Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering


Well-Known Member
I can't believe the timing of this.....I was just talking to a colleague, and he said that he has been trying a 12/6 cycle, and yes that means 18 hr rotations of cycles....his experience has been that he has been able to shorten the total flowering process time to 45 days from say 60 days..... whaddaya think? credible? I am pretty interested in trying that out? any otehr with some experience in this end of the specturm... all comments most appreciated!! :blsmoke:
oh yeah, one more thing, on the subject of light cycles, the other night I was talking to my wife about 12 12 and all that... I had the idea, if instead of using the 12 12 cycle you used 24 24. 24 hours of light and 24 hours of dark. thinking it may possibley cause the plant to flower twice as long, also giving it more light and dark time that it so desperately needs to take care of business. it's equivalent to 12, perhaps she'll think she's on another planet whose days are 24 hours and take roughly four months to develope buds as opposed to two. or maybe it will do nothing. just an idea.


New Member
reasoning for what choices, I already made it clear that I hold to the same beliefs as you.

At first you said that you sided with nat' on this one... then you change your mind.

I'm new to growing, in the middle of my third grow. logic and common sense lead me to believe that more light equals more bud.

Nice sentence.

however, the debate is not what's in the best interest for the plant, its' what is in the best interest of the grower.

what is good for one is good for the other.

as far as I'm concerned both aspects of the argument had very good points, and you would have made a much stronger argument had you not reverted to verbal slander to prove your point.

No, I heard no logical evidence put forward from the other side. I also merely fought fire with fire. Unlike your verbal slander at the beginning of your tirade. You might note that I just found you rather funny.

I grow, for pleasure and for education. I spend a lot of time with my plants, far more time than I spend correcting others with "facts and/or logic" you can't learn everything from browsing and reading these threads,

Now, you are travelling into the realms of lunacy. I'm quite sure you have no idea what this site is all about. Did you take a wrong turn somewhere? This is cannabis, not the pansy club.

perhaps there are several strains that benefit greatly from an extended dark period, and the flipside.. there are probably those who respond in a less desirable fashion.

Name some of these strains that you believe might benefit more from a dark period, use some of this logic you claim to have.

contrary to your belief, you know very little about marijuana or any plant life in general. what we see in our gardens is merely the tip of the iceburg, understand this and put on the scuba suit and get down and dirty with the plant. I'm not here saying I'm right or wrong... I'm saying we don't know. I don't and you don't.

Well you can just go on living, happily not knowing then can't you. i prefer to know, and have the courage of my convictions. I trust myself, and anyone else that talks sense... or logically. I doubt very much though that you will or even could understand. You are happy not knowing, that's fine... and you admit this. What makes you think you can come in and tell someone that does know? I'm on the path to finding the truth, you can stay hiding behind the bush for all i care. Just keep your negativity to yourself.

as for logic and common sense, I believe it's the stoners mission to rid the planet of such antiquated philosophies. because any intelligent person knows these arbitrary facets of human ideology are as fickle and subject to change as humans themselves. so next time, try using somthing a little more concrete.

Interesting... You've changed your tune... yet again. Also, why would I need to use something more concrete than logic and common sense? Am I arguing for your benefit, or for mine?

it's those who defy logic and common sense that make a real difference in the world and the way we look at things. 500 years ago it was common sense that the world was flat, and if you sailed too far you'd fall right off the edge, look how far we've come thanks to people who don't listen to people like you

500 years ago, it still wasn't common sense nor logical that the world was flat. Where do you get your logic from? The world being flat has never been a logical truth, only considered so by the uneducated. I suppose that means you fit... into which category, logically speaking?


Well-Known Member
never changed my tune, never switched sides, LUNACY!!! regardless, we can fight on and on... to be honest i just wanted to shut you up cause you were blathering on and on like you are the fuehre of marijuana horticulture. but I can see you're just going to keep repeating yourself over and over again and I don't feel like arguing any more it's boring.

I was thinking of giving it a go with this grow I'm on now. It seems like if it thinks the days are shorter it will do what it has to do in less time, and in turn, if you lengthen the cycles it will take it's time, hopefully really helping out at the end, wen you've had 4 months for the bud to grow and mature.


Well-Known Member
Wow this argument still going on:mrgreen:
If you got mould your plant was to wet to leave in a dark period.
Plant should be dry and beginning to droop medium should be dry as a bone.
There is no proof either way and never will be until a scientist tests it and even then what works for one strain and condition may not work for another.
It is an old hippie belief and may or may not be true i do however believe that it does improve flavour and gets a lil bit more sticky.

Also ive only done this with soil so i have no idea if it would be any good for other kinds of grows:blsmoke:

by Ed Rosenthal (12 Aug, 2002) Should I switch to solid darkness just before harvest?
What do you think about giving plants 24-48 hours of darkness just prior to harvest? People claim this increases THC or makes the plants more "frosty".


