Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering


Well-Known Member
well piss off, and go bother someone else.

This thread was going somewhere till you popped your head in. Fucking freak.
You totally abuse your powers as a moderator and its a shame that you don't get penalized for all the people that you slag of and swear at,abuse and start on,no one likes you as far as i know,and in all reality your just an asshole.

I can see why people cross the street to avoid you and your friends.

I guess people like you have corrupted everything and bought your way into roll it up even and not earned it.
I am glad you think i am a freak,just means to me that you think i am very different to you and im so glad of that fact:mrgreen:


New Member
After some experimentation, the results are in. Here is what I've found after putting these plants in total darkness for three days before harvest. The trichome count was either the same or not significantly higher. Pretty crystally before and after. The trichs are very clear, which is good for the ripeness of the plant. Mold started to occur on some fan leaves and could have caused problems if left in the dark much longer. The remaining white pistils withered and the calyx's seemed to swell a bit. I didn't get any stretch, only marginal filling in. The results are mixed, maybe some weight gain but maybe some mold loss if I was in a more humid location. The plants, when chopped, will be 53 days flowering.



Well-Known Member
ive been told by dutch growers that when you start to flush before harvest if you want a boost in bud to give them 13-14 hours of light a day for the last stage of growth....ive seen the difference with kush and there is an obvious difference between the plants that had 13.5 hours light the last week and plants that stayed on 12/12..thicker buds, more resin, and they even smelled better..from only one week.


New Member
I believe it and should try it. When I rejuvenate plants to take clones some react by swelling until the buds are rock hard before the first new growth pops out of the buds.


New Member
Some badass plants!! TH Seeds MK Ultra was the first plant and TH Seeds Snobud was the second one. These were probably the best of only 5 MK females and 6 SB females from 10 seeds each. I have been trying a lot of different seed companies and TH was pretty good!


New Member
At last... maybe now everyone will stop being silly with these extended dark periods. They do nothing to help, they only hinder growth... and open your plant up to mould.

I surmise the extra yield is from the plant using up it's stored energies in an effort to keep growing. Flowering is genetic, the plant is set to live for a set amount of time... by offering it less light to grow you are merely asking for less bud.

Anyone ever noticed what happens to a bud that's lower down the plant, too far from the light, maybe too heavily shaded? It goes brown. This doesn't mean it has matured or maturing, this means it is dying.

Light, light and more light.

Oh, and I'd still listen to logic. I wouldn't push the light period past 13 hours for the final week (but, listen to the dutch if you like). It doesn't make real sense to do this as the plant needs a certain amount of low light period to continue it's natural genetic cycle. This wouldn't just confuse the plant it would also make the plant try and revert to veg'. The best thing you can do for your plants is give them 12h 30mins (even 12 45) of light during flower. Think about it, 30 mins a day for 7-whatever weeks.

Even on the last day, I still wouldn't give 24h light. The plant still needs to go through the motions and it does need a certain amount of low light to accomplish them. Now though, rather than harvest in the morning... it would be far wiser to harvest at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
thanks Skunk....I remember reading about this sort of thing elsewhere.....I need to talk to the techn guys to adjust the preprogramed time schedule.....cuz I would like to do that 12:30 or 12:45 thing.....


Well-Known Member
Well, after reading this entire post the only absolutely definitive information I could gather was that skunkkush is either an angry little fat man hiding behind his keyboard and the jury is still out as to whether or not a dark period at the end of the flower cycle is beneficial. as codine said (i say codine from memory, because I don't recall your user name.) he saw no noticable difference in trichome production or stretching of any kind. some minor fill in and a little bit of mold that could have been a problem. skunk... who gives a shit. people are going to do what they are going to do regardless of your malicious babble. me, I side with nat just because you seem to be over compensating for something, whether it's a sex life not worth mentioning, a small dick or a harvest with about as much street cred as your social skills I don't know. all I can say is it's all about personal preference and variety is the spice of life, so do what works for you until someone figures out the perfect way to grow marijuana. although marijuana has already done this for you, so why don't you plant some seeds this spring and stop bashing people for no apparent reason.

you suck.



New Member
Lean and mean would be more apt... little fat man, that did actually make me laugh.

I do enjoy it sometimes when idiots with no sense of logic enter the debate and try and twist it into something else... but that's happened in this thread already, once. this journey has travelled over many threads on these boards. If you'd followed the important threads then you would have a wider knowledge of what we are talking about. Instead, you enter the thread without any reasoning or logic... and just pick a side. Interesting. human behaviour is almost as interesting as the behaviour of cannabis... sometimes.

Logically, if the dark period didn't do anything, then it can't be beneficial.

