Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering


Well-Known Member
...after 10 grows of the same hindu kush, my friend finally perfected his process by
increasing the dark period by a half hour every two to three days to 10 light/ 14 dark
when finishing.
He seemed to firmly believe the increased dark induced the buds to FINISH NOW!!!
And harden up.
as far as from veg to flower, I hear reports of less stretching by this same method,
to change the period over a week instead of immediately.If you have time, or issues
with growth control, you might want to experiment with it. My current crop of Dabney
Blue and REZ Sour D seemed to stretch when I flipped, now 2 weeks in and are trained
rather nice, but I have a few feet of play vertically.
Hope this anecdote helps....love is my best fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
it does work because the plant is already in its final phase and then by doing this you are making it believe it is on its LAST leg and about to really die so it pushes the THC glands out to cover and protect its flowers.... get it??

Ive tried it w/ my buddys grow, it works, not a myth
What might happen if you ran cycles of the 48 hr dark and then 12/12, for a week or so?


Well-Known Member
What might happen if you ran cycles of the 48 hr dark and then 12/12, for a week or so?
Depends on the strain.
If you have a strain thats prone to hermie,dont do it.
If you have a strain thats really hard to hermie it is possible that it will mature more quickly and possibly have a higher resin content but it would obviously be smaller as at the end of the grow you might have up to,on a 14 week sativa,28 days of missed light throughout the entire flowering cycle:blsmoke:
This does work with any plant which produces glandular trichromes, it also improves the flavour. Plants produce starch in the day time, then use it up at night, so for this reason it's a good idea to chop it down after a dark period as the plant contains less starch than it does at the end of a light period. It is supposed to make it taste better. So if you leave the plant in total darkness for 48 hours the plant will have no option than to start using the reserves of starch it has, then your finished product will have less starch and consequently less chlorophyll, flavour will be better; and it will produce more crystals, however these crystals will not be as mature as other ones on the plant as they are only a few days old- they will give the green a slightly more cerebral effect as opposed to a stoned feeling.


Active Member
HUMAN8, spot on old boy couldnt put it any better myself. Some good info coming here
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: pacific plate
Posts: 156

...after 10 grows of the same hindu kush, my friend finally perfected his process by
increasing the dark period by a half hour every two to three days to 10 light/ 14 dark
when finishing.
He seemed to firmly believe the increased dark induced the buds to FINISH NOW!!!
And harden up.
as far as from veg to flower, I hear reports of less stretching by this same method,
to change the period over a week instead of immediately.If you have time, or issues
with growth control, you might want to experiment with it. My current crop of Dabney
Blue and REZ Sour D seemed to stretch when I flipped, now 2 weeks in and are trained
rather nice, but I have a few feet of play vertically.
Hope this anecdote helps....love is my best fertilizer.



Active Member
Old thread, I know, but I will throw in my 2 cents-
I have have started the 12/12 with seed grows after the first true leaves appear. I may have lots less yield but that's fine for me. I do personal and that is all i need. All these arguments are just stupid. trial and error on personal trials will lead a person to perfection, anything else like my 12/12 from first leaves is just my exp. Do your own experiments and find what you like and stay with it. Share what you learn good or bad and everyone will be able to use that info to help their grow.