America is a police state.

po·lice state
  1. a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens' activities.
The citizens overwhelming affected by this is the minority communities, in particular the black community.

The job of a police officer is necessary to protect citizens, but using said job to bully the communities they serve is extremely unprofessional and should not be tolerated. The laws governing how law enforcement operates is as old as Christopher Columbus and should be amended to ensure the individuals who choose to do the job are held to the highest standards. They may not get paid much, but being a cop is a choice and they prefer the gun over money.

It's disturbing how unarmed black men get shot, most killed, by police officer's but a white man with a gun in the open doesn't. Being white in America equals an unspoken privilege.
No comment necessary. It speaks for itself.
That is correct, and the cops helped save the neighborhood so I really don't get your point.
Your experience as an old white man living in a rural residential neighborhood on the mid-coast of Oregon is relevant to this video how?

The main point being made by Black Lives Matter is that people are harming those they are supposed to protect. You won't hear about the skewed statistics regarding rates of police brutality on blacks vs whites in your Fox news but the numbers are out there for those that want to read them. This cop is all about control with the threat and use of force, not about protecting students. What lesson do you suppose he's teaching here? He's wrong. So are you. Hopeless racists both of you.
I infiltrated the new black panther party
Has nothing to do with FOX, dumbnuts. If you don't want the cops fucking with you, then stay out of trouble.
Fixed that for you:
Has nothing to do with FOX, dumbnuts. If you don't want the cops fucking with you, then stay out of the poor neighborhoods.

wow, someone out there is epic with M$ paint. clearly i got in by so obviously being the enemy. or perhaps i got in because im so closely similar in goal and understanding? listen......im cool with laughing at myself. i gotta wear sun screen, so im the inferior race when it comes to surviving the sun....i get it...haha, no bigge.....but when its kids who cant take care of themselves? thats different...i like how you ignored that, you must be for hurting children too? pedophile.
What you dumbfucks can't seem to understand is Black Lives Matter isn't about ALL lives, because ALL lives aren't out here being killed and beaten by the cops. Black lives are. Unarmed white kids aren't being shot (often in the fucking back) and killed by the police. Black kids are. It's not that hard. But keep listening to fox.

In this post here,...you are just straight up full of shit. Hiding behind the oppression card not realizing you can see through the middle of an O.
What's really sad is the fact that if I'm pulled over, the very first thing that I do is call 911 and I let the officer know that I'm on the phone with a dispatcher because I fear for my safety. These are the cats that I pay to PROVIDE me with that safety.

That`s your Mayor and or Governors problem,...so why bring it here ? You should not take to the Public an issue that is not their responsibility. learn to attack the correct target.

You want proof, Where was the Mayor of the cities that rioted ? Where was the Governor ?
In this post here,...you are just straight up full of shit. Hiding behind the oppression card not realizing you can see through the middle of an O.
It looks more to me like he wants to show how black lives matter, by spreading the hate, pointing the finger at "rednecks"

I was just at the gas station standing behind a black man, had to easily be over 70 years old. He was just going on and on about "rednecks" and mumbling every other word to the Asian casher lady. She just rolled her eyes and ignored him. It was pretty funny. Some people just don't get it. There is no way in hell you will ever convince me your life matters, if your're a person saying that my life doesn't. Not in a million years. won't happen
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I don't know any pigs on a personal level and I find it odd that you do. Tell me, do these "cops that have your utmost respect", work with you?
No. They do not. I find it disturbing that you feel the need to call all cops pigs. Do you use vulgar racial slurs as well? Do you make generalized assumptions about everybody? Or only group of people?
There is no way in hell you will ever convince me your life matters, if your're a person saying that my life doesn't. Not in a million years. won't happen

White lives have mattered since they stole the land they now call America. I don't understand the point you're trying to make. Why should others care about you when you obviously are part of the majority who are protected by the cops who are terrorizing minority neighborhoods and you could care less?