In the 1970s, Dr Carleton Turner at the University of Mississippi found that there was a variation in the amount of THC in a sample, depending upon the time that the plant was taken. The most potent point was just before dawn after nighttime darkness.

Then, in 2000, Dr Paul Mahlberg of Indiana University showed that THC was produced extracellularly, on the inside of the glandular membrane, which would allow for its daily recycling.

The idea of using a dark period to increase THC before harvest warrants some investigation. An extended dark period right before harvest might very well increase THC content.


New Member
This is the first mention of having a dry medium prior to dark period, to the best of my recollection. Too late to implement now. Plus found some more mold in the interior of a small nug. Never happened before this experiment.


Well-Known Member
This is the first mention of having a dry medium prior to dark period, to the best of my recollection. Too late to implement now. Plus found some more mold in the interior of a small nug. Never happened before this experiment.
Well i never posted about the dry medium into this thread as no one asked me any details in this thread.
I did post it in my own thread though ages ago.
Sorry you didn't see it but if you do it with a wet plant and wet medium yes you will have problems and the plant will obviously not produce any resin either as i doesn't need to as its wet enough already.

Here is a copy of my original post about this and once again sorry that you had problems.
The real reason for these problems is so many differences of opinions on the subject that it leaves people having half the info on stuff:-|

Originally Posted by donnieosmond
I believe you buddy. Good grow. Don't listen to the noobs.

Cheers donnie i appreciate the support:blsmoke:

Anyway the indica is getting bagged right now as i type(almost).
I have removed her from the cupboard and the soil is pretty well dry and i am going to put a black bin bag over her carefully for the next 48 hours i reckon.

I bag the plant(usually in another cupboard but the missis has filled it with crap already and i cant be assed to clear it all out!!!)to try to increase resin production 10 fold and encourage a final swelling of the pods,if all 8 of the stems were still on i would leave it probably 3 days and nights but only 5 so 48 hours should be enough.

You must make sure that the soil is pretty damn dry before you do this.
When i come to finally chop it down there will be little to no water left in the plant.
The plant will sense total constant darkness and panic swell and resinate itself as the plants defense mech is triggered.

Anyway heres some final pics of the indica,alive anyway,i will take some more when the bag comes off,and some more whilst its drying.
I would also like to draw attention to the fact that i have over 100 seeds from this plant and if it was not seeded it would have been even bigger and better than it is.
I painted the pollen on selected stems very carefully:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
I wanna see what she looks like after the 48.... she's fucking gorgeous!!!
Thats old pics i am currently smoking her right now as i type.
If you click on one of the tiny urls in my sig one of them leads to my music site and the other leads to the original thread with all of my pics and info from the early part of my grow right to the end:blsmoke:


New Member
One minute you said logic and reasoning are what led you to believe more light is best... then you change your tune and say logic and reasoning are the stoners mission to destroy... You make no sense. You even claim that people cannot learn anything from rollitup.org. Yet thousands of people come here and learn new things all the time. I help people all the time... are you saying that I'm wasting my time?

You come into the thread with absolutely nothing to add, except to try and insult me... and tell me that I can't know anything. In fact, you even quote socrates... a man that would never back down from his ideals, even if that meant death. He was executed on principle, all he had to do was back down, or even escape... but he refused. Between you and I, who would you say was the most like socrates?

Yes, I often find that i do need to repeat myself... particularly to idiots. Yeah, you go ahead and do it mate, grow your plants in the dark, lol... use that logic and reasoning you believe needs to be destroyed.

You really don't know do you, you say one thing and then another. Despite how obvious it seems to me I think I need to remember that some people do not have the ability to see things as clearly as i do. Even nat' has backed down from it now... no longer the confident "my experience has shown that it definitely works" now it's "It is an old hippie belief and may or may not be true" You see, even natmoon is finally realising the truth... and, if we are to believe him, he's been growing since I was in nursery school.

Now who's the asshole, asshole?

never changed my tune, never switched sides, LUNACY!!! regardless, we can fight on and on... to be honest i just wanted to shut you up cause you were blathering on and on like you are the fuehre of marijuana horticulture. but I can see you're just going to keep repeating yourself over and over again and I don't feel like arguing any more it's boring.
I was thinking of giving it a go with this grow I'm on now. It seems like if it thinks the days are shorter it will do what it has to do in less time, and in turn, if you lengthen the cycles it will take it's time, hopefully really helping out at the end, wen you've had 4 months for the bud to grow and mature.​


New Member
This is a complete cop out by Ed Rosenthal... and doesn't even look like a personal answer. It's almost like it's computer generated or something. Is that the whole article?

You notice he's not actually giving an opinion. It's like phoning up his house and getting an automated response perfectly timed to match your questions.

So some guy tests some bud in the 70's... he grew indoors back then? More likely it was outdoor bud, and it was stronger than a bud from a plant... what? further down the field? Was it a clone? Or different plants?

