't know shit!

Good luck profiting from the sick, enjoy your karma!
...those who care what they ingest, or especially if they give it to their sick children, will want to use a preparation that was made in a professional lab environment, instead of a grower's kitchen.

That's your opinion, which fortunately isn't shared by everyone. The fact is that many people would rather buy from the small business, farm, local service, etc and not a giant lab, corporation, etc. I'm one of those people.
First off, I'm not shitting on anyone. I'm one of those "dirty growers" who has been helping patients, and I've been doing it longer than you have. I was in the group that devised the ice-water extraction, and then the butane extraction. I've been doing stuff like that in my kitchen since the 90's.

I think some of you are here solely to argue.

Mr. rollitup, i'll make my point very simple this time. I actually sat down and did some math so now i can show you some numbers that should make things very clear for you.

RSHO on their own web site sells a 10 gram tube of their 15.5% CBD oil for $549, which breaks down to about $2.82 per mg of CBD.

The medicine i grow, lab test for quality and provide to patients costs about $0.06 per mg of CBD to the patient.

If that doesn't make it clear how outrageous the price of that RSHO is, i don't know what will....
Humm seeing how California started this seems like California should be considerably cheaper than everywhere else being done it for so much longer why is that not true greed maybe
I wish the forum brass would focus on preventing viruses on their site instead of bickering with members.

That seems like a better use of time to me....
Jesus, you guys certainly seem to be sensitive! I am not bickering with anyone. All I did was tell the OP that CBD products are available now to anyone in the world. Some of you take that as an attack, I don't know why. Not everyone knows a compassionate grower who will provide CBD products to them for less.

Jesus, you guys certainly seem to be sensitive! I am not bickering with anyone. All I did was tell the OP that CBD products are available now to anyone in the world. Some of you take that as an attack, I don't know why. Not everyone knows a compassionate grower who will provide CBD products to them for less.


I hear ya but ......

There are several compassionate growers right here in this thread that would love to hook this person up with genetics, but discussing that is a violation of TOU. Recommending, and providing a link to a corporate (inferior) source of cbd meds seems to be a-ok though. That might be part of the rub here rollie.

On another note, what's up with this site lately? When I log in through google it takes me to some page that has spyware written all over it. Sometimes when I try to post a pic or quote I am taken to a "Cloud Fair" site. The like function is gone, and the site seems to be frequently unresponsive. Has the security here been compromised?
Yes, we don't allow talk of trading or supplying medicine in the forums. That should not be difficult to understand. If you want to talk about that, just PM the member your phone number. All we ask is that you don't talk about it here.

Our site security has not been compromised. The site owner is having a tough time with the VBulletin platform, I guess we've outgrown it. He is working on a change to a new system, and I don't know when that will start, but it should be soon. I know it's been difficult to use, for me too, so we thank you for your patience.

And your patience in helping patients. :lol:

Jesus, you guys certainly seem to be sensitive! I am not bickering with anyone. All I did was tell the OP that CBD products are available now to anyone in the world. Some of you take that as an attack, I don't know why. Not everyone knows a compassionate grower who will provide CBD products to them for less.

We were thinking RIU should get a booth at Hightime's upcoming Michigan Medicinal Cannabis Cup in July. That would give you a chance to meet all us fine folks and us you.
