EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

She lost to DONALD FUKIN TRUMP!!!! WOW. Horrible candidate. One of the biggest douche bags in the media spotlight...and she couldnt even beat him. She should of mopped the floor with that guy. Apparently she wasnt very trust worthy or very likable. Only people living in a bubble couldnt see it (East and West Coasts and the good ole boy network wink and a nod Washington Democrats). I thought something was up when my girl and I went to a Rival Sons concert in Cleveland and I saw all the t-shirts and bumper stickers for Trump. And I knew right then it wasnt going to be a cake walk for Clinton and the Orange Clown might just pull off the greatest jaw dropper in American political history. The dems picked the wrong candidate. No question. Horrible horrible choice. Again...Donald fukin TRUMP!!!! WOW. She needs to stay gone. At least 10 years minimum. I still cant get over it. Nor the fact that I too voted for her. Should of went Jill. I was too damn scared and that's my fault.
are you forgetting that trumputin cheated?
She LOST to DONALD TRUMP!!!! Wow. Damn. That guy is a joke too. How much other peoples money did she spend by the way? God they must be pissed. Wow. Shes got a few pissed at her I bet. Alot of money for NOTHING!. Oh wait...a tell all book. The TRUTH ON WHAT REALLY HAPPENED!!!!
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Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America. Beating Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 race to the Oval Office!!!!! She had untold millions if not billions in campaign dollars. Full weight of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY behind her. Most of the media in her hip pocket. Even the brilliant strategy of going after moderate midwest fence straddling republicans. And Bernie Sanders threw all he could once he lost the primary....AND CLINTON LOSES TO DONALD FUKIN TRUMP!!!!
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Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America. Beating Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 race to the Oval Office!!!!! She had untold millions if not billions in campaign dollars. Full weight of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY behind her. Most of the media in her hip pocket. Even the brilliant strategy of going after moderate midwest fence straddling republicans. And Bernie Sanders threw all he could once he lost the primary....AND CLINTON LOSES TO DONALD FUKIN TRUMP!!!!
Amazingly, "Donald Trump is Bad!... Stronger together!... &... I'm with Her!... " weren't convincing enough platitudes for people still experiencing symptoms of economic depression since the collapse... I mean, who would have guessed?
I think most people misunderstood the political nuances of the Clinton campaign's slogan "Break down the barriers"... This is a subtle observation on our society's reflection of powerful women holding political office and the response by the mostly misogynistic men who can't accept that women can be equal and exert power over them as a political force. It's just hate. I mean, consider her vote in support of the Iraq War. She was a brave voice in the Senate asserting New York's autonomy over convicting the murderous Al Qaeda terrorists from Saudi Arabia in accusing Iraq of committing terrorism against America. She literally helped us succeed in invading an innocent country, killing at least 200,000 Iraqi civilians and 5,000 American servicemen and women, just to oust Saddam Hussein to ensure an even more powerful insane Islamic force takes over afterward and makes the US and the world at large a much less safer place to live in.
She literally helped us succeed in invading an innocent country, killing at least 200,000 Iraqi civilians and 5,000 American servicemen and women, just to oust Saddam Hussein to ensure an even more powerful insane Islamic force takes over afterward and makes the US and the world at large a much less safer place to live in.

bernie voted to fund that war too.

but it's OK when bernie does it. like when he commits bank fraud or votes o dump toxic waste in hispanic communities.
She lost to DONALD FUKIN TRUMP!!!! WOW. Horrible candidate. One of the biggest douche bags in the media spotlight...and she couldnt even beat him. She should of mopped the floor with that guy. Apparently she wasnt very trust worthy or very likable. Only people living in a bubble couldnt see it (East and West Coasts and the good ole boy network wink and a nod Washington Democrats). I thought something was up when my girl and I went to a Rival Sons concert in Cleveland and I saw all the t-shirts and bumper stickers for Trump. And I knew right then it wasnt going to be a cake walk for Clinton and the Orange Clown might just pull off the greatest jaw dropper in American political history. The dems picked the wrong candidate. No question. Horrible horrible choice. Again...Donald fukin TRUMP!!!! WOW. She needs to stay gone. At least 10 years minimum. I still cant get over it. Nor the fact that I too voted for her. Should of went Jill. I was too damn scared and that's my fault.
Bernie tried the establishment route and it was a journey that exposed the depth of corruption in our political system.

If he runs as an independent I suspect he'll be the one to beat. He has the support of millions and with luck will find the White House.

Second place would be keeping the party that fucked him over from the White House, aka Justice for crimes committed.

That doesn't make me a supporter of the right wing, but I'm through voting for one party that doesn't give a fuck about me because the other one is worse.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. I'm trying a different approach. The vitriolic reactions I'm attracting for this 'heresy' tell me that the only crowd less tolerant than right wing religious nationalist nuts are establishment Democrats.
“But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.”

Sending debate questions ahead of time to one of the debaters is cheating, is it not?

If not, why do you believe Donna Brazile will "forever regret" doing it?
Nice misquote you retard.

That was describing emails where they discussed the fact Clinton was their preference in private.
Bernie tried the establishment route and it was a journey that exposed the depth of corruption in our political system.

If he runs as an independent I suspect he'll be the one to beat. He has the support of millions and with luck will find the White House.

Second place would be keeping the party that fucked him over from the White House, aka Justice for crimes committed.

That doesn't make me a supporter of the right wing, but I'm through voting for one party that doesn't give a fuck about me because the other one is worse.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. I'm trying a different approach. The vitriolic reactions I'm attracting for this 'heresy' tell me that the only crowd less tolerant than right wing religious nationalist nuts are establishment Democrats.
That makes you a "supporter" of the Republicans and you're too stupid to even realize.

Nice way to get Progressive policies passed/retain the policies that Trump has destroyed.
Brazile apologized for giving the Clinton campaign direct access to the question about the death penalty before the debate giving her a strategic advantage.

i'm sure hillary clinton, who was criticized for being overprepared, had no idea how to answer a question about lead in the water in a debate in flint, or the death penalty. fucking retarded as ever, padaraper. 4 million votes hinged on that single question too. got it.

brazile's apology was as meaningful as obama disowning reverend wright over his very accurate and non-controversial "god damn america" remarks.

you are too stupid to exist because you go on repeating donald trump talking points.
Brazile apologized for giving the Clinton campaign direct access to the question about the death penalty before the debate giving her a strategic advantage.
Sure thing bro, spin it whatever way you want.

Also keep expertly ignoring Trump rotting our country to the core.

Even if what you say is true; you think one question swayed 12.1% of voters?