EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

"I'll be disappointed with an America that elects Mrs Clinton."

speaks for itself you fucking traitor.
Benedict Arnold was a traitor. I'm a citizen who thinks critically about my government but you just can't handle the idea that anyone could think for themselves, you included.

You're the most intolerant person I know. Not even rabid Chump suckers are worse.

The worse the names, the more everyone knows you have no point.
i haven't mentioned tom perez for months you lying sack of traitorous shit.

i call you a traitor because you are happy about trump.
Another lie. I'm not happy about him. I'm happy only in that he's gotten a generation of apathetic Americans off their ass and interested in politics. It's a watershed moment. It rightly has you and other Democratic apparatchiks terrified.

I dearly wish it wouldn't have come to this but Americans be Americans and can't be forced to care about something until it actually blows up in their face.

A traitor is someone who betrays their country. Someone like Micheal Flynn, for example. Questioning the self serving and double dealing behavior of a corrupt politically party is called responsible citizenship.

It says a lot about you that you get the two mixed up so easily, Buckwit.
thanks for admitting you lied, traitor.
She lost to DONALD FUKIN TRUMP!!!! WOW. Horrible candidate. One of the biggest douche bags in the media spotlight...and she couldnt even beat him. She should of mopped the floor with that guy. Apparently she wasnt very trust worthy or very likable. Only people living in a bubble couldnt see it (East and West Coasts and the good ole boy network wink and a nod Washington Democrats). I thought something was up when my girl and I went to a Rival Sons concert in Cleveland and I saw all the t-shirts and bumper stickers for Trump. And I knew right then it wasnt going to be a cake walk for Clinton and the Orange Clown might just pull off the greatest jaw dropper in American political history. The dems picked the wrong candidate. No question. Horrible horrible choice. Again...Donald fukin TRUMP!!!! WOW. She needs to stay gone. At least 10 years minimum. I still cant get over it. Nor the fact that I too voted for her. Should of went Jill. I was too damn scared and that's my fault.
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