EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I got like 50 pages of them. Still wrong fog,...

You had a thought ? Oh, you thought Hillary was gonna win,....your thoughts are wrong, stop thinking.

Trump-309,...Hillary-228 Something like that prediction.

Criers will cry, haters will hate and "balls" will sink. Just ask.

Of course you did,....I would too.

  1. feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
    "a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth"
    synonyms: despairing, hopeless; More

    • (of an act or attempt) tried in despair or when everything else has failed; having little hope of success.
      "drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life"
      synonyms: last-ditch, last-gasp, eleventh-hour, do-or-die, final; More

    • (of a situation) extremely bad, serious, or dangerous.
      "there is a desperate shortage of teachers"
      synonyms: grave, serious, critical, acute, risky, precarious; More
white trash
NORTH AMERICAN informal derogatory
  1. poor white people, especially those living in the southern US.
  2. 'oddball' socks.

Aaaannnnnnnd with that I bid you farewell, sweet Drumpf drone and dementia sufferer ~
See definition 3 and 4

Full Definition of pathetic

  1. 1: having a capacity to move one to either compassionate or contemptuous pity

  2. 2: marked by sorrow or melancholy : sad

  3. 3: pitifully inferior or inadequate <the restaurant's pathetic service>

  4. 4: absurd, laughable <a pathetic costume>

He's already gone, LOL! His last sock managed to survive a mere two hours, this one made it thrice as long!
Bernie will be 79 in 2020. The guy keeps running like the energizer bunny. Is he the only rational person in politics or are there other people out there who can give the Democratic Party establishment the boot. Elizabeth Warren? Maybe your state's senator or rep that you like (I don't recall his name).

Jared Polis, US Representative (D)

He's one of the very few who isn't bought and paid for by our corrupt establishment.

I think the DNC needs a housecleaning, starting at the top. No more shilling for bankers, they already have a party!
Cos Trump run this shit now.

3/5ths will be making a comeback soon.
The line of question that led to lou's posting those pictures was in reply to who might be a good leader for the Democratic party going forward. They both seem OK. Not excited about them but they are now on my radar, so thanks to lou for that.

As far as repealing the 13th amendment, I think you might be a bit hysterical about that.
Sure thing.....I'm ready for 2020.....

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let's maybe throw in this guy somewhere so that the whiny, uneducated white males will feel all special.
bernard sandlers SLAMMED hillary clinton over $12 an hour minimum wage.

now he is THRILLED to work with trump on $10 an hour minimum wage.

bernard sandlers is a disgrace and a big part of the reason why hillary lost. fuck bernard sandlers.

He's working with who is in power to get what he can. I see nothing wrong with that. If Mrs Clinton were headed for the Oval Office, I'm sure he'd be asking for more.

The game is known as the 'Art of the possible', and he plays it well.
He's working with who is in power to get what he can. I see nothing wrong with that. If Mrs Clinton were headed for the Oval Office, I'm sure he'd be asking for more.

The game is known as the 'Art of the possible', and he plays it well.

the game is known as unprincipled, shitty politician trying to stay relevant for more of your dollars.

he was never a team player for the DNC, all he did was light it on fire and laugh.

FUCK bernard sandlers.
"moderate, pragmatic approach"

Some members of this board hate that. Unless B Sanders does it.

you should hear his rhetoric.

“I don’t mean to be graphic,” Ryan said before launching into the metaphor. “But this guy, to our friends in the trades, to our steel-workers he’s been treating very, unfairly, very unfairly…” The congressman trailed off.

“Keep goin’!” a man in the crowd yelled.

“He will gut you, and he will walk over your cold dead body, and he won’t even flinch,” Ryan said of Trump as he introduced the former president at the International Union of Operating Engineers Local #66.

“He’ll climb over your cold dead body and get on his helicopter.”

that kind of talk should play well with our fellow white males, especially the dumb ones with no education who just like to hear politicians get angry.
bernard sandlers SLAMMED hillary clinton over $12 an hour minimum wage.

now he is THRILLED to work with trump on $10 an hour minimum wage.

bernard sandlers is a disgrace and a big part of the reason why hillary lost. fuck bernard sandlers.
you are about to face the Bernie Babies