Neither, he's the guy from Harlem.

Then that`s not good.
I just came from the other side of my town from a store. Me and Jimmy got the same problem.

The law over there don`t wear a badge or work for City or State, but they do they same shit.

Unless to objective is to win by attrition, you can`t solve this problem with Brute Force violence.
That "Roid Rage" cop needs to do all of his deserved punishment for A&B on a minor in population where it awaits,...I can live with an eye for an eye,....No excuse for what he did.
Good for her for maintaining non-violent protest.

When I infiltrated the new black panther party what I found was people laughing at neglected children in daycare that were sunburned. Its so bad to be black in America you are comfortable morally, when laughing at neglected children? Wow, the things people say behind closed doors.

I'd say they have a long road ahead of them. To bad it looks like they are going to repeat the mistakes of the past. Even Malcom X came to understand that Dr. King was right, and a militant solution will never be a solution. Only light can drive out darkness.
Really? Are you sure you don't want to delete this comment before it becomes a permanent piece of idiocy on the W.W.W.?
Just making sure on his stance. He approves of conditional discrimination.
So if a white person, native, Hindu, Asian or whatever were to read FBI statistics about a black male being 38 times more likely to do a crime then he can discriminate against blacks because of the conditions..... It's no different just depends on how much one discriminator needs to feel justified in their discrimination.

Just like everyone on this forum if they read that Chevy were 38 times more likely to break down than another they would not buy Chevys
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Good for her for maintaining non-violent protest.

When I infiltrated the new black panther party what I found was people laughing at neglected children in daycare that were sunburned. Its so bad to be black in America you are comfortable morally, when laughing at neglected children? Wow, the things people say behind closed doors.

I'd say they have a long road ahead of them. To bad it looks like they are going to repeat the mistakes of the past. Even Malcom X came to understand that Dr. King was right, and a militant solution will never be a solution. Only light can drive out darkness.

With identities like Black Panther Party, Black Congressional Caucus, NAACP, BET TV, It`ll never get started.

Starting with skin color and saying it`s not about skin color,....is 100% BS.
With identities like Black Panther Party, Black Congressional Caucus, NAACP, BET TV, It`ll never get started.

Starting with skin color and saying it`s not about skin color,....is 100% BS.
Exactly! It's a behavior problem with humans in general! People that say blacklivesmatter are fucking idiots as all lives matter. Segregation will not improve ignorance and perpetuating it makes both sides more unwilling to come together
Exactly! It's a behavior problem with humans in general! People that say blacklivesmatter are fucking idiots as all lives matter. Segregation will not improve ignorance and perpetuating it makes both sides more unwilling to come together
What you dumbfucks can't seem to understand is Black Lives Matter isn't about ALL lives, because ALL lives aren't out here being killed and beaten by the cops. Black lives are. Unarmed white kids aren't being shot (often in the fucking back) and killed by the police. Black kids are. It's not that hard. But keep listening to fox.
What you dumbfucks can't seem to understand is Black Lives Matter isn't about ALL lives, because ALL lives aren't out here being killed and beaten by the cops. Black lives are. Unarmed white kids aren't being shot (often in the fucking back) and killed by the police. Black kids are. It's not that hard. But keep listening to fox.
If I had an agenda to push I could post white people being beaten by cops but I don't care and see behavior as a problem other than skin color unlike you. I mean. What would you do if you seen a white person being beaten by a white or black cop? You'd ignore it because it doesn't suit the weak bitchass pathetic fuck passive agressive veiw you wish to continue.
If I had an agenda to push I could post white people being beaten by cops but I don't care and see behavior as a problem other than skin color unlike you. I mean. What would you do if you seen a white person being beaten by a white or black cop? You'd ignore it because it doesn't suit the weak bitchass pathetic fuck passive agressive veiw you wish to continue.
No you couldn't. Show me these videos, and please make them recent. I call bullshit. Prove me wrong.
And I noticed that you didn't say "killed", because I certainly did.
What you dumbfucks can't seem to understand is Black Lives Matter isn't about ALL lives, because ALL lives aren't out here being killed and beaten by the cops. Black lives are. Unarmed white kids aren't being shot (often in the fucking back) and killed by the police. Black kids are. It's not that hard. But keep listening to fox.

Has nothing to do with FOX, dumbnuts. If you don't want the cops fucking with you, then stay out of trouble.
America is a police state.

po·lice state
  1. a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens' activities.
The citizens overwhelming affected by this is the minority communities, in particular the black community.

The job of a police officer is necessary to protect citizens, but using said job to bully the communities they serve is extremely unprofessional and should not be tolerated. The laws governing how law enforcement operates is as old as Christopher Columbus and should be amended to ensure the individuals who choose to do the job are held to the highest standards. They may not get paid much, but being a cop is a choice and they prefer the gun over money.

It's disturbing how unarmed black men get shot, most killed, by police officer's but a white man with a gun in the open doesn't. Being white in America equals an unspoken privilege.
I guess that means nobody knows. Not even a theory?. I thought some more information would be out by now. Isn't the case being handled by the FBI and the DOJ? and still all we have is a video? wow