Well, after reading this entire post the only absolutely definitive information I could gather was that skunkkush is either an angry little fat man hiding behind his keyboard and the jury is still out as to whether or not a dark period at the end of the flower cycle is beneficial. as codine said (i say codine from memory, because I don't recall your user name.) he saw no noticable difference in trichome production or stretching of any kind. some minor fill in and a little bit of mold that could have been a problem. skunk... who gives a shit. people are going to do what they are going to do regardless of your malicious babble. me, I side with nat just because you seem to be over compensating for something, whether it's a sex life not worth mentioning, a small dick or a harvest with about as much street cred as your social skills I don't know. all I can say is it's all about personal preference and variety is the spice of life, so do what works for you until someone figures out the perfect way to grow marijuana. although marijuana has already done this for you, so why don't you plant some seeds this spring and stop bashing people for no apparent reason.

you suck.



Well-Known Member
logic has nothing to do with it...
if you could argue your point intelligently with facts instead of theories, Then I'd buy your bullshit. bottom line, I personally believe, more light, more bud, more bud more resin more resin more high. however I don't believe you have any idea what you are talking about when it comes to the evolution of cannabis, let alone it's trichome developement. If we knew exactly why marijuana had little semispheres growing out of it, we'd alter the growing environment to suit our needs. until then, every effort, from 12:30/11:30 to an extended dark period is (no pun intended) a stab in the dark. so instead of using rhetoric to back your theories up in the guise of logic... do something usefull and just post what works for you.

knowledge is knowing that you know nothing -socrates-
he was killed by assholes like you

get my drift.


New Member
This is why these conversations... or searches for knowledge, are not a place for you to post in.

Growing weed means more to me than just pulling a decent harvest. If this does not matter to you, and have no reasoning to back up your choices, then you should stay out of the thread.

So, put forward your reasoning for your choices, or go away.:blsmoke:

logic has nothing to do with it...
if you could argue your point intelligently with facts instead of theories, Then I'd buy your bullshit. bottom line, I personally believe, more light, more bud, more bud more resin more resin more high. however I don't believe you have any idea what you are talking about when it comes to the evolution of cannabis, let alone it's trichome developement. If we knew exactly why marijuana had little semispheres growing out of it, we'd alter the growing environment to suit our needs. until then, every effort, from 12:30/11:30 to an extended dark period is (no pun intended) a stab in the dark. so instead of using rhetoric to back your theories up in the guise of logic... do something usefull and just post what works for you.

knowledge is knowing that you know nothing -socrates-
he was killed by assholes like you

get my drift.


Well-Known Member
reasoning for what choices, I already made it clear that I hold to the same beliefs as you. I would not turn the lights off for any reason at the end of my grow.
I'm new to growing, in the middle of my third grow. logic and common sense lead me to believe that more light equals more bud. I come to this clonclusion because the sun is the primary source for energy for plants. however, the debate is not what's in the best interest for the plant, its' what is in the best interest of the grower. as far as I'm concerned both aspects of the argument had very good points, and you would have made a much stronger argument had you not reverted to verbal slander to prove your point. if your goal was to silence the competition, good job, you've succesfully completed your mission. however if your goal was to make a solid argument against an extended dark period, you fell several yards short of anything leading to a logical hypothesis in a scientific community.

I grow, for pleasure and for education. I spend a lot of time with my plants, far more time than I spend correcting others with "facts and/or logic" you can't learn everything from browsing and reading these threads, some things you have to find out for yourself. perhaps there are several strains that benefit greatly from an extended dark period, and the flipside.. there are probably those who respond in a less desirable fashion. as humans we have been given the gift/burden of cognitive thought. we should use this to the best of our abilities, meaning... research and educate ourselves to the reality of the universe that surrounds us. contrary to your belief, you know very little about marijuana or any plant life in general. what we see in our gardens is merely the tip of the iceburg, understand this and put on the scuba suit and get down and dirty with the plant. I'm not here saying I'm right or wrong... I'm saying we don't know. I don't and you don't. I just do what I feel is best for the plants, because as far as I can tell, if the plant is happy I am happy. as for logic and common sense, I believe it's the stoners mission to rid the planet of such antiquated philosophies. because any intelligent person knows these arbitrary facets of human ideology are as fickle and subject to change as humans themselves. so next time, try using somthing a little more concrete.

so chill, smoke a bowl, check on your plants and remember, trial and error is the best weapon we have in the battle for understanding the processes involved in marijuana and thc production. if nobody tried anything different where would we be today. it's those who defy logic and common sense that make a real difference in the world and the way we look at things. 500 years ago it was common sense that the world was flat, and if you sailed too far you'd fall right off the edge, look how far we've come thanks to people who don't listen to people like you.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, one more thing, on the subject of light cycles, the other night I was talking to my wife about 12 12 and all that... I had the idea, if instead of using the 12 12 cycle you used 24 24. 24 hours of light and 24 hours of dark. thinking it may possibley cause the plant to flower twice as long, also giving it more light and dark time that it so desperately needs to take care of business. it's equivalent to 12, perhaps she'll think she's on another planet whose days are 24 hours and take roughly four months to develope buds as opposed to two. or maybe it will do nothing. just an idea.