And let me say this about what happened to that child in the classroom. If that were my daughter, and I was caught on. tape doing that same thing to MY CHILD, I'd be in jail. Not just on "administrative leave WITH PAY".
White lives have mattered since they stole the land they now call America. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Why should others care about you when you obviously are part of the majority who are protected by the cops who are terrorizing minority neighborhoods and you could care less?

You just gave an opinion on how you don't think white lives matter. But you think other people should respect you? Not a chance in hell. The best you would ever accomplish is fear with that tactic. But like you said, whites are the majority so that won't happen. If blacks were in the majority, they wouldn't be talking about government solutions, they would be calling for war, and the extermination of the white race.
It looks more to me like he wants to show how black lives matter, by spreading the hate, pointing the finger at "rednecks"

I was just at the gas station standing behind a black man, had to easily be over 70 years old. He was just going on and on about "rednecks" and mumbling every other word to the Asian casher lady. She just rolled her eyes and ignored him. It was pretty funny. Some people just don't get it. There is no way in hell you will ever convince me your life matters, if your're a person saying that my life doesn't. Not in a million years. won't happen
Show me one instance where anyone in the movement has EVER said that other lives DON'T matter. Oh, and that 70 year old black man has seen more racism than you could possibly fathom.
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No. They do not. I find it disturbing that you feel the need to call all cops pigs. Do you use vulgar racial slurs as well? Do you make generalized assumptions about everybody? Or only group of people?

Do I use racial slurs? That is hilarious coming from someone who is defending what epitomizes the very definition of a racist, authoritarian, organization, THE FUCKING POLICE. It is you who has the "upmost" respect for the police and you want to accuse me of using racial slurs? Don't open your mouth to accusations you can't defend because you just lost all credibility, you PIG!

You just gave an opinion on how you don't think white lives matter. But you think other people should respect you? Not a chance in hell. The best you would ever accomplish is fear with that tactic. But like you said, whites are the majority so that won't happen. If blacks were in the majority, they wouldn't be talking about government solutions, they would be calling for war, and the extermination of the white race.

I see your ignorance showing so I'll not respond to anything else you say and fyi: I don't recall saying anything about not caring about white lives, only asked you a valid question which you have obviously interpreted to fit your liking. I actually have white friends, but that doesn't matter to you cause all black people want is to create "fear" while they keep getting beat and killed by cops and where the hell do you get the idea "black people in power would attempt to exterminate the white race? Who's really spreading a fear campaign here? Actually sounds like the same mentality of the individual who killed those 9 black people at the church in Charleston, SC. I bet you're one of those people who think because Obama is in office, America no longer discriminates against minorities. Now that is an opinion.

What in the fuck does this have to do with the BLM movement?

clearly he was pointing out how others get away with murder and he did not. you gotta be pretty fucked in the head to consider it an injustice that you didnt get away with murder, and someone else did. just because someone gets away with murder doesnt make murder okay.

2 wrongs don't make a right but 3 left(ists) do.
Black, white, black, white.

Lives matter.

If cops are being racist thugs let's call them out for it, but there is no skin colour to the Govt, they just want to keep us all hating each other.

Divide and conquer is their way, we are the HUMAN race, let's start remembering that.

I'm white.

Black Lives Matter is my revolution.
If you believe black lives matter as passionately as you say you do,
then what have you done to keep black people from slaughtering each other?

Tell me what races double there population % in violent crime(almost 2.5), murders(almost 4 times) & violent crime U-18(almost 4 times)? Hint, there is only one. Look at statistics and what they say. If you have 13% of population then ideally you would only hold that portion in statistical areas.