It is very unwise to presume that when someone is a scientist that they know what the hell they are doing. When logic and reasoning are flawed you will make mistakes, and then to publish these mistakes as proof is tantamount to a crime.

It is an old hippie belief and may or may not be true i do however believe that it does improve flavour and gets a lil bit more sticky.
by Ed Rosenthal (12 Aug, 2002) Should I switch to solid darkness just before harvest?
What do you think about giving plants 24-48 hours of darkness just prior to harvest? People claim this increases THC or makes the plants more "frosty".


In the 1970s, Dr Carleton Turner at the University of Mississippi found that there was a variation in the amount of THC in a sample, depending upon the time that the plant was taken. The most potent point was just before dawn after nighttime darkness.

Then, in 2000, Dr Paul Mahlberg of Indiana University showed that THC was produced extracellularly, on the inside of the glandular membrane, which would allow for its daily recycling.

The idea of using a dark period to increase THC before harvest warrants some investigation. An extended dark period right before harvest might very well increase THC content.


Well-Known Member
I think obviously you have some sort of severely debilitating learning disability, or a literacy problem that if I were you I'd remedy as soon as possible. Stop putting words in my mouth and shut up, because you are looking more and more like an un-educated prick. It's unfortunate you spend so much time talking out of your ass, I'd hate to know what your computer room smells like. Like i said before I'm done, you can have the last word if you like but I've lost interest, it was fun for a while, but you bore me.


Well-Known Member
This is a complete cop out by Ed Rosenthal... and doesn't even look like a personal answer. It's almost like it's computer generated or something. Is that the whole article?

You notice he's not actually giving an opinion. It's like phoning up his house and getting an automated response perfectly timed to match your questions.

So some guy tests some bud in the 70's... he grew indoors back then? More likely it was outdoor bud, and it was stronger than a bud from a plant... what? further down the field? Was it a clone? Or different plants?

It is very unwise to presume that when someone is a scientist that they know what the hell they are doing. When logic and reasoning are flawed you will make mistakes, and then to publish these mistakes as proof is tantamount to a crime.
I was attempting to show that these original ideas were not mine and that the theories of darkness are held as true by many people around the world,newb,scientist and pro grower.

I also thought it might help for you to know that i was not just disagreeing with you to be a gimp and that the darkness advice is followed worldwide by millions of people and that i had read it a long time ago and was also brought up to believe it.

I can no longer publicly state in good faith that i am sure or know of anything as 100% fact as i realize that i am not a scientist and in all reality i know nothing except what i am told or choose to believe.

So anyway i thought that the excerpt from Rosenthall might help you to see that i do not argue with you for the sake of it but in fact that these are worldly held views and beliefs about the darkness period.

I am happy to listen and experiment with your theories skunky and i believe that your are determined and clever and many of your ideas are worthwhile and interesting.

Maybe you just need to rethink your approach to trying to get your points across to people in a more constructive and less aggressive manner.
I understand that any perceived bullshit makes you mad but to some people these theories are not bullshit so you need to approach them differently and just try to talk instead of order and demand that they listen to you.

Despite all of our arguments i am always willing to listen to your ideas and theories:peace:


New Member
Wow... thanks nat'. i was half expecting some slander... actually half dreading coming into the thread. Thankyou, thankyou very much.


New Member
Kiss kiss... I have a strain going right now that has a tendency to turn purple the last few days its ripening. Last season I tried it outdoors and got two weeks of rain right at the end, dark days. Hardly any mold and really purple. It was also pretty cold out, high sixties. I am going to toss a few of this strain under three days of dark in my friends A/C'd office and see if the purple comes out.


Well-Known Member
interesting, and thanks for sharing that. can you say how those plants turned out....taste, potency etc? just curious...thanks! :hump:
Kiss kiss... I have a strain going right now that has a tendency to turn purple the last few days its ripening. Last season I tried it outdoors and got two weeks of rain right at the end, dark days. Hardly any mold and really purple. It was also pretty cold out, high sixties. I am going to toss a few of this strain under three days of dark in my friends A/C'd office and see if the purple comes out.


New Member
It's the cold that causes the purpling. Even most so-called purple strains need a certain degree of cold to bring out the purple colour.


Well-Known Member

You must make sure that the soil is pretty damn dry before you do this.
When i come to finally chop it down there will be little to no water left in the plant.
The plant will sense total constant darkness and panic swell and resinate itself as the plants defense mech is triggered.
Question..What defense mech would create more resin production? What is resin, and how does it help with the plant to defend from not having light?

I have a strain going right now that has a tendency to turn purple the last few days its ripening.
I have turned a C99 plant with cold temps...But, I know the plants did not like finishing up with those low temps. So I probably gave up some yield for purple bag appeal....

Stop putting words in my mouth and shut up, because you are looking more and more like an un-educated prick
LOL...Really? I admit Skunk does not play with padded gloves, but, If you dropped your ego, and listen, you might not be so bored....It is lonely when you stand behind the walls